
vol 1,chap 4, cultivation

After hearing the little boys declaration Jo and Joben were shocked, just what had happened to them. Jo gained enough courage to ask hoping he wasn't rude. "my I ask what happened to you before coming here."

the mother looked reluctant to say anything but in front of there leader they obeyed. "We lived in a village next a mountain and it was attacked by bandits, me and my son died in the attack."

'to think that they suffered such a fate ' Jo was from the 21 century and bandits were mostly a thing of the past, unless you were in central Africa or another 3rd world country you never needed to worry about them. Jo understood the boys intention and decided to use his anger to help guide him. ' please don't let this bite me in the ass ' "So little man you want to become stronger to fight bandits and protect your mom. I can help you but you most listen to Joben okay."

the fire on the boys eyes were lit ablaze and Jo would do what he could to help him. "Joben make sure the boy gets introduced to the general and have them both cultivate for the time being." the woman was afraid for her son. "Young Majesty please reconsider I don't want my son to fight."

Jo empathized with the mother but know the boys potential so he reassured her "Don't worry mis your son will be safe and will be guided under the great general and will stay safe entail he can fight for himself. When he becomes a man he will decide his own life."

she could do little to retaliate but believed the Young Majesties words and had her son train with the general. "Make sure to take care of him."

"Don't worry I will personally make sure he is treated well." Jo reassured her once more. Joben and the boy left to find general Ohba.

Jo went over the profession tab and assigned the remaining two residents a profession. The man was given the tool maker profession and the boys mother receive gatherer.

He assigned the man to make basic tools and the mother to gather nuts, berries and anyting edible. Jo then began to wondered what to do next.

Joben had come back and taped Jo's shoulder "If I may your Majesty why not cultivate as today is nice and sunny and we don't have much to do for the time being."

Jo had considered cultivating but didn't know how and if it was like those in the light novels he was very interested. " Okay please teach me how to cultivate I'm very eager to learn."

"That's the spirit. Now the first thing to do is-" Joben went into detail about the basic idea of cultivation.

Cultivation is just gathering the spiritual energy around a person and sending it to natural pools inside the body. The next step in cultivation is to increase the density of these pools and create pathways for the energy to travel inside the body.

Each pool represents a stage of cultivation the first pool is located just above the groined area and the rest travel up the body alongside the spine until you reach the top of the head.

This reminded Jo of the seven chakra system he's seen on posters but instead of seven there's ten. And there were also natural barriers in each pool that one must break through to continue.

After breaking through the natural barriers and filling up the first pool with spiritual energy is when that person has reached the first stage of cultivation and can call them selves a cultivator.

But to reach stage two one would need to fill the second pool however the natural barriers within the second pool are much stronger so one needed to increase the density of there spiritual energy to break through the tough barriers.

lastly one needed to build spiritual pathways inside the body by releasing and controlling there spiritual energy and guiding it through there limbs. As building spiritual pathways allowed a person to effectively use spiritual energy outside of there bodies.

This got Jo excited. He was no stranger to the fantasy of using cultivation arts or magic as he loved reading light novels of the transported, transmigrated, and reincarnated variety which often use magic or various forms of cultivation.

"Joben do we know any cultivation arts that use spiritual energy or anything of the sort." Jo was eager to learn as he wanted to perform what can only be superhuman attacks like those in light novels.

"No we must develop those on our own, mainly because any cultivation arts or techniques have been lost to time and no one have been able to develop their own sense Earth has far to little spiritual energy. So little that even a genius couldn't break through the first natural barrier no matter the power behind him." hearing Jobens words Jo almost cough up blood.

' How could there be no cultivation techniques how we're we able to advanced our cultivation abilities. ugh there has to be something.' To think they had to go at this blind. Maybe the gods had something he could use.

Jo shook his head at that thought as why would a god of all beings give him a cultivation art/technique for free he would have to do something outrageous to at least to get there attention and hope there in the mood for handing him free stuff and it didn't guarantee he would get a cultivation technique.

"So is there a way we can research cultivation arts and techniques or something." Jo was hoping he didn't have to find out on his own with no help.

"oh yes I did ask the goddess a similar question and she said to capture wild monsters that can use spiritual energy and use them as research material." Jo understood what that means, hell even a monkey could figure it out. Which is to say that if Jo wanted to shoot fireballs he would need to find a monster that does something similar and research it from the monster.

The tricky part is to actually catch the monsters first. That requires manpower and skill none of which Jo has in abundance right now. So this was something else he had to wait on to do. But this also confirmed Jo's suspicion, that there are monsters that can use spiritual energy in there attacks so this meant that they need to improve their defenses as a top priority.

"Joben tell Satake to come meet me so we can discuss on gathering material for building a wall around the settlement and a simple building for scholars to conduct research." Jo gave his command and Joben bowed and replied with 'as you wish' and went to find Satake.

Joben quickly returned with Satake and Jo began to discuss the future building plans for there home. "Satake we need better defenses I want to build a wall around the entire settlement with a opening hear." Jo pointed to the the side of the settlement opposite the river. "The area needs to be large for expansion. the walls them selves need to be built about the height of two people reinforced with pact dirt with another wall inside to keep it packed tight. if you need anything be it advice, supplies or anything else ask me first okay."

Satake understood Jo's instructions and bowed "I will complete this task with the upmost care and speed." and Satake went off to gather materials to complete his task.

After that Jo began to cultivate. Jo didn't know what to look for or feel when it came to cultivation but Joben helped guide him but soon Jo needed to check the time as work was around the corner.When he left the mystic world Joben had taken Jo's body in the mystic world and set it next the core.

As Jo woke up he looked at the time but only a few hours has passed since the last time he checked. " I spent an entire night and half a day inside the mystic world, yet only a few hours have past. I wonder what is the time ratio between Earth and the mystic world." Jo made sure to checked the date to help guarantee his suspicion and the date had not changed.

Although Jo mostly believed Jobens words and thought the mystic world was real. he needed others input to guarantee Jobens words as it was stated that every one from Earth would be sent to the mystic world like him. So Jo would wait to see how people reacted to the mystic world. especially the government as they would definitely say something as this would effect every citizen and will have massive effects future plans going forward. but right now was time to get ready for work.


author's note: Thanks for reading my story I know that I'm a noob and be it grammar or storytelling I put my best into it. and as my story writing skills improve I can increase the quality of my work and seeing people actually read my story has motivated me to constantly write every day hopefully I'll be able to make a single chapter a day like those in the top ten. again thank you for reading my story.
