
Chapter Nine - "Soot's Escape, And Ferif's Defeat"

Kora and Porro kept the same little argument, Kora would say something offensive to Porro, and he would lightly snap at her. Kora jerked her face away when he got too close once, snapping Soot awake. He didn't move, nor make noise. He barely even breathed. Porro was growling at Kora and threatening her, she was staying quiet. And her jaws grip was getting weaker. It wasn't long before she dropped Soot. She reached back down to pick him up but he hissed and scratched her nose. Jumping up an running between Kora's legs.

"Hey! The little one!" Kora said, turning fully and perking up as he ran through the forest.

"Leave him. We have Ferif. She is all Bjorn needs." Porro said, continuing on. Kora hesitantly turned and continued off.

"Then why even knock him out and call me here? And he'll tell his kingdom!"

"Bjorn wants a war, she will get a war."

Soot trudged as quick as he could, his leg almost giving in. He panted as twigs slapped him in the snout. He could barely see or smell, but he kept on. He lept over logs and kept running for what seemed like hours. Until he stopped in front of the entrance of the fox kingdom. He squeezed inside, making a rustle. He slammed into Ferif's father while running amuck.

"Soot? You're back already? Where is Ferif?" He asked, moving to face Soot. Soot choked on his words. "Answer me boy!"

"A soilder! A hyena soilder has captured her! I think he's going to take her back to the cave and kill her!" Soot blurted out. Ferif's father looked at him with disbelief and sorrow.

"...Go. Visit the Elders. Now!" Ferif's father said, nudging him with his snout, before trotting to The Elders den. The Elders were snorting and laughing while snacking on rabbits when Soot and Ferif's father burst in.

"Krone? Soot? What is the meaning of this?" Lo'ain asked, standing.

"Soot, why are you not at the hyena's cave with Ferif?" Scorn asked, looking into Soot's eyes.

"Ferif has been kidnapped!" Soot yelped, getting slightly impatient. The Elders glanced at each other.

"What do you mean, 'kidnapped' Soot?" Scorn asked, carefully standing up beside Lo'ain

"I mean taken! By Porro! There are no time for specifics! Please! Just gather the soilders!" Soot cried out, digging his paws into the dirt. Scorn looked at Lo'ain, and nodded. Lo'ain ran out of the den, pushing past Krone.

"Hoagie! Gather your warriors!" Lo'ain said, speeding past Hoagie to the soilders den. Hoagie hurried inside, gathering her soilders.

"Soot." Krone said, looking down at him. Soot looked up at him "Lets save my daughter."

Ferif was thrown onto the cold cave floor, and if that didn't wake her up, the hyena pups gathering around licking her face, snarling and barking would. Ferif stood, the fur on her back standing up, she snarled at the hyena pups.

"No need to snarl, little one." Bjorn said, stepping off her dusty throne. Ferif hissed. "Not a friendly one, eh?" Bjorn giggled as she walked towards Ferif. "Don't be scared. When I bite, it doesn't hurt." Bjorn said, smiling. "Much." Bjorn stood inches away from Ferif.

"What are you going to do to me?? I didn't lay one paw on your mother!"

"Oh? Then who did, little one." Bjorn huffed hot air into her face. Ferif stayed silent. "Not going to talk? Kora." Bjorn sat back as Kora walked over. "Bring her to the feeding den. There she will talk." Kora nodded, and picked Ferif up in her jaws, walking off with her.

"This is not fair!" Ferif cried out, pawing at the foggy air.

"Aye, I know lass." Kora responded sadly. "I know..." Kora looked down at Ferif dangling from her mouth. "If I put you down, promise not to run? They'll just catch you if you do." Ferif nodded, and Kora carefully sat her down "Listen. We don't have much time. I'll get-" Kora was cut off by a hyena whining and yelping loudly. She whipped around. "Oh no.." She whispered.

"What is it?"

"Your father."