
Festival Of Legend

The world as we know It has to change Magic has resurfaced with in the world in the form of a game of supremacy. people of all ages have been summoned to participate in a game were legendary figures become chess pieces and magic is a ordinary occurrence. Solomon Gracen has been selected to become The King Of Darkness In The upcoming war to end the never ending power struggle between casters of all eras. He will face many foes and problems along the way in order to once and for all win this god forsaken festival.

Dark_jester3 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

A Need For Air Pt.2

 The idea of seeing a famous figure that I grew up with just amazed me but the fact that he had an arrow aimed at my head was not amazing. "What do you want Remus I'm in no mood" Remus then smiles " I can imagine due to those pests Castor and Pollux" Robin's face looked angry at the mention of them " Indeed and I have no intention to give up willingly" he puts his bow on his back and his arrow in the quiver and jumps down " and to top it off they have the blasted wolf of a sheriff hunting me day and night" Romulus steps in " Did you say sheriff that's not possible" Robin looks him straight in the eyes " I can assure you it is" I step back a little and as I do Robin looks at me "why who is that young fellow" then he thinks "of course its started hasn't it , the war" Remus then gleefully laughs " Correct my old friend and as it seems none of us are fighting for the people were use to". Now I'm the one that surprised " what do your not fighting for who you used to be fighting for" Romulus stops Remus from answering then says " the game has switched all of us into different places and well as much as I like to deny it Teleport us to new king effectively resting the board we all have been playing on for millions of years".

Robin starts to put his hand on his face " well he is no Queen Of Fire who is he then" Reus clears his throat "Solomon The King Of Darkness" Robin the looked at me in shock " So the game really is reset he isn't supposed to exist" I take a step back and breath "what do you mean not exist" robin then goes to sit down on his stump and answers with a heavy voice " the other four monarchs destroyed your card and everyone under the last monarch over 13 years ago" this shocked me to my core "thats how old I am" I put my hands over my face " M-my parents died when I was 6 months old or at least from what I was told by my granny" I rub my face in my hands for two minutes then Robin speaks " Give me your hands boy I have a way to confirm what happened you just gotta trust me". I don't want to trust him or anybody but what choice do I have? I needed to know I've been in the dark for so long I'm sick of it "alright" I start to move forward towards him and give him my hands "alright boy this is going to be draining but you should make it out just fine".

Green lights start coming out of my hands as he grabs them and visions of people start to show up in the green light people that I had to idea about "these are vision of the past" Robin then tries to focus on a certain memory " here it is" the scene starts to shift to a room with three people in it and they started to talk " Fallon you can't do this they are baiting you to fail you will die" says the woman in the corner and the older man in the middle speaks "Alexandria you are overreacting i've beat them before I will do it again" the young man right beside him speaks "your being an idiot dad you aren't thinking straight we have a son to worry about" Fallon looks at them with a bad glare " I care about my grandson to but this is for your security and his they will never stop till they have him". Then the scene drops to a battle field seeing the old man Fallon on the ground under a spear and the King Of Light above him " you have lost old man where is he" the old man chuckles " yo-u won't ge'' he chokes up blood " get him" then the king of light twists his spear inside of him "I won't ask again where is the child" Fallon refuses to answer. The king of light pulls his spear out of Fallon's body and raises it "valkyrja" and light comes from the sky burning Fallon's body and the area around it. After seeing this I was panicking and Robin let go of my hands and I fell.

I woke up feeling the weight of what I'd just seen. All of it was so surreal and eye opening " where the heck am I" I took off the blanket that was on me and looked up to see the ashen colored tent fabric and then I guessed it was probably robin's tent. Then I started to go forward towards the front of the tent and I started to hear a conversation " he isn't ready for any of this" a voice I assumed to be Robin " we can't help that know me and Remus have already made the bargain we're sworn". I started to open the tent and get to my feet and walk towards them " I understand your concern and I agree with you but that doesn't change the past we just got to look towards the future and hope to god that we can survive". Robin then looks at me and says " from what I've seen you don't look like much you don't even know magic but I guess that just my luck" he pulls out his card from his pants pocket " here I'll teach you and so will they" I then say to them "why are you doing that so easily pulling that card out means signing your life to me so why" he then chuckles " I got some history with your family kid think of me like a guardian I failed last time I won't fail again".

"What, did you just say Guardian" I took a step back as he put his hand up to show a vision of what looked like my mother and father with him " one of my abilities is to show and see memories that's what makes me a good thief and tracker 14 years ago I came in contact with your mother and father at the start of the festival I was his original legend" he then puts his hand out to Romulus and Remus " These to are your original legends" he puts his card out again " so will you have me Solomon" I take out my card knowing that I didn't have the full truth knowing that I was scared and afraid and said " The Bargain has begun"