

In a saga where there is no singular protagonist, The struggle for the ultimate throne spans dimensions, where the supernatural is commonplace and legends walk among mortals. But the stakes are higher than power alone; behind every sword clash and spell cast lies the tale of broken dreams and shattered loyalties. In a realm where power courses through every heartbeat and ancient worlds collide, a symphony of ambition and destiny unfurls. In a tapestry woven with threads of suspense, thriller, and heart-pounding action, the battle for supremacy knows no bounds. This is a world where thrones are more than just seats of power; they are the epicenters of dominance, coveted by beings of unimaginable might from realms beyond mortal ken. As alliances crumble like ancient stone and friendships shatter like glass, each contender's journey is a whirlwind of choices that test their limits. In the midst of treacherous political maneuvers, whispers of forbidden magic, and battles that reshape the very fabric of existence, the true nature of courage and sacrifice comes to light. Amidst the turmoil, hearts are entangled, and the weight of power becomes a burden too heavy to bear alone. In this riveting narrative, where twists and turns are as abundant as the stars, the fight for the throne becomes a canvas painted with sorrow and despair. Loyalties will be betrayed, identities will be shattered, and the line between hero and villain will blur until all that remains is the desperate yearning for what was lost. Prepare to be ensnared in a tale that transcends dimensions, where the fight for the throne is a battle not only for power, but for the very essence of existence.

Adarsh_Kaintura · Fantasie
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19 Chs


In a secluded corner, two elderly men engaged in hushed conversation about the elusive son of the king.

**Old Man 1:** Have you heard? The king's son still eludes us, hiding in the shadows.

**Old Man 2:** Indeed, I've heard the whispers. The tales seem to hold some truth about the king's heir.

**Old Man 1:** Some even say he possesses every power our former king wielded.

**Old Man 2:** (Surprised) Is that so?

**Old Man 1:** (Nodding) That's what the murmurs suggest. A formidable force lies within him.

**Old Man 2:** Yet, for now, the queen navigates the affairs of the realm. It's a delicate balance we're witnessing.

**Old Man 1:** (Musing) Indeed, we shall see how this unfolds.

In the present, Avril, Kesro, and Aron immersed themselves in rigorous training for the impending Battle Royal. The trio worked tirelessly, preparing for the event that would define their place in the kingdom. Avril harbored his secret eye power, an enigma waiting to be unraveled, its potential still shrouded in mystery.

As the days marched on, the day of the Battle Royal drew near, casting a growing shadow over their lives. Secrets, powers, and ambitions converged, intertwining the destinies of Avril, Kesro, and Aron in a tapestry of uncertainty, promise, and the looming challenge that would test their mettle.

In the heart of Hayai Realm, Ketiname, the swiftest among them, held a clandestine meeting with the mysterious masked figure. Three others stood as witnesses to this covert discourse.

**Ketiname (Hayaiwaan):** My Lord, why delay your ascension to the throne of the Chisame Empire? Your power is unmatched, and no one would dare defy you.

**Masked Guy:** There's still a matter of timing, a plan to unfold. But before that, I have a task I wish you to undertake, if you're willing.

**Ketiname:** Anything for you, my Lord. What is this task you require of me?

**Masked Guy:** I'll inform you in due course. For now, there's business to attend to.

The scene shifted to the grandeur of the royal field, where the air thrummed with anticipation. Trained fighters, representatives from the realms, gathered for a battle of epic proportions—the very crucible from which future Yoddhas would emerge.

This monumental occasion drew inhabitants from diverse realms, each harboring dreams of glory and honor. In the midst of this, secrets whispered, alliances formed, and destinies converged, laying the foundation for the trials that would shape their lives and determine the course of Chisame Empire.

The grand royal field buzzed with anticipation as fighters from various realms took their positions. The gathered spectators settled into their seats, their excitement palpable. Conversations revolved around the legendary prowess of Prakuba and Aminem, names that echoed through the land, uniting admiration and curiosity.

Amid the hum of the crowd, the instructor stepped forward, extending gratitude to all the assembled individuals, including the rulers of the realms, who graced this momentous event. His voice carried across the expanse as he began to announce the names of the chosen combatants, two from each realm.

**From Taiyo Realm:** Avril, Aron.

**From Suna Realm:** Prakuba, Sagakar.

**From Raion Realm:** Aminem, Anuruj.

**From Hayai Realm:** Semon, Komina.

**From Takai Realm:** Hanna, Saiba.

A narrator's voice interjected, reaffirming the rule that only those with blood ties to the ruler's family possessed such extraordinary powers. And then, returning to the story at hand, the stage was set for the unfolding drama.

The arena stood ready, fighters primed for glory, realms united in competition. Yet, beneath the surface, secrets stirred and destinies entwined, poised to illuminate the path ahead. In the midst of the crowd's fervor, the story of Avril, Aron, and their companions continued to evolve, a tale of power, bonds, and the destiny that beckoned them all.

With the roster of fighters assembled upon the sprawling battlefield, the instructor's voice cut through the charged atmosphere, heralding the commencement of the Battle Royale. The rules were simple but the stakes immense—each realm's champion would face an opponent from a different realm in the following stages.

As the first stage unfolded, the air thrummed with energy. A dance of anticipation and tension began, realms intersecting in a display of power, determination, and dreams. From every corner, the eyes of the crowd remained riveted on the unfolding spectacle, where destiny's threads wove a tapestry of combat and courage.

The Battle Royale marked the beginning of a journey for Avril, Aron, and the other realm fighters. Their paths would intertwine and diverge, trials testing their limits and forging bonds of camaraderie or rivalry. Against the backdrop of the Chisame Empire, a story of prowess, secrets, and the pursuit of honor continued to unfold.

In the heart of the arena, battles ignited one by one, each clash a testament to strength and strategy.

**Prakuba vs Anuruj:** Two forces collided, Prakuba and Anuruj, embodiments of their realms' unique abilities. Their movements painted a story of power and skill as they maneuvered within the dance of combat.

**Semon vs Hana:** Semon and Hana faced off, each unleashing their chosen fighting style. The earth beneath their feet bore witness to their clash, as their strengths and tactics intertwined in a spectacle of raw determination.

**Aron vs Sagakar:** Aron and Sagakar engaged in a dance of arrows and precision. Bowstrings sang, and arrows streaked through the air as their duel unfolded, highlighting the artistry of archery.

**Aminem vs Komina:** The might of Aminem clashed with the precision of Komina, their strengths melding and colliding as they navigated the battlefield. The aura of lionlike power and well-honed technique filled the air.

**Saiba vs Avril:** Saiba and Avril faced each other, their determination palpable. As they met in combat, Avril's secret eye power brought an unexpected dimension to their duel, a glimpse into the enigma that surrounded him.

As the battles raged on, the anticipation of victory loomed. Soon, the air would clear, revealing the five fighters who would emerge triumphant and move on to the final round. In this contest of realms, powers, and bonds, destinies intertwined as the echoes of combat painted a vivid canvas upon the stage of the Battle Royale.

The first round concluded, and the victors emerged, qualifying for the second round where the true Yoddha would be determined. The rules for the initial round were simple yet stringent: fighters needed to finish their bout within a minute, failing which both would be eliminated. The sole directive was to overpower one's opponent within this tight timeframe.

As the scene unfolded, the spotlight shifted to the match between Prakuba of Suna Realm and Anuruj from Raion Realm. Cheers reverberated for Prakuba, confidence radiating from him. Armed only with his hands, he displayed remarkable agility. In stark contrast, Anuruj wielded a formidable sword, its gleaming edge promising danger.

The duel commenced with Anuruj charging full tilt at Prakuba, unleashing a sword strike. Yet, Prakuba's movements were so fluid, so precise, that dodging the attack seemed effortless. In a blink, Anuruj lay unconscious on the ground, confusion and shock rippling through the crowd. Seniors of the realms understood the truth—Prakuba's swift maneuver had struck Anuruj's neck, rendering him incapacitated. Prakuba's victory was achieved with a speed that defied sight.

The next bout loomed, pitting Sagakar against Avril. The air crackled with anticipation. Sagakar exuded an aura that transcended mere human capabilities. On the other side stood Avril, wielding daggers in both hands. Gasps echoed through the crowd, from rulers to Praja alike, as the unexpected sight left them perplexed. Questions swirled—how could one like Avril possess such weapons? But there they stood, poised for battle, their determination resolute.

As the arena held its breath, the clash between Sagakar and Avril neared, poised to unfold a new chapter in this saga of realms and warriors.

In the hours leading up to the Battle Royale, Aron found himself training beneath the canopy of a colossal tree known as the Tree of Everything. But then, a voice startled him, emanating from behind the tree. It was the same masked figure who had crossed paths with Avril's mother earlier, yet Aron remained unaware of his identity.

**Masked Guy:** Do you know who you'll be facing in the Battle Royale?

**Aron:** (Defensive) How should I know? And who are you?

**Masked Guy:** (Dismissive) Don't bother with my identity. Don't you want to know your opponent's name?

Aron's curiosity piqued. If he knew his opponent, he could prepare more effectively for the fight.

**Aron:** Alright, tell me. But who is he?

**Masked Guy:** I'll tell you, but you must promise me something.

**Aron:** (Slightly irritated) Fine, I promise. Now, tell me his name.

**Masked Guy:** Sagakar from Suna Realm will be your opponent.

**Aron:** (Confident) That doesn't scare me. I can take him.

**Masked Guy:** Sagakar is no ordinary opponent. He can singlehandedly defeat upper rank soldiers with ease.

**Aron:** (Determined) Don't underestimate me. I can handle myself.

**Masked Guy:** You won't be facing him. Your match is fixed against Saiba.

**Aron:** (Surprised) What? But I was supposed to fight Sagakar.

**Masked Guy:** (Calmly) It's not your concern. Just remember your promise.

**Aron:** (Frustrated) This is frustrating. Alright, I'll fight Saiba.

**Masked Guy:** Good. Remember, becoming a Yoddha is no easy feat. You have to prove yourself time and again. But first, focus on passing this round.

As their conversation concluded, the masked figure emphasized that Aron should come late to the Battle Royale. And then, as mysteriously as he had appeared, the masked figure vanished.

Meanwhile, the masked figure moved on to meet another, his intentions and agenda hidden beneath layers of intrigue.

In a clandestine encounter, Avril confronted the masked figure, recognizing him as the one who had spoken with his mother months earlier.

**Avril:** What are you doing here?

**Masked Guy:** Ah, so you recognize me.

**Avril:** You're the guy who spoke to my mother. What did you say to her? Tell me!

**Masked Guy:** Patience, Avril. First, let's talk about your left eye. How is it progressing?

**Avril:** (Suspicious) Left eye? What are you talking about?

**Masked Guy:** (Knowing) Don't pretend. I know about your left eye powers. Tell me how much they've progressed.

**Avril:** (Reluctantly) Fine, you're right. My left eye can see through things, and I can mimic any move instantly.

**Masked Guy:** (Satisfied) So it's recently awakened.

**Avril:** What do you mean by "awakened"?

**Masked Guy:** Forget what I said. Listen carefully. Your opponent in the Battle Royale is a true monster. Powerful, deadly. Dodge every attack. Avoid one-on-one encounters. Here, take these daggers. They're no ordinary weapons. If you manage to cut your opponent's body, the poison on these daggers could incapacitate or even kill them.

**Avril:** Who is my opponent, and why are you helping me?

**Masked Guy:** You'll learn everything soon. For now, you need intense training. You're still too weak.

And with that, the masked figure vanished, leaving Avril with newfound knowledge and a mission to strengthen himself. The path ahead was laden with challenges, secrets, and an impending battle that could reshape his destiny.

In the bustling arena, the fighters assembled, save for Aron who was conspicuously absent. The instructor detailed the rules, revealing the pairings for the upcoming battles. To Avril's astonishment, he was set to face Saiba—a confrontation he had anticipated with skepticism, dismissing the idea that a girl could truly be a monster. The masked figure's words were becoming hauntingly accurate.

As the third part of the story unfolds, the spotlight shifts to Avril's confrontation with Saiba. Both fighters squared off, tension palpable in the air. Avril's resolve wavered, his body showing signs of strain. Despite his tremors, he rallied his strength, determined to confront the formidable challenge before him.

The battle commenced, and Saiba taunted Avril with an air of superiority. The child versus the perceived monster—an apparent mismatch. Undeterred, Avril launched an attack with his daggers, but Saiba effortlessly dodged each maneuver. Their disparity in strength and skill was stark, as if an adult were pitted against a child.

Saiba taunted Avril, questioning his ability to defeat him. In Saiba's mind, the nagging thought of the legendary daggers preoccupied him, but he ultimately brushed aside any concern. He pressed forward, dealing a powerful blow to Avril's abdomen that inflicted internal damage.

Avril's thoughts raced as the pain seared through him, and the odds seemed insurmountable. Yet, he refused to submit. He had tasted adversity before and emerged stronger. As the battle continued, he grappled with the realization that he was facing a true test of his abilities, strength, and courage.

Avril's situation turned dire as he collapsed to the ground, overwhelmed by the excruciating pain from his injuries. Yet, his spirit remained unbroken. Despite his agonizing state, he mustered the strength to stand once more, driven by an unyielding determination. With his left eye illuminating, a new idea formed in his mind. He devised a strategy to exploit the weakness he had discerned in Sagakar's defenses.

As Avril made his move, Sagakar noticed the brightening of Avril's left eye and anticipated an attack. However, Avril managed to launch a surprise attack from behind. Although Sagakar quickly reacted, Avril's desperation gave him a momentary edge. In a desperate bid, Avril attempted to strike Sagakar with a dagger, but his attack was thwarted. Sagakar retaliated swiftly, delivering a devastating blow that left Avril incapacitated and bleeding.

The instructor declared Sagakar the winner and called for immediate medical assistance for Avril. The situation seemed dire, with Avril's life hanging in the balance. His cries of agony pierced the air, and Sagakar reveled in his apparent victory.

Just as Avril's life seemed to be slipping away, an unexpected turn of events took everyone by surprise. A bright object streaked through the sky, crashing onto the battlefield and directly impacting Avril's left eye. The impact was accompanied by a burst of fire and a blinding light. Avril's screams resonated, but amidst the pain, he saw something astonishing in front of him—a message.

As the dust settled, a new voice spoke, announcing itself as a system welcoming a player. The battlefield was plunged into a mix of confusion and anticipation. The unexpected intervention had altered the course of events, injecting an element of uncertainty into Avril's fate.

Greetings, readers!

I'm thrilled to know what you thought about Chapters 1 and 2. Did the characters' journeys resonate with you? Were the plot twists engaging? Share your views! I'm also intrigued by your predictions. What do you think awaits our protagonists? Your insights fuel my imagination and make this journey even more exciting.

Looking forward to your thoughts and predictions!

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