

In a saga where there is no singular protagonist, The struggle for the ultimate throne spans dimensions, where the supernatural is commonplace and legends walk among mortals. But the stakes are higher than power alone; behind every sword clash and spell cast lies the tale of broken dreams and shattered loyalties. In a realm where power courses through every heartbeat and ancient worlds collide, a symphony of ambition and destiny unfurls. In a tapestry woven with threads of suspense, thriller, and heart-pounding action, the battle for supremacy knows no bounds. This is a world where thrones are more than just seats of power; they are the epicenters of dominance, coveted by beings of unimaginable might from realms beyond mortal ken. As alliances crumble like ancient stone and friendships shatter like glass, each contender's journey is a whirlwind of choices that test their limits. In the midst of treacherous political maneuvers, whispers of forbidden magic, and battles that reshape the very fabric of existence, the true nature of courage and sacrifice comes to light. Amidst the turmoil, hearts are entangled, and the weight of power becomes a burden too heavy to bear alone. In this riveting narrative, where twists and turns are as abundant as the stars, the fight for the throne becomes a canvas painted with sorrow and despair. Loyalties will be betrayed, identities will be shattered, and the line between hero and villain will blur until all that remains is the desperate yearning for what was lost. Prepare to be ensnared in a tale that transcends dimensions, where the fight for the throne is a battle not only for power, but for the very essence of existence.

Adarsh_Kaintura · Fantasie
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19 Chs


Eighteen hours before the war's end, as Aron lifted the sword of the former Yoddha, transforming into a Yoddha himself, Hana approached.

Hana: Hey Aron, let's go. We have to reach Taiyorealm for the Yoddha ceremony.

Aron: Yes, let's go.

Aminem: You both can go. I'll stay here until the treatment team arrives.

Hana: Alright, just take care of yourself.

Aron and Hana then departed from the dark forest of Raion Realm. After some time, the sun rose from the east. Initially, Aron's eyes burned, but within moments, he returned to normal. They mounted a horse and set off for Taiyorealm.

Hana: Hey Aron, tell me about yourself.

Aron: What can I tell you? I'm a normal boy like others, 16 years old. I love my mother and father, and I have two best friends, Avril and Kesro. Avril is a boy, and Kesro is a girl.

Hana: Oh, that's amazing. You're so young and already a Yoddha. That's truly remarkable, and you are talented.

Aron: Can I ask you something?

Hana: Yes, why not?

Aron: How did you become a Yoddha?

Hana: After my mother died when I was just two years old, my elder brother, who was ten, participated in the Battle Royal. Although he reached the final stage, the bow and arrows didn't choose him. Witnessing my brother's abilities, he was appointed as an A-rank soldier of the Chisame Army. Wait, do you know about the rank system?

Aron: No, what is this rank system, and how can someone signify their ability by their rank?

Hana: Okay, now listen carefully.

Hana continued her explanation of the rank system with great detail.

Hana: First of all, starting from the least, the low-rank soldiers are E-rank. They are generally normal humans trained with standard weapons. While they lack high powers, one E-rank soldier can easily handle five humans. Moving up, we have D-rank soldiers, surpassing the capabilities of E-rank. These soldiers push their normal capacities to become more powerful. Although they don't possess super strength, one D-rank soldier can easily handle three E-rank soldiers. D-rank soldiers excel in martial arts, sword skills, and more.

And then, there are A-rank soldiers, where the real warriors emerge. In Rank A, soldiers are classified into two types: the Awakeners and the Elite Soldiers. Elite Soldiers are those who don't possess magical powers; they are normal humans. Through hard training and honing their skills, they elevate themselves to superhuman levels. Typically, these soldiers harbor a strong dislike for Awakeners, striving to become so formidable that even an Awakener can't defeat them.

Then there are the Awakeners who possess extraordinary powers. Some Awakeners can transform, while others acquire different abilities after awakening. Despite their diversity, some Awakeners share similar magical powers. The intricacies of the rank system showcase the diverse strengths and abilities that soldiers can harness in their pursuit of becoming formidable warriors.

Aron was curious about the intricacies of power measurement.

Aron: I have a question.

Hana: What is it?

Aron: How are power levels measured?

Hana: Power levels are measured by auras. There's an Aura Mirror in the Queen's Palace. To determine your rank, you face the mirror, and within seconds, it detects the aura you emit, displaying your rank and the powers you possess.

Aron: How can a mirror do that?

Hana: I don't know; only the Queen and the rulers know about it.

Aron: Oh, I see.

Hana: Okay, let's move on to the next rank—the S-rank. S-rank soldiers are incredibly powerful, with unimaginable abilities. They can easily destroy a realm into dust and have unique powers, being able to wield any weapon. S-rank soldiers are usually in the ruler's castle, leading respected and wealthy lives. Some are good, while others are bad. Chisame can't afford to lose any S-rank soldiers, so they generally avoid the wrongdoing of the bad ones.

Then there are Yoddhas like us—only five exist due to the five legendary weapons. After becoming a Yoddha, one surpasses the powers of S-rank soldiers. Only Chisame Kingdom has Yoddhas, and the reasons are known only to the Queen.

Aron: What about the rank of Yoddhas?

Hana: Our rank is measured by the same Aura Mirror, falling under the X-rank. Only a few people in the world can be in the X-rank. In our kingdom, there are ten X-rank soldiers: three Awakeners, four Yoddhas (excluding you), and three related to the realm's blood. Your rank is still not measured, so we can't involve you in any rank.

Aron: Alright, what is the rank of the rulers?

Hana: The rulers' rank is top-secret; only the Queens know about it.

Aron: And what about the rank of the king?

Hana: I don't actually know because we don't have a king yet.

Aron: Are people related to realm's blood of S-rank too?

Hana: No, they can be S-rank or even D-rank because not all realm blood individuals have the same power level. Some are highly powerful, while others are less so.

Aron: Oh, so that's the whole concept of the rank.

Hana: Yes, but there are some other people too.

Aron: What? I'll tell you later; just move faster. We are already one hour late.

In the midst of the Yoddha ceremony, Aron found himself succumbing to an insatiable hunger, despite having eaten. His thirst, too, remained unquenched even after drinking water. Disturbingly, the scent of blood filled the air, prompting Aron to attack a lady, biting her neck with sharp teeth and consuming her blood. As the thirst intensified, Aron unleashed chaos, slaughtering others in Taiyo Realm and drinking their blood.

Gradually losing touch with his identity, Aron became faster and more relentless. Discovered by a soldier from the Suna Realm, Aron fled, evading confrontation. Eventually caught by the Suna Army, Aron unleashed his vampiric fury upon them, growing more powerful with each drop of blood he consumed.

The ruler of Suna Realm, Sunawaan, arrived on the scene and confronted Aron. Shockingly, Sunawaan questioned whether Aron was the Yoddha Aron or a vampire. Aron, shocked at the mention of "vampire," suddenly regained his senses and expressed remorse for his actions.

Sunawaan, seemingly willing to help, asked Aron to lower his sword. Suspicious of the ruler's intentions, Aron hesitated but eventually complied. However, it proved to be a trap as soldiers tied his hands, prompting Aron to break free and resume his rampage. In a confrontational encounter with Sunawaan, Aron attempted an attack but was swiftly subdued.

As Aron pleaded for belief and asserted that the events were not his fault, Sunawaan unexpectedly chose to trust him. Aron, bewildered by this sudden change of heart, seized the opportunity to escape, leaving the place and heading straight home.

Meanwhile, Sunawaan, oblivious to the identity of the real perpetrator, vowed revenge for the slain soldiers. Upon inspecting the bodies, he discovered an eerie absence of blood, realizing that a vampire had orchestrated the massacre and erased memories to remain undetected. The mystery of Aron's transformation and the ensuing chaos unfolded, leaving Sunawaan determined to uncover the truth.

In Aron's house, the realization of his transformation into a vampire overwhelmed him.

Aron: What is going on? Am I transforming into a vampire? But how?

His mother called him down for dinner, momentarily distracting him. However, Aron remembered that he had to attend a dinner at the Queen's Palace. He hastily informed his mother that he was leaving and would return late.

After the dinner in the Queen's Palace, Aron returned home. The distant sounds of soldiers fighting at the boundaries of Chisame reached his ears, but he chose to ignore them. Shortly afterward, Hana arrived, informing him of the ongoing war and urging him to leave immediately.

Aron: Yes, let's go.

On the war field, the conflict unfolded. Tiyowaan and Takiwaan questioned the absence of Sunawaan and his army. Aron and Hana, in the east, fought fiercely, with Aron not only defeating but also consuming the blood of his enemies. His body, covered in blood, alarmed Hana.

Hana: Hey Aron, what are you doing?

Aron, avoiding direct eye contact due to his blood-stained face, replied.

Aron: They are our enemies. I'm just protecting my kingdom.

Hana, assuming Aron's injuries caused the blood, suggested he leave the fight for the time being. Unaware of the true cause, she agreed to continue.

After the dungeon opened aron already sense the presence of the great dragons coming out form their he went to that place and found out how lee park and kyzer is fighitng…aron is also killing the dragons as the same way as lee park is killing them but he doing that far from that area, aron is killing those dragons who ran away from that place… after dungeon close aron look up into his sword and rememberd what he did, he has no right to hold the sword of yoddha, he killed almost 200 to 400 people of his own kingdome… and even drink their blood… aron- im not a human anymore, i became a monster…before i killed anymore people i have to leave the kingdome rightnow… he left the kingdome but before he left the kingdome he throw his sword towards the chisame empire whicj fall on the ground of chisame…after leaving the war field a portal opens infornt of aron… aron don't have any other option so he went in their… and then he teleported to the vampire kingdome in fornt of the vamire king…

vampire king- welecome my son…

to be continued.......