
vol 1, chapter 10, the approaching storm/part 2

Jo was panicking but he knew that freaking out would only make things worse. So he kept a calm demeanor and hoped that Ohba would help solve the problem. But the worst thing was his shift was around the corner and he would be gone for a couple of days.

"Joben I need you to do something for me. I need you look over the situation until I come back." Jo believed he could really on Joben sense he has helped Jo so far and he was the most reliable person in the settlement.

"don't worry young Majesty I will deal with this matter until you Come back." Joben actually couldn't act against Jo or disobey him it was due to him spawning in. If he was born naturally or was from another settlement that would be a different story. Jo however didn't know this and was worried for his sake.

Jo left the mystic world and got ready for his shift, he was there more early than usual but once the manager arrived he started working. he focused on what he could do to solve the problem, his mind was just working none stop all day long and he came up with a solution and some tactics to help defense against the goblins.

He didn't know much about goblins he only saw them in video games and novels so they were wild cards to deal with. But real strategy against other humans should work. so in his free time he looked up basic battle tactics before gun powder and thankfully there was plenty to read.

The only problem was that back then cavalry was the most effective as the only type of weapon infantryman could use against cavalry was Spears and pikes. Bows were useful but you needed a highly trained Bowman and powerful bows to be effective. This was how the English was able to defend against the French cavalry as it was thanks to the long bow and them training their soldiers for years to be effective with it.

Jo didn't have the tech to be able to to train cavalry or Bowman. But it wasn't useless many tips and tricks could be learned quickly thanks to the Internet. when his shift was over he ate some fast food and hopped right in the mystic world.

When he arrived he saw things were pretty much normal and Joben walked up and greeted him " Young Majesty you have returned we have good and bad news come Ohba will inform you." Jo was concerned but didn't know what the situation was. so he followed Joben.

Ohba was in a newly constructed building it was one story tall and about the same size as a medium home. In fact there were all kinds of buildings around the core and there seems to be farm land starting to spring up around them. ' Did we finally get agriculture. I didn't get any notifications. ' Jo put that into the back of his mind to check out later.

Ohba sat on a stool and was waiting patiently for him to arrive. there were other stools were Joben and Jo sat. "Young Majesty I have scouted out the area around were are people were attacked and we found several goblin dens each having at least half a dozen goblins. If we act we could exterminate these dens easily as they only have stone weapons."

Ohba's words helped calm Jo's mind a little bit but there was one thing that he worried about the most. " Ohba how many people make it back alive from the goblin attack" Jo didn't like having any of his people attacked and he feared any one of them dying as he spent a lot of time with them and began to feel like apart of a family with his little community.

"Young Majesty all are safe some managed to return on their own and me and my men managed to rescue the others there are in takabe's care and are retrieving medical Care." Jo's fear was washed away from that statement.

"Okay Ohba I want you to take care of these goblin dens but be careful at all times I have a feeling that goblins are not going to be so easy to deal with they most likely use traps and ambushes to catch there pray and are probably skilled at it so be vigilant at all times." Ohba gave a nod at Jo's words and left to gather supplies and equipment for his men.

Jo felt uneasy do to lack of experience in leading but he remained calm so he could think logical and not have his emotions control him.

he couldn't do much until Ohba came back. He thought about going him self but had no combat experience maybe he should ask someone to train him in sword training that why he could definitely defend himself.

Jo did found someone to train him that day. His name was ueki Isamu he was once a samurai but was to old to join Ohba in taking care of the goblin dens. his physique was old but sturdy his hair was gray and had a slim beard that reminded Jo of those Kung Fu masters.

They were in a field just outside of the settlement. "So you wish to wield a sword I know not many could do this in the village since many of us come from different periods many are before the shogunate I however come from the time of samurai and managed to live to my golden age but was killed by shinobi sent by my own son. But sense you are my Superior I will train you in the art of the wielding the katana sword."

Jo got excited he never expected to be trained by a real samurai and they even have the infamous katana in there possession. Or he thought they had katanas. The reality was they didn't have a sword Smith with the knowledge in constructing a proper katana they had normal swords or to be more precise an iron stick with a sharp edge. Most of the weapons they had were Spears, Shields, and blades of some kind.

So him and ueki had to make do with wooden ones. Fortunately they had Carpenters as that was an easy profession to research. so they had two constructed for there practice. but in the meantime Ueki had Jo train his body.

Jo had to carry rocks in a king Fu like fashion but Ueki felt uneasy primarily because he didn't know how to actually train Jo's body he just made him do thing he thought were useful. But that was his secret.

A day past and Ohba returned and a couple of men were wounded and sought medical Care the others were fine. "Ohba how was your expedition did you succeed in your task." Joben bowed and asked Ohba.

"Yes but let's discuss this in private." Ohba walked over and whispered softly in Jobens ear. Jobens calmness dissolved but recomposed himself just as quickly as it dissolved. Joben then walk over to Jo and whispered softly into his ear.

"Ohba want to meet with us it appears the goblins have reacted to our actions and are mobilizing somewhere South of us." Jo gulped when he heard that. If he knew anything its that before gunpowder, large army's were key and as long as you could overwhelmed the enemy with troops they will fall eventually. Jo's side did have a clear tech advantage but they would need strategy to over come numbers.

Even if the goblins were weaker than a human if there in a large enough group they will overpower a human. and in a large enough army comes they could easily be killed. A great example was the Vikings colony that settled in Northeast Canada before Christopher Columbus ever discovered America. The Vikings had iron and steel but a small population while the native Americans used stone and bone but killed the colony by over powering them though numbers.

They need to set up defenses in case they were attacked. Jo walked inside the main hall that was built around the core to protect it they then began to discussed the matter.

"Young Majesty we managed to take care of several dens but some survivors managed to escape. They must have warn the other dens and now they seem to be moving somewhere South I had some men follow them and report back if any thing happens." Ohba explained.

"Do you think that they would have some kind of fort that there heading towards they most be heading somewhere they think it's safe." Joben examined and gave his thoughts on the matter. Jo nodded and thought the same thing.

"Then what should we do we can't let them organize a strike force the wall isn't even half done we can't let them attack now we're to defenses less." Ohba was truly worried about the safety of the people.

"Don't worry we have the mountain to the north and the river to the east we only need to worry about the west and south." Joben wasn't a strategic master mind but he understands the basics

"we have weapons and armor that are better than the goblins I suggest we find out were there going and strike the Hart and take care of the local goblin threat there and then." Jo thought that there was some reason for them to go there. But then he remembered about civilization cores and his gut told his there might be one were there going to.

If he Conquered there core then he would have two civilization cores and gain double the man power from it. Just thinking about it made Jo smile. "I like your thinking young Majesty it's better than sitting here waiting for them to come to us." Ohba seemed excited and Joben was given it a thought.

"Yes it's better to to strike the snakes head while it sleeps, then to do it's while it's striking you." Joben gave some words of wisdom as an agreement. Jo thought that was cool.

"I will lead the strike and slaughter them before they even knew what hit them." Ohba stood up ready to move out.

"Wait I gave the order to have our people potentially die for there home let me have the manners of seeing them leave this world." Jo wanted to join and see the fight it's not every day you could witness a real war like those of ancient times.

"Young Majesty it's to dangerous for you to go what would happen if you died. we need a ruler and you have no heir-.."

" Don't worry Ohba I'm the only one here that wouldn't actually die here I don't know what would have to this body but my main body would be fine and my conscience would just simply return." Jo knew from reading the forms pages that death in the mystic world won't actually kill the person.

"He is right Ohba if he does die he would have a new body made from the heavens and would return to us." Joben gave a small chuckle at Ohba for his lack of knowledge.

Ohba just stared blankly at Jo amazed that he had such a gift.

"Then it's decided Ohba gather as many able body people as you can and have them equipped and start training them, send a couple more scouts and when we know we're there fort is we march." And with that they divided on there course of action.