

After Jotham relinquished his hold on Histoire and left her to her devices, Histoire left to the bathroom to prepare for the day. She decided to take a quick shower to avoid being late, and, when the knots in her hair had been loosened and her mind had been cleared to prepare for more labor-like contemplation, she returned to her bedroom with a towel covering her body and another her damp hair.

Histoire saw Jotham once more when she was walking across the balcony and peered down to see him conversing with his boss at the opened front entrance. All eyes turned to her as though she was radiantly dressed to steal attention, except that was not her intention. She would make the ordeal simpler for herself and discard the other pieces of her guise, leaving on only the wigs and glasses.

"What did you say your profession was again? A spy? An assassin?" Was Deus' comment when she reached the bottom of the stairs. She faked a laugh as a retaliation to his mocking.