
Fiction: The Cycle

He died. His life extinguished, he left this world and began his journey to the afterlife. Fate, however, has different plans. Now in the endless white room of fiction, what will he do?

IWriteForFun · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Death And Rebirth

Complete darkness. An utterly pervasive freezing cold in the depths of his soul. These were the first things Daniel felt after his death. Ignoring the cold that bit at him, he thought about his life.

'It was a good run. I stayed true to my beliefs until the end. Will I meet you in the afterlife, Muriel?' He thought to himself. His wife, dead of sickness decades before him, crossed his mind immediately. She had left an unbearable hole in his heart after her passing, so much so that he had never moved on after her death.

The last memory he had before he had died was that of a bullet passing through his head. Thinking back on it, he had deduced that it was probably an assassin that had infiltrated his meeting with the president. At the time, he was around 80 years old, and had met with the president to celebrate his achievements as a war hero.

Only a couple minutes after he had begun to converse with the president did a man in the crowd pull out a weapon. He had taken aim at the president, but Daniel had jumped in the way. He chuckled at the memory. He was always had a bleeding heart, and having 'saved the president from a bullet' in his resume was quite tempting.

Regardless of his past life, it was time to move on. Looking around, he spotted a light. It had an almost ethereal feel, exuding a holy light that made his soul quake with content.

'That's heaven, huh? I wonder if you're there, Muriel? Guess well see.'

He floated over to the light. As he got closer, he began to hear a soft melody that grew louder as he approached. A chorus began to sing, birds chirped and harps released a pleasant melody.

'Wow, really going all in with the King David feel, huh?' He chuckled to himself.

As he gravitated closer to the light, he began to feel a sense of right. Like he was fated to enter the light since he came into existence. It seemed almost too good.

'Wait, something's not right…!' As if being able to read his thoughts, the holy aura quickly vanished. It became inversely darker, emitting a void that eroded his soul.

He tried to get away, but to no avail. He was trapped in the horizon of the darkness. As his consciousness began to fade, he could faintly hear the sound of a bell ringing in his ears.


Run 1: Beggining

Benefits: None

People's lives don't end when they die, it ends when they lose faith. Good luck.


I jolted awake, gripping my chest as sweat dripped down my brow. 'What was that? A dream? No...' He surveyed his surroundings. His faced morphed into shock as he looked at the ever expansive white tiled room. It was absolutely massive, easily a kilometer in diameter. The only thing of note in the room was the bed that he was laying on.

He warily got off of the bed. The tiles that littered the ground were oddly warm, as if being heated in some way. A piercing ding interrupted the daze he was in.


Scenario 1.1 Beginning

Choose Your Starting Weapon

Halberd- Common

Dagger- Common

Hatchet(+1)- Uncommon

(15 Seconds Left)


'What?' The sudden appearance of a floating green screen was a bit of a shock to Daniel. He stood there for a second, studying the screen.


Halberd- Common

Dagger- Common

Hatchet(+1)- Uncommon

(8 Seconds Left)


The timer turned red, signifying that he had little time to choose. Daniel decided to shove the ludicracy of his situation to the back of his head in favor of choosing a weapon. He may need to fight.

'Uh, I'll go for hatchet. It has better reach and utility. I'm also more familiar with them.' He tapped the Hatchet text on the screen. The other choices greyed out, letting him know that his choice was set in stone.

A green chest appeared out of thin air. Daniel opened the chest and grabbed the hatchet. The chest then vanished in a puff of smoke, as if returning somewhere.


Weapon Chosen

Beginning Scenario 1.1

Objective: Kill The Purple Pervert(rabid)


A purple boy materialized out of thin air. His appearance was shocking to say the least. Wearing what looked to be a bdsm costume with a yellow scarf and a.... diaper?

"Hello? Are you alright?" Daniel approached the boy. He took slow and cautious steps, not wanting to seem threatening. The oddly dressed boy, however, had different plans.

He suddenly leaped over to Daniel, teeth bared. Normally Daniel would be able to properly react and even counter such a sloppy move, but the kid was mighty quick.


"AGHHHH YOU FUCKER!" The kid was latched on Daniels arm, digging its teeth almost to the bone. Daniel managed to rip the boy off with no small herculean effort. Blood splattered as the boy came off, and a chunk of flesh was missing from his arm. The child was left Dangling and reaching for Daniel. He shouted at the boy.

"Hey, that hurt you little shit. Give me a good reason you did that or-" Daniel stopped as he looked at the boy. His eyes were completely black, with no white around the iris. It gave him the heebie-jeebies.

Daniel had an instinctive feeling that this boy was human only in appearance. There was no humanity, no feelings other than rage and malice behind those eyes. This was a feeling that Daniel had never felt before. His mind, body and soul were telling him one thing.

This thing should not be allowed to live.

Daniel still tried to reason with him. To talk it out. The only response he got were snarls and screams. Daniel decided after much deliberation that he needed to end its life. The wound on his arm needed treatment, and the boy would not sit by and allow that to happen.

"Look, I'm not sure who you are or what type of life you had before this, but I am sorry for what I'm about to do." He grabbed the kid by the neck and held it firmly. The boy squirmed for a bit before Daniel snapped his neck. An odd gasp was heard as the boy finally went limp.

Daniel had killed before. But not like this. Not like this...


Scenario 1.1 Complete!

Choose Your Reward:

Exploding Fireball(Rare)

+15% Body Quality(common)

Metal Arm Bracers(uncommon)


Like it ? Add to library!I'm not used to writing death scenes, so forgive me for the bad quality in that regard lol.

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