
FGO: Parallel chaos

The ordinary FGO player became the master of Chaldea. What can he do in this chaotic world that doesn't go according to the plot?

Gigai · Anime und Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 12. First day

When Victor and his servants disappeared in the bright light, they found themselves transported to a vast expanse of land resembling an ancient battlefield. The environment was filled with remnants of past battles, and the air crackled with magical energy.

It took Victor a moment to look around, and his gaze fell on a towering figure in the distance. It was a colossal golem, its body composed of earth and stone, ready to unleash its destructive power. This was the first test they had to face during the simulation training.

Without hesitation, Victor signaled his servants to prepare for battle. Ozymandias stepped forward with a confident smile on his face.

"Don't be afraid, my master. I, the King of Kings, will crush this insignificant golem with one blow!" Ozymandias proclaimed, summoning his mighty Noble Phantasm.

With a mighty swing of his staff, Ozymandias unleashed a destructive charge of solar energy that shattered the golem into countless fragments. The ground shook from the impact, and the air was filled with dust.

The servants who were already ready to join the battle looked at Ozymandias with displeased expressions. All except Nitocris.

- As expected from the Pharaoh. The strongest Pharaoh in history!" said Nitocris, looking with admiration at her Pharaoh.

- hm. Only a weakling will show off by killing piles of stones to show his worthless strength" - trying to calm himself down a little and belittle Ozymandias, Cu Alter said this to himself.

But who said that servants have poor hearing? Hearing the provocative words of the berserker , Ozymandias replied with a smile:

- "Although I was called together with you at the same time, but I managed to notice one local saying. "Even a lion will use all his strength in hunting a rabbit." I think I'll let you live in a doghouse near my future pyramid as a watchdog" - after the words of Ozymandias, Cu Alter began to spew out a huge amount of magical power.

"I've always wanted to check out what it's like to have a king's head on my spear. I think yours will do very well," Cu Alter said, summoning two scarlet spears.

Victor, who was standing on the side, wanted to intervene, but Archer stopped him.

- "Master. I don't think you should get involved in this fight. Let them spend everything they have accumulated over these days. Besides, it can also be considered training," Archer said, looking at the place where the two servants were fighting.

The Lancer who was looking at all this was a little furious.

"So what do we do now? Wait until they all die? I suggest we leave them here and move on ourselves. And Nitocris will stay here and look after them. Although I would like them to kill each other, but we are all servants of our master Chaldea. And this is definitely unacceptable," Lancer expressed his proposal.

Archer looked at Lancer a little surprised.

"Sometimes smart things can come to your mind, too"

"What did you say, the freak in the red shirt? You know, maybe we should also go 1 on 1? Lancer pointed his spear at Archer, preparing to attack him.

But before Archer answered, Victor's scream was heard.

- "Enough! What are you doing here at all! Are you small children to fight over such trifles? We are here to become stronger and not to fight among ourselves!" - After these words, Victor immediately turned around and went.

Mash, who had never seen Victor raise his voice, was a little scared, but then followed Victor.

Lancer and Archer looked at each other and realized that they had gone too far.

Caster Cu didn't say anything, but there was obvious displeasure in his gaze. So did all the other servants.

Without saying anything, they followed their Master. Nitocris stayed with Pharaoh.


The battle between Ozymandias and Cu Alter lasted for about an hour and it flared up with new fury. They fought each other, sparks flying in all directions from the collision of their attacks. Ozymandias used his magic power, released bright rays that tried to penetrate Cu Alter's defenses. The same one responded with furious lunges and powerful spear strikes.

Nitocris, seeing the battle raging between two powerful servants, decided to intervene. Although she respects Pharaoh, she is also Victor's servant. She summoned a small ball and threw it into the center of the battle. The balloon exploded, emitting a cloud of poisonous gas that enveloped Ozymandias and Cu Alter. Both servants stopped their fight and retreated, trying to clear the poison from the air.

"Nice try, Nitocris. But don't think that's going to stop me," Cu Alter said, his voice steeped in anger.

Ozymandias smiled and raised his wand-staff high into the air. He gathered his solar energy and released it in a blinding explosion that dispersed the poisonous gas. He turned to Cu Alter and said:

"You really know how to make me angry, but do not forget that I am the pharaoh of all pharaohs!"

Again seized with anger, Cu Alter attacked Ozymandias with renewed vigor. He hurled his scarlet spears, releasing powerful waves of energy, but Ozymandias dodged them with grace and responded with his sunbeams, which rained down on Cu Alter with incredible power.

The battle continued, and both servants proved their strength and skill. Their attacks shook the ground, tearing apart the environment and filling the air with rumbles and flashes.

When they wanted to cross again in close combat, Nitocris stood between them. The two servants stopped their battle.

-"Pharaoh, although it will be seen as disrespectful to you, I will say it. Stop fooling around! Now our mission is to become stronger to be useful to our master and what are you doing now? You're wasting your time on your pointless battles. You didn't even notice how everyone else left. Therefore, I ask you to stop this battle and join the others," After saying this, Nitokris quickly turned around and walked towards Victor.

Ozymandias was stunned by this behavior of Nitocris. She couldn't even say a word against him before, but then she scolded him like a real mother. Realizing that once it has come to this, it is worth stopping all this foolishness.

Cu Alter, in turn, also realized this. What the hell am I doing here if I want to become the strongest servant in Chaldea and destroy all the enemies of the master?

The two servants looked at each other and ran towards their Master.


Having joined Victor, the whole group switched to a tacit understanding. Over time, they learned to use their capabilities to their full potential.

As they continued their journey through simulated training, they encountered many enemies. Each servant demonstrated their unique abilities and fought with unwavering determination.

Cu Alter burst into the crowd and attracted all the attention to himself, then ruthlessly broke through the hordes of enemies.

Cu Caster demonstrated his runic magic by manipulating fire with devastating effect and occasionally engaged in close combat. Like the Cu Lancer.

Lancelot and Bedivere demonstrated their exceptional knightly skills, their swords cut down those who passed Cu Alter.

Li Shuwen demonstrated his assassin techniques, quickly dealing with enemies with precise strikes.

Katou Danzou moved quickly across the battlefield and eliminated many weak enemies, especially magical ones.

Nitocris summoned her mummies to slow down her enemies.

Mash stood next to the master and protected him. If necessary, she stepped into close combat.

Archer stood on a hill and supported everyone in battle with his arrows.

Thus passed the first day in the simulator.