Ferrus Manus, the first of his Primarch brothers to die, quite early on in the Horus Heresy. A tragic fate for him indeed ... well not as tragic as being reincarnated as him. Thankfully, the MC is given something that will suit him as Ferrus Manus, the Essence of the Crafter. He may or may not, even be allowed to keep his memories. __ I already tried this once, but not many were interested. This time, I'll just do it because I want to.
Essence of the Crafter
- Master craftsman, able to design, build, and maintain anything from machines to a simple shovel.
- Flawless work, anything created will never rot or rust only able to be destroyed through violence. These creations are extremely durable as well.
- Creations work better than one made by someone else.
- Can conjure dead or inorganic materials needed to work with from thin air.
- Ability to craft items on par with those in myth and legend, spears that never miss, swords that can cut through anything, invulnerable armour, etc.
- Can force specific abilities onto items through sheer skill and ability to craft on a conceptual level.