
FGO: Parallel chaos

The ordinary FGO player became the master of Chaldea. What can he do in this chaotic world that doesn't go according to the plot?

Gigai · Anime und Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 26: Assault

A new day has come, though no one will know it, because the sun does not shine in the dungeon. And the first thing Victor felt was not vigor after sleep, but pain all over his body. 

Apparently such a sharp load on the first day should not have been done. His wrists hurt especially badly. 

- "Senpai good morning! How did you sleep?" - said Mash looking at Victor holding a glass of water. 

- "I slept well. Only my whole body hurts a lot. I think I'll take a break at the camp today. What about you?" - Victor took the glass of water from Mash and drank from it. 

- "I'll stay with you. Da Vinci wants to study the structure of the dungeon and the rest of us are cleaning up the area" - replied Mash.

Recognizing that everyone was busy doing their own things Victor turned on his communicator. 

- "Dr. Roman, have you found any traces of the magic power of the holy grail yet?"

The doctor's figure appeared on the screen. He looked a little tired. 

- "I'm sorry Victor, but so far there are no results. The only thing I've been able to detect is high levels of magical power on the upper floors, but they're coming from our servants. But I can assume that someone has already gotten hold of the holy grail and is using it. And to be honest, I think it's someone from our world" - Though the doctor was already tired, he put forward a more plausible scenario.

Suddenly, a woman's voice came from behind Victor.

- "In this case, I agree with Romany. Usually in singularities, there are clear conflicts and opposing sides, but this time it's a whole new world. It's very likely that whoever has the holy grail wants to explore this world and then act. After all, in this world the gods can safely share their blessings with mortals and can make them stronger. Of course, as with mages, their growth is influenced by their talent and background, but not everyone can become a mage unlike a person blessed by a god and I recently heard that someone who reaches the 10th level of blessing can become a god." Da Vinci added to Romani's thoughts.

- "What!? Become a god?! Although this world is like the era of gods, but for ordinary people to get a chance to become a god? Eh, I hope this singularity doesn't bring a lot of problems" - Dr. Roman hearing the information from Da Vinci sighed. As a "former" Solomon he knows the character of the gods. After all, he himself received their favor in the form of the ten rings. But when the age of the gods ended, men turned their backs on the gods, believing only in their own strength. And now he hears that a man can become a god. It's a great shock to him.

- "Romany, don't be so worried. First of all, it could just be a rumor. Secondly, few people here know about it. Thirdly, we can find out if it's true by asking "our" god or Hephaestus. I guess I'll get back to my business. Good luck to you Romany," Da Vinci said and left. 

After talking to the doctor some more Victor began to ponder who could be behind this singularity. 

(Who could have been heavily obsessed with immortality from our world? Goetia? No. Or maybe Kirstaria? we can't rule out Beryl either. And the other members of Team A are unlikely to be interested in this but, they shouldn't be ruled out either)

While Victor was thinking about options, Mash, who had heard the conversation, approached Victor.

- "Senpai. Maybe we should contact the second group on the lower floors? I don't think we can tell them the new news on the communicator." said Mash looking at Victor.

- "I think you're right. I'll contact them right now" -Victor dialed Muramasa's communicator number and after ten seconds he answered.

- "Muramasa we have news about this singularity. Return to the upper floors as soon as possible" -Victor said but, in response he heard the sounds of battle.

- "I'm sorry, Victor, but I think I know who our enemies are in this singularity. We're fighting them right now. I never expected them to act together." said Muramasa.

Victor was starting to get a little nervous. After all, Lancer and Alter Cu, Ozymandias, Nitocris, Li Shuwen and Muramasa are very strong servants. It takes a very strong opponent to make them sweat.

-Wait, did you say "they"? Could it be that..." - Victor seemed to get the point, but Muramasa finished his thought for him.

- "Yes. The Lostbelt kings are involved. "Zeus and Morgan have their own plans for this singularity. We Fighting against the fairy knight Lancelot and Gawain. As well as Chiron along with Odysseus and a bunch of Atlantis soldiers. We're on the 18th floor right now. I hope for your help!" - Having said that Muramasa disconnected.

Victor immediately contacted everyone through the communicator and reported the news. Everyone then quickly headed towards the 18th floor.