
vol 1, chapter 11, the goblin village.

It was Two days since Ohba returned and Jo was training with the other soldiers under the supervision of Ueki although Ueki was surprised at first but he felt it was his duty to train these youngsters in the way of the samurai or at least how to fight like a samurai.

Jo enjoyed training and thanks to breaking though the first barrier he was about a cut a above the rest in terms of physical capability. But it was only the first barrier so there was no extreme differences between him and the other soldiers.

But this did get him thinking about making cultivation apart of the soldiers training to have an edge over there opponent.

Later that day some of the scouts returned and updated them on the goblins activities. "Young Majesty, General Ohba the goblins are gathering to a village to the South of us. They out number us three to one."

"So it's a fair fight then." Ohba replied

Jo was surprised he didn't think it was a fair fight. He began to use his brain and think of a solution and figure out what was the best way to fight them. The scout continued "The goblins only eat meat and will send out hunting parties to gather food. Also the goblins that fled seem to be setting up camps around the village only one or two from each camp seems to be entering the village every day and returning back to there camps."

Hearing this Jo thought about a plan which involves guerrilla tactics with some bait and strike. "Ohba I think I have a way of weakening there forces." Jo began to discuss about his plans with Joben and Ohba he even got takabe in on his plans.

After about three hours of discussion they all divided into their rolls for the upcoming invasion of the goblin village. Jo and Ohba gathered there men, Joben got to work getting the new gear they needed and takabe begun working on a new recipes for there little excursion.

Another day past and they were ready. They had about 30 people in his army which was almost his entire population and they war ready to fight for there home and give there lives doing so. Almost all the gear was ready the rest would be sent to them and takabe had broke through the first barrier in cultivation while making the necessary recipes. This made Jo proud.

They then marched South towards the goblin village. Jo could feel the anxiety of many of his soldiers. He could definitely empathize with them about the whole thing but what needs to be done must be done.

They marched for a day and rested and made camp. Many were discussing amongst themselves about the upcoming fight some had no hope of winning, while others were optimistic, thankfully many had high hopes. In the morning they gathered and marched again for several hours and stopped. the reminding scouts came and updated them on what was happening.

"Young Majesty the goblins seem to be doing nothing about our exterminating of there dens they haven't even begun mobilizing any form of counter attack." hearing this Jo was surprised usually if a foreign Force attack somebody they would act aggressive back as a sort of self-defense.

' Do they believe there going to be fine with or without us attacking.' "I see let me get a good look at the village." Of course Ohba objected but in the end he went to scout the village.

A few moments later Jo was able to see the goblin village what he saw was surprising, most of the structures were made of hide and sticks and only one of them was made of Stone. It was a throne sitting in the middle of the village with a floating objected above it, 'Thats a civilization core, holy crap they actually have one'

But the throne some how felt ominous as if it possessed it own power. Jo felt a chill run down his spine looking at it ' I get the feeling we shouldn't just march right into the village when taking it. That throne gives me the creeps.'

Jo had the scout wait and observe the goblins behavior to help find something they could exploit. Upon arriving back at the camp Jo gave a run down on the plan and they began preparations.

After spending several hours setting up they set there plans into motion. Ohba gathered about ten people, and marched into site of the goblin village. They were wearing bright yellow armor and had flags made of hide sticking out of there back on a pole. There your five other people playing music instruments like drums, one was even blowing a warhorn made from wood.

They were used to bait the goblins away from the village to attack them using an ambush.

When the goblins saw the army some ran into there tents while the rest of them ran after the humans. All of the goblins were those from the camps outside the main village. About 80 goblins came running after them.

Ohba quickly's sounded the retreat and ran into the Forest, goblins on there heels. Ohba and his men were fast enough to out paste the goblin, and they made it back. Jo seeing Ohba and his men were out of the ambush zone they had grouped together perfect for what they're about to unleash upon them.

when the goblins were about in range Jo gave the signal. "Now" and just like that Jo's men sprung out and lit several logs on fire. These logs were coded and a highly flammable grease.

The others used a tube like tool filled with the flammable grease. They pumped out the grease in one motion, through the flames on the logs setting the flying grease on fire. When he saw this Jo was over joyed. It had actually worked, he actually made primitive flamethrowers.

When he was looking for solutions for defeating the goblin he came across an article taking about ancient flamethrowers, used by the romens, and the Chinese. although he didn't know how they did it he was inspired to make something like that to defend the settlement if there was a siege. A flamethrower and some hot sand that could melt skin would be effective in defense.

However do to the threat of the goblins being overwhelming Jo wanted to test it out in the field. And it was spectacular as the goblins rushed into the line of fire were coded in lit grease that quickly began to burn through their flesh and almost one third of the goblins were on fire.

The goblins were completely caught off guard those in the front stoped and started screaming and wailing as they were being burned alive. The back rammed into the front creating a domino effect having them pretty much dogpile each other.

Some in the back were caught on fire as some of the Grease was rubbed into them from there companions. Jo had his men set for another volley. A couple of goblins manage get close enough and began attacking. Fortunately Jo's men were equipped with iron swords and managed to cut them down before they had became a nuisance.

Jo's men quickly released another round of flaming Grease and covered the rest of the goblins. Which died quickly to there injuries.

Jo then began his second stage of the plan. They collect the bodies of the goblins and retreated about a day away from the goblin village. There the retrieved fresh supplies and prepared.

The next day Ohba and his men were dressed with red equipment instead of yellow. Secretly Jo thanked takabe for making the grease and dye they need. They then used the bones from the goblins to decorate their armor to look menacing. They than moved to a different location on the other side of the village and set up the ambush. Ohba and his small group marched to the village and this time got closer then last time.

They marched and soon were insight of the goblin village. The goblin village was more vigilant than before so when they saw the humans they were cautious. But seeing them wearing different armor had most of the goblins thinking it was a different group of humans that was attacking. But unlike last time the goblins in the camps didn't respond rather the village sent out there units. These goblins were much different than the ones before, as they were much much larger than before.

Most goblins were about as big as a child but they stood about as tall as a short man. They were also wearing leather armor and carrying large wooden clubs. They had about fifty of them matching in a lose formation heading towards Ohba.

Ohba marched closer but stopped allowing the enemy to get closer as well. Then Ohba gave the retreat and they marched back. The larger goblins followed them straight into the ambush. And like last time they were roasted into BBQ . There armor didn't help protect them from the flames and Jo decided to siege the goblins by killing there hunting parties to starve them out.

He would march in and capture the village but he didn't have enough men and that throne gave him the creeps.

In the blank of an eye eight days past thankfully it was Jo's day of so he could spend more time in the mystic world but he did check in every now and again to make sure he didn't over stay.

Him and his men were focusing on killing the hunting parties to starve them out and weakening them for an easy capture. and it seems to be working as they seam to be getting more desperate by the day as they send more party's and with larger groups of goblins. Jo's scouts also informed them that they seem to be cannibalizing those in the camps as an alternative.

Goblins were truly terrifying creates. But it seems there population was dwindling. It was lucky for them as they mostly didn't have a large store of food. As in medieval times army's could siege large Castles for months because it could hold ample food supplies and you would pretty much have to starve them out for them to surrender.

Jo decided to gather his men and make a small strike at the camps outside the village. "Ohba continue to hunt down there hunting parties, I'll take some men to strike there alternate food source."

"As you wish young Majesty, make sure to watch your self" Ohba gave Jo a pat on the shoulder.

And with that Jo had fifteen men march to attack the small camps.