
Feral Fury

Set in a modern-day Earth, in the bustling city of Boston, Adam's life takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious System arrives on the planet. Adam, a dedicated martial artist, had been eagerly preparing to participate in the world-open martial arts championship tournament. However, with the arrival of the System, his plans are diverted, and he finds himself thrust into a world filled with unknown possibilities and hidden mysteries. As Adam embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of the newly arrived System, he must navigate through a world that has been forever changed. Along the way, he encounters strange phenomena, powerful beings, and unexpected allies, each with their own connection to the System. With his martial arts skills as his foundation, Adam must harness the newfound abilities granted by the System and explore the depths of its mysteries. As he ventures further into this unknown realm, Adam discovers that the System holds the key to unlocking extraordinary powers and abilities. He must face formidable challenges, engage in intense battles, and make crucial choices to shape his destiny. With each step forward, Adam becomes more entwined in a web of conspiracies, otherworldy beings, and a change that could jeopardize his existence and the world's fate. Join Adam on an exhilarating journey as he embraces his role as a martial artist within this evolving world, unravels the secrets of the System, and discovers his true purpose in a reality teetering on the edge of chaos.

Zedakos · Fantasie
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67 Chs

Trials of Agility

As Adam embarked on his journey through the Trial of Agility, he found himself surprisingly adept at navigating the swinging pendulums. With nimble footwork and well-timed jumps, he effortlessly evaded the razor-sharp blades, swiftly making his way from one pillar to the next.

A sense of accomplishment washed over him as he neared the end of the trial. However, the final stretch presented a new challenge: a thin, narrow beam requiring impeccable balance. As he cautiously placed his foot on the precarious surface, he couldn't help but waver slightly, causing his arms to flail momentarily to maintain equilibrium.

A nostalgic smile tugged at the corners of his lips as memories of his training days resurfaced. He recalled his old sensei, a strict yet charismatic figure, teaching him the art of balance and sword dance atop wooden sticks. The mental image of himself stumbling and struggling to maintain his footing brought a chuckle to his throat.

"Looks like my sensei would be rolling with laughter if he saw me now," Adam muttered to himself, shaking his head in self-amusement. "Well, here's to hoping I can impress him from beyond the grave with my impeccable balancing skills!"

With renewed determination, Adam visualized himself back in those training sessions, channeling the lessons and muscle memory instilled within him. He focused on the delicate interplay of his body's weight distribution, the gentle swaying of his arms acting as counterbalances. Gradually, his wobbling subsided, and he found his center of gravity aligning with the narrow beam.

"Just like old times," he mused, feeling a surge of pride. "Who knew those wooden sticks would come in handy in a dungeon trial?"

With his newfound stability, Adam completed the final stretch of the first trial, crossing the narrow beam with finesse. A sense of accomplishment and relief washed over him as he reached the end. He had successfully passed the Trial of Agility, triumphing over the swinging pendulums and the precarious balance beam.

With a satisfied grin, he took a moment to savor his victory. Little did he know that more significant challenges lay ahead and that he would have to repeat a similar trial again but with a twist. It took him about fifteen to twenty minutes to pass the first trial. So he hoped the system would be generous with its rewards.

[Congradulations, You have passed the first trial, "The Trial of Agility."

Reward: Key Fragment to The Verdant Sanctuary (1/4)]

Adam's brows furrowed as he read the system message announcing his completion of the Trial of Agility. The words "Reward: Key Fragment to The Verdant Sanctuary" left him feeling somewhat perplexed. He had expected a tangible item, perhaps a weapon or armor, for his efforts. Instead, he was presented with a mere fragment of a key.

"A key fragment? What am I supposed to do with that?" Adam muttered, a mix of confusion and disappointment tugging at him. He had anticipated obtaining valuable equipment or powerful items to aid him on his journey. The prospect of unlocking a boss room or accessing the next floor could have been more impressive than his initial expectations.

"Guess it's not the reward I was hoping for," he sighed, his tone tinged with resignation. Nevertheless, he reminded himself that in the world of dungeons, only some things were as it seemed. The key fragments held a greater purpose or would lead to something significant in due time.

Shrugging off his initial disappointment, Adam forced himself to adopt a more optimistic mindset. As he shifted his gaze, he found himself staring at a scene that felt oddly familiar. The ground beneath him was covered in a layer of vibrant moss, adorned with scattered flowers that added splashes of color to the surroundings. His eyes were drawn to a deep chasm on the opposite side, reminiscent of the one he had crossed during the first trial.

However, something caught his attention—a lone white pillar stood proudly, just like before. But upon closer inspection, he realized that this time, the pendulums swinging in front of it were moving with alarming speed. The challenge had escalated, and the pillar itself appeared to be half the size of its predecessor.

A wry smile tugged at the corners of Adam's lips. "Well, they certainly didn't waste any time turning up the difficulty, did they?" he muttered to himself. The sight before him confirmed that this floor held no intention of going easy on him. It was an upgrade, a test of his agility pushed to new limits.

Although the pendulums now swung faster, and the pillar demanded even more outstanding balance, he remained determined. He reminisced about his training days, recalling his sensei's teachings on balance and sword dancing atop wooden sticks. The memories served as a flicker of inspiration, reminding him that he possessed the skills to overcome such challenges. "I guess it's time to put those dancing skills to the test," he chuckled.

[System Message: Second Trial - Trial of Agility (Enhanced). Complete the obstacle course to finish the second trial. You can choose to forgo the trial before you start, and the dungeon will automatically teleport you outside. However, once you begin, you cannot leave until completion.]

Adam cautiously advanced and planted his feet on the first smaller pillar, his confidence slightly misplaced. Just as he settled into position, a surge of instinct alerted him to an imminent threat. Reacting swiftly, he instinctively crouched down, narrowly avoiding a devastating blast that erupted beside him. Turning to examine the source, his eyes widened at the sight of an icy blue magical projectile crashing into the distant dungeon wall. The true nature of the second trial became clear at that moment—a relentless test of agility and evasive maneuvers, where dodging attacks from the treacherous dungeon became an integral part of the challenge.

As the barrage of elemental attacks intensified, Adam relied on his reflexes and agility to dodge and weave between the swinging pendulums. He displayed impressive acrobatic maneuvers, narrowly evading blasts of fire, arcs of lightning, and gusts of wind that came at him from all directions.

However, halfway through the trial, fatigue started to take its toll. A momentary lapse in focus caused him to misjudge the timing of a pendulum swing, resulting in a glancing blow from an incoming attack. Staggering from the impact, he gritted his teeth and pushed forward, determination burning in his eyes.

The second half of the trial proved even more grueling. Adam was under constant assault, his movements becoming more erratic as the attacks grew faster and more unpredictable. A misstep led to another hit, and soon he found himself knocked off balance, hurtling towards the edge of a pillar.

Instinct and sheer willpower kicked in as his hands instinctively grabbed the pillar's edge, preventing him from plummeting into the chasm below. Adrenaline surged through his veins, fueled by frustration, injury, and the innate power of his bloodline. He pulled himself up with a surge of strength and agility, his determination unwavering.

Gathering his focus again, Adam pressed forward, pushing through the remaining obstacles and attacks. Each close call and near-miss only fueled his resolve, driving him to complete the trial no matter the cost. With a final burst of effort, he reached the last pillar, triumphant yet weary.

Breathing heavily, Adam stood on the final pillar, his body bruised and battered but his spirit unbroken. He had successfully navigated the treacherous second trial, defying the odds and proving his resilience in the face of adversity.

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Also, please let me know if you like the pace of the story or not.

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