
Fighting Devil

In the neon-lit, sprawling metropolis of Mira, the Grand Universe Fighting Association (GUFA) reigns supreme, drawing the fiercest warriors from across the galaxy. This cyberpunk dystopia, teeming with hedonistic nightlife and perpetual summer, hides a brutal heart where the only rule is that there are no rules. Here, dreams are built on the broken bodies of the fallen, and the price of glory is paid in blood. Amidst the chaos and glamour of Mira, another world exists in its shadowy depths—the City of the Depths. Within this labyrinth of tunnels lies the Underground, a savage arena where only the most insane dare to compete. Organized by the shadowy lords of the underworld, these unsanctioned fights are a brutal spectacle of blood and violence, where the crowds' thirst for carnage is unquenchable. Eli, a once-promising mixed martial arts coach now fallen from grace, navigates this dark world, covering local fight promotions to survive. Disillusioned and broken, Eli's life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers a mysterious young boy in the depths of the Underground. The boy, with snow-white hair, crimson eyes, and a body adorned with tattoos and scars, exudes a deadly aura that captivates Eli. Intrigued by the boy's potential and haunted by his own past failures, Eli sees a chance at redemption. As he delves deeper into the dark underbelly of Mira, he becomes entangled in a web of violence and intrigue, where the line between mentor and monster blurs. What secrets does the boy hide, and what will Eli sacrifice to uncover the truth?

DaebeeWorld · Urban
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2 Chs

Prologue: Welcome to Mira City…Welcome to the Depths

The city of Mira, once a shining beacon of architectural grandeur and transcendent monuments, now looms like a jewel amidst the sprawling darkness of the cosmos. Here, the night never ends, and the neon-lit skyline pulses with an unholy glow, casting eerie reflections on the sleek, metallic surfaces below. It's a melting pot where the most diverse and dangerous beings from every corner of the galaxy gather, drawn by the promise of a hedonistic nightlife and the seductive warmth of perpetual summer. Yet beneath its veneer of opulence, Mira hides its true heart—a brutal, unforgiving arena of survival.

This dystopian metropolis is the infamous home of the Grand Universe Fighting Association, or GUFA. In this ultimate crucible of violence, the finest warriors from across the stars converge, each seeking the glory and notoriety of being crowned the supreme champion. Here, combat is a deadly ballet of blood and savagery, where the only rule is that there are no rules. Death is not just a possibility; it's a spectacle, a gruesome certainty that the bloodthirsty crowds revel in. The arenas, bathed in the glow of interstellar broadcasts, are sanctuaries of slaughter where every fight pushes the boundaries of human and alien endurance.

All the greatest warriors and fighters from across the cosmos dream of one day competing on the grand stage, but to achieve such goals, one must first climb the ranks of local, lesser promotions, hoping to catch the eye of a scout who might recruit them to the big leagues. It's a long and perilous journey, fraught with hardship and bloodshed.

But deep below within the depths of the city lies another world entirely—a hidden underbelly known as the City of the Depths. Here, the poor and less fortunate reside within a labyrinth of tunnels, eking out a grim existence far removed from the glitz above. In these shadowy depths, a different kind of fighting competition thrives: The Underground. This brutal arena is where only the most insane and desperate dare to compete, a place where brutality is rewarded and the crowds thirst for blood and violence.

The Underground arena is a surprisingly large structure, organized by the shadowy lords who control the streets below. These underground lords wager heavily on the fighters, orchestrating secret, unsanctioned events that draw the most savage combatants. In the center of this grim arena stands a large cage, a box of unforgiving steel stained with the blood of countless battles. The hard metal floors are covered with thin, stapled sheets, their original gray color long obscured by the crimson stains of violence. Cleanliness is a luxury in these parts of the city, a forgotten concept amidst the ceaseless carnage.

Here, in the bowels of Mira, the fight for survival takes on a raw, primal edge. Dreams are built on the broken bodies of the fallen, and the price of glory is paid in blood. The air is thick with the scent of sweat and metal, the screams of the defeated echoing through the tunnels long after the fights have ended. This is a world where only the strongest survive, and where the line between hero and monster is as thin as the blade of a well-aimed knife.

The crowd gathered in the depths of the City of the Depths on a fine evening, their anticipation palpable in the stale, subterranean air. The tunnels, usually shrouded in darkness, were now illuminated, casting eerie shadows in every crevice and pathway that led to the grim arena. People and alien races from across the cosmos had come to witness the spectacle that was the Underground. Cheers and growls from the crowd erupted as the lights within the arena suddenly dimmed, plunging the space into a tense, expectant gloom. The rhythmic banging of metal drums echoed through the tunnels, a primal beat that stirred the blood.

Down the runway, a tall, stocky, and muscular figure emerged, his dark green skin seeming to glow ominously in the scant light. His fierce expression, a snarl that sent shivers down the spines of those who beheld him, was matched by his thunderous stomps. The crowd's chant grew to a deafening roar, "GORGRA! GORGRA! GORGRA!" as he marched towards the cage. The referee, a shadowy figure himself, opened the cage door and patted Gorgra down, checking for hidden weapons. Satisfied, he allowed the warrior to enter. Gorgra, the Ogre of Samtonie, once a feared fighter in the GUFA, now disgraced and banned for using illicit drugs and engaging in immoral practices, lifted his arms and clenched his fists, screaming into the adoring crowd.

"GORGRA!" The chant reverberated through the cavernous space as Gorgra basked in the adulation, his chest heaving with primal pride.

Suddenly, the lights went out again, plunging the arena into a darkness so complete it seemed to swallow sound itself. The crowd's roar dwindled to a murmur, then silence, as soft footsteps began to echo through the void. No drums, no cheers, just the haunting sound of an approaching adversary.

"What the hell is going on?" a voice from the crowd broke the silence, a tremor of unease underlying the question.

One by one, the lights flickered back on, from one end of the arena to the other, illuminating a figure at the far end of the runway. The figure was diminutive, almost childlike, draped in a black hooded cloak that shrouded their features in shadow. The cloak seemed to absorb the light, a void within the brightness.

Slowly, deliberately, the figure walked towards the cage entrance, the footsteps echoing like the ticking of a death clock. As he reached the threshold, the hooded cloak slipped from his shoulders, revealing a sight that made the crowd gasp in a mix of horror and fascination. A young boy, no older than sixteen, stood there, his hair flowing gracefully and white as freshly fallen snow. His eyes, a chilling crimson red, glowed with an unnatural intensity, and a menacing grin spread across his face, sending shivers down the spines of all who witnessed it.

The boy's body was a paradox of youth and battle-worn experience—slim but rippling with defined muscles. His skin was a canvas of tattoos and scars, each marking a story of pain and survival. On his back, a crimson dragon poised in a battle stance seemed to writhe and move with each flex of his muscles. His arms bore intricate, ancient Japanese tattoos of fallen samurais and demons, their eyes seeming to flicker with a life of their own. The scars that marred his skin were testament to countless battles, each one a badge of honor in the brutal world he inhabited.

The boy smirked at the crowd, his crimson eyes reflecting the twisted delight he took in their fear and anticipation. He stepped into the cage with a fluid grace that belied his youthful appearance, moving with the confidence of a seasoned warrior. The crowd's murmur grew louder, a cacophony of speculation and dread. Who was this boy, and how could he possibly stand a chance against the monstrous Gorgra?

Gorgra, the Ogre of Samtonie, eyed his opponent with a mixture of amusement and contempt. He flexed his massive arms, his muscles bulging grotesquely under his green skin, and let out a guttural growl. The crowd's chant of "GORGRA! GORGRA!" surged again, but there was an undercurrent of unease now, a recognition that this fight was not going to be as straightforward as they had anticipated.

The boy, still grinning, stepped to the center of the cage. His movements were almost hypnotic, a deadly dance that drew the eye and held it captive. He stopped just a few feet from Gorgra, his crimson eyes locking onto the ogre's with an intensity that was almost palpable. The air between them crackled with tension, a prelude to the violence that was about to erupt.

The drums beat louder, faster, echoing the rapid heartbeat of the crowd. The referee, sensing the explosive potential of this moment, stepped back, leaving the two fighters alone in the center of the cage. Gorgra clenched his fists, ready to crush this insolent challenger, while the boy remained eerily calm, his grin widening as if savoring the impending chaos.

Just as the referee raised his hand to signal the start of the fight, the boy's grin twisted into something even more sinister. He took a slow, deliberate step forward, closing the distance between him and Gorgra until they were face to face, the contrast between them stark and electrifying.

And then, in a voice barely above a whisper but laden with dark promise, the boy spoke. "Let's see if the Ogre bleeds."

The drums ceased, and for a heartbeat, the world held its breath. The crowd leaned forward, eyes wide with anticipation. In that charged silence, the boy's crimson eyes flared with a fierce light, and Gorgra's growl grew into a thunderous roar. The clash of titans was about to begin, and the fate of the fighters hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of violence.

The referee's hand dropped, and the cage seemed to shrink around the two figures, the epic confrontation about to unfold in a storm of fury and blood.