
Feral Fury

Set in a modern-day Earth, in the bustling city of Boston, Adam's life takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious System arrives on the planet. Adam, a dedicated martial artist, had been eagerly preparing to participate in the world-open martial arts championship tournament. However, with the arrival of the System, his plans are diverted, and he finds himself thrust into a world filled with unknown possibilities and hidden mysteries. As Adam embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of the newly arrived System, he must navigate through a world that has been forever changed. Along the way, he encounters strange phenomena, powerful beings, and unexpected allies, each with their own connection to the System. With his martial arts skills as his foundation, Adam must harness the newfound abilities granted by the System and explore the depths of its mysteries. As he ventures further into this unknown realm, Adam discovers that the System holds the key to unlocking extraordinary powers and abilities. He must face formidable challenges, engage in intense battles, and make crucial choices to shape his destiny. With each step forward, Adam becomes more entwined in a web of conspiracies, otherworldy beings, and a change that could jeopardize his existence and the world's fate. Join Adam on an exhilarating journey as he embraces his role as a martial artist within this evolving world, unravels the secrets of the System, and discovers his true purpose in a reality teetering on the edge of chaos.

Zedakos · Fantasie
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67 Chs

The Earth Golem

As the adrenaline from the previous battle began to subside, Adam's instincts kicked in, reminding him of the importance of replenishing his strength. With a swift motion, he reached into his storage device and retrieved some leftover wolf meat. He hungrily devoured it, feeling the energy surge through his veins with each bite.

Between mouthfuls, his mind wandered, contemplating the strength and capabilities of the panther he had just defeated. The stark contrast between the panther and the goblin war chief intrigued him. "So monsters can have different power levels even within the same level," he mused aloud, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Hell, even the spider queen gave me more trouble than the orc king. She could probably decimate that entire village single-handedly."

As he finished his meal, Adam's attention returned to the last system message he had received.

[Would you like to start the next fight?]

He took a moment to assess his health and equipment, ensuring everything was at its full potential. Satisfied with his readiness, he mentally confirmed the start of the second fight.

To his surprise, a humanoid-like creature emerged from the dirt near the distant gate instead of the gate opening as before. The creature's form was composed of rock and sand, resembling the legendary earth elementals he had encountered in his college days playing Dungeons & Dragons.

Curiosity mingled with a touch of nostalgia as Adam observed the towering figure before him. He mentally reviewed his knowledge of earth elementals, recalling their immense strength and resistance to physical attacks. It was clear that this battle would require a different approach and strategy than the previous encounters.

Adam's mind raced, drawing upon his knowledge of earth elementals and golems. He recalled that golems often had a core, a vital power source hidden within their rocky exterior. He tries to scan it, but again he doesn't get anything. As if he can only use Identify on creatures on the same level or lower than himself.

[????- Level 13]

He carefully observed the earth elemental, searching for any signs of a core. His eyes scanned its stony body, noting the intricate patterns and crevices that adorned its form. The Earth Elemental's movements were deliberate and powerful. Although slow, each step sent tremors through the ground beneath Adam's feet.

"Sword attacks won't be effective against an earth elemental," he muttered, his voice tinged with determination. "But if it's a golem and possesses a core, destroying it could be the key to victory."

Adam cautiously approached the towering humanoid creature, his eyes fixed on its stony form. He could sense the immense power emanating from the Earth Elemental with each step. He decided to sheathe his sword, opting for a blunt attack to scatter some of the dirt and debris and potentially reveal a hidden core.

As he closed the distance, Adam seized the opportunity, lunging forward with a burst of speed. However, he underestimated the elemental's swiftness of retaliation. The creature raised its hand, launching snowball-sized rocky bullets toward him with surprising force. Caught off guard, Adam's instincts kicked in, allowing him to evade most of the projectiles. But a couple found their mark.

The impact was jarring. A sharp pain radiated from the center of his chest as one bullet struck him directly, while the other hit his left shoulder, dislocating it in a sickening twist of agony. The sheer force of the assault sent him hurtling backward, the ground shaking beneath his weight.

With a grimace of pain, Adam swiftly assessed the situation, recognizing the urgency of addressing his dislocated shoulder before continuing the battle. Gritting his teeth against the wave of discomfort, he mustered his resolve and forcefully popped his shoulder back into place, feeling a jolt of agony mixed with relief. The joint clicked back into position, granting him the full use of his arm once more.

Refusing to succumb to his injuries, Adam regained his footing with unwavering determination. The pain coursing through his body only fueled his fighting spirit, propelling him forward despite the setback. The pain in his chest gradually began to subside as his innate regenerative abilities kicked into gear, accelerating the healing process. The power of his bloodline surged within him, infusing him with renewed strength and resilience.

With his shoulder now functional again, Adam focused his attention on the Earth Elemental before him. He observed its movements, noting the rhythm and timing of its projectile attacks. Gathering his resolve, he calculated his approach, weaving through the air as he closed the gap between them. Agilely dodging the incoming rocky bullets, he inched closer, timing his movements with precision.

As he neared the elemental, Adam made a split-second decision. He thrust his sheathed sword forward, aiming to drive the blunt end into the creature's chest, hoping to expose its core. However, before reaching his target, the elemental conjured an earthen wall, emerging from the ground in a display of magical power.

Undeterred, Adam pushed on, his determination unwavering. His sheathed sword pierced through the earth wall, defying its resistance. But as he tried to withdraw the weapon, he felt the earth wall's grip tighten, its texture resembling quicksand. Panic surged within him as he realized his sword and its sheath were being devoured by the earth wall's relentless grasp.

Reacting swiftly, Adam swiftly unsheathed his sword, abandoning the sheath that threatened to consume it. He instinctively leaped backward, narrowly evading the elemental's powerful fist that had been aimed at his head. The ground shook as the fist collided with the earth, creating a shockwave that sent tremors through the chamber.

Regaining his composure, Adam pressed forward once again, this time closing the distance with the elemental. He engaged the creature in close combat, determined to prevent it from launching more projectiles. Slashing at the sandy body of the elemental, he targeted the joints of its hands, managing to sever its left hand in a swift, precise strike.

Yet, to his dismay, he watched as the severed hand began to regenerate before his eyes. The sand-like body of the elemental shifted and molded, reshaping itself as if defying the laws of nature. It was a formidable opponent that required caution and a strategic approach.

Adam shifted into a defensive stance, his movements becoming more calculated and careful. He observed the elemental's patterns, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. With each clash, he tested the creature's defenses, aiming to exploit any vulnerabilities that revealed themselves.

Adam continued his relentless assault, aiming his strikes at the opponent's chest in an attempt to find a weakness. However, the golem defended itself, evading his attacks with graceful movements or conjuring earth walls to shield its vulnerable area. Each time Adam's strikes were deflected, he had to swiftly adjust his position to avoid the counterattacks.

As the battle wore on, Adam noticed a peculiar pattern. While the golem prioritized defending its chest, it showed less resistance to attacks on other parts of its body. Seizing the opportunity, Adam managed to slice off portions of the golem's arms and legs, only to witness them regenerate almost instantaneously. This revelation struck a chord in Adam's mind.

"It must be a golem," Adam whispered to himself, a mixture of realization and excitement resonating in his voice. "While both elementals and golems may possess regenerative abilities, the unwavering protection of its chest, while neglecting its other limbs, indicates that the core must reside there."

With renewed determination and a growing sense of confidence, Adam pushed forward, his attacks becoming more focused and calculated. Though the golem continued to protect its chest with unwavering diligence, Adam was undeterred.

Risking potential injury, Adam dashed toward the golem with unwavering resolve. The golem instinctively raised an earth wall, attempting to halt his advance. But Adam pressed on, driving his sword forward. The wall, resembling quicksand, began to consume him, threatening to swallow him whole.

As Adam crashed into the earthen barrier, the suffocating grip of the quicksand-like wall engulfed him. The fine grains pressed against his body slowed his movements, and panic welled within him. Each labored step felt like wading through treacherous quicksand, his limbs weighed down by the relentless force of the encroaching earth.

His lungs burned for oxygen, a desperate battle against the diminishing air supply within the suffocating prison. Panic surged through him as he fought against the stifling embrace of the quicksand-like wall, struggling to find even a fleeting breath. Time seemed to stretch as his vision darkened, his senses dulled by the merciless grip of the earth.

But Adam's spirit remained unbroken even in the face of imminent suffocation. Summoning his last reserves of strength, he pushed against the crushing force, determined to overcome the treacherous obstacle. Determined, he exerted every ounce of power, his body straining against the weight of the encroaching earth.

In a final act of defiance, Adam's sword broke through the quagmire of the wall like a beacon of hope piercing the darkness. With unwavering focus, His sword found its mark, plunging deep into the golem's upper chest. The resounding crack reverberated through the chamber, signaling the core shattering within. He found a small pocket of air through sheer willpower, gasping for a precious breath before sealing the golem's fate.

The golem trembled, its once formidable presence faltering. Adam freed his sword with a final, desperate attack, causing the golem to collapse into a heap of rubble. The surrounding earth and sand began to crumble and disintegrate, revealing the true extent of its vulnerability.

Breathing heavily, covered in dust and debris, Adam stood victorious over the defeated golem. His realization had proven true, and his intuition had guided him to victory.

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