
Feral Fury

Set in a modern-day Earth, in the bustling city of Boston, Adam's life takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious System arrives on the planet. Adam, a dedicated martial artist, had been eagerly preparing to participate in the world-open martial arts championship tournament. However, with the arrival of the System, his plans are diverted, and he finds himself thrust into a world filled with unknown possibilities and hidden mysteries. As Adam embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of the newly arrived System, he must navigate through a world that has been forever changed. Along the way, he encounters strange phenomena, powerful beings, and unexpected allies, each with their own connection to the System. With his martial arts skills as his foundation, Adam must harness the newfound abilities granted by the System and explore the depths of its mysteries. As he ventures further into this unknown realm, Adam discovers that the System holds the key to unlocking extraordinary powers and abilities. He must face formidable challenges, engage in intense battles, and make crucial choices to shape his destiny. With each step forward, Adam becomes more entwined in a web of conspiracies, otherworldy beings, and a change that could jeopardize his existence and the world's fate. Join Adam on an exhilarating journey as he embraces his role as a martial artist within this evolving world, unravels the secrets of the System, and discovers his true purpose in a reality teetering on the edge of chaos.

Zedakos · Fantasie
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67 Chs

Shadowveil Worg

[You have slain a (Earth Golem – Level 13) – You have gained bonus experience points for slaying a creature above your level.]

[Congratulations! Your class (warrior) has reached level 11. All stat point has been allocated + 1 free point]

Would you like to commence the next fight?

Ignoring the system notifications, Adam takes a moment to appreciate the slight surge of energy that comes with leveling up. With a renewed sense of power, he shifts his focus to retrieving his sword's sheath from the rubble left behind by the golem's earth walls. After locating it and securing it to his waist, he brushes off the lingering traces of sand and stones that cling to his dark black hair.

Satisfied with his preparations, Adam retrieves some leftover meat from his storage device. The hunger accompanying his bloodline activation reminds him of the constant need for sustenance to fuel his regenerative abilities. He devours the flesh, relishing the taste and feeling the vital energy coursing through his body.

Taking a brief respite, Adam allows himself a few minutes to rest and gather his thoughts. The system message beckons him once more, and with a mental confirmation, he readies himself for the next fight.

As Adam once again sees the gate open, anticipation fills his chest. However, to his surprise, nothing emerged from the gate's opening. He waited for a minute or two, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement. Growing impatient, he cautiously moved closer, his footsteps echoing through the chamber.

Suddenly, two piercing yellow eyes materialized from the darkness, fixated on Adam. Alarm bells rang in his head, his instincts urging him to raise his sword in defense. But before he could fully comprehend what he was facing, the creature lunged at him with lightning speed, catching him off guard.

The creature's claws sliced across Adam's chest, leaving a deep gash in their wake. He was thrown backward, crashing onto the ground with a thud. Pain surged through his body, every nerve screaming in agony. As he lay there, gasping for breath, he glanced down and saw the gruesome sight of his torn flesh, his mind still struggling to identify the attacker.

Yet, even amidst the pain, he felt a flicker of hope. His regenerative abilities kicked in, and he watched in awe as the wound slowly started to mend before his eyes. A mixture of relief and bitterness washed over him as he muttered, "There goes all the meat I just ate."

With newfound determination, Adam pushed himself up, using his sword as support. He knew he couldn't let his guard down again.

As Adam regained his footing, he finally got a chance to see the creature that had attacked him. It was a fearsome beast, larger than any wolf he had ever encountered. Its muscular frame and sharp, elongated fangs sent a shiver down Adam's spine. The creature's fur was a dark, matted black, and its eyes glimmered with a mix of intelligence and primal ferocity.

Determined to gather more information, Adam focused his attention on the creature and attempted to use his Identify ability. However, to his frustration, the system provided no discernible response. The enigmatic message [????? - Level 14] appeared, leaving him with more questions than answers. He still needed to gain a clear knowledge of what he was facing, heightening the intensity of the battle.

With uncertainty clouding his mind, Adam had to rely on his instincts and combat experience. He fought it like he would a wolf, relying on his wits and adapting his strategies in real time. Adam employed his agility and quick reflexes as they engaged, evading and parrying the creature's attacks with swift movements.

However, the creature displayed an unexpected twist in its tactics. It leaped back, and suddenly, two more identical versions of itself materialized, surrounding Adam from different angles. The three creatures moved with synchronized precision, their eyes gleaming with a pang of predatory hunger.

Three identical creatures now circled him, their movements synchronized and precise. Caught off guard by the sudden change in the battle, Adam's mind raced, analyzing the situation and considering his options. The odds had taken a drastic turn against him, but he refused to succumb to fear.

Adam assessed the creatures' positioning and observed their patterns calmly. He realized they were relying on their numbers and coordination to overwhelm him. He needed to disrupt their rhythm and exploit their vulnerabilities.

Swift as a striking snake, Adam lunged toward one of the creatures, feigning a direct attack. Anticipating his move, the creature lunged to counter, revealing its flank in the process. Adam seized the opportunity, sidestepping the strike and delivering a decisive blow to the exposed side of the creature.

As the wounded creature staggered back, Adam swiftly turned his attention to the other two. He dodged their lunges and weaved through their coordinated assaults, narrowly avoiding their snapping jaws. With each evasion, he launched counterattacks, aiming for their weaker points and vital areas.

The creatures fought with relentless determination, their snarls echoing through the air. Their synchronized movements made it difficult for Adam to gain the upper hand. However, he refused to back down, his fighting spirit burning bright within him.

Realizing that he needed to disrupt their synchronization, Adam devised a daring plan. As the creatures lunged simultaneously, he executed a risky maneuver, rolling between their legs and repositioning himself in their midst. This sudden change in his location caused momentary confusion in their coordinated attacks.

Capitalizing on the split-second advantage, Adam struck with precision and speed. He targeted the creature closest to him, delivering a series of quick slashes that left it reeling. He incapacitated the first creature with a final decisive blow, causing it to dissipate into a cloud of black mist.

The remaining two creatures, now disoriented by the disruption, momentarily faltered in their onslaught. Adam seized the opportunity, maneuvering strategically to keep them off balance. He evaded their attacks and retaliated with calculated strikes, gradually wearing them down.

As Adam continued to press his advantage, dealing precise blows to the remaining creatures, he could sense victory within reach. Their once-coordinated movements became erratic, their attacks lacking the earlier precision. It was here that he managed to down another one of the wolf-like creatures. He knew they weren't really wolves, but maybe a mutated version.

Just as he prepared to face the final creature face to face, it growled and then leaped back, creating a brief distance between them. Adam braced himself, ready for whatever the creature had planned.

Suddenly, the creature's body convulsed, and an ominous energy began emanating from its form. Before Adam could react, the creature unleashed a shockwave of pure darkness, engulfing the chamber in an eerie black mist. Disoriented and momentarily blinded, Adam fought to regain his bearings. The mist seemed to sap his strength and cloud his senses. He knew he had to act quickly if he wanted to emerge victorious from this final twist.

Relying on his instincts, Adam honed his focus and attuned his senses to the subtle movements around him. He could hear the faint rustle of the footsteps and the soft, calculated breaths escaping the beast's jaws. With each passing second, his perception of the creature's presence grew clearer.

Drawing upon his training and experience, Adam adapted his fighting style to accommodate the new challenge. He relied on his other senses—sound, touch, and intuition—to anticipate the worg's movements. Each strike became a dance, an intricate exchange of force and agility.

As Adam fought through the suffocating darkness, he listened intently to the creature's movements, relying on the sound of its paws against the ground to gauge its location. His fingertips grazed the air, feeling the subtle disturbances caused by the creature's swift movements. Every fiber of his being was attuned to the battle unfolding in the impenetrable mist.

Adam could sense the creature's frustration growing with each clash of their weapons. Its once-calculated attacks had become desperate and wild. Seizing this opportunity, Adam utilized his heightened senses to their fullest extent. Anticipating the lunge, Adam parried it and delivered a swift counterattack.

The darkness surrounding them became a chaotic battleground, with Adam and the creature locked in a fierce dance of shadows. Their movements were a blur, an intricate display of skill and agility. Adam's body moved fluidly, evading all the relentless assaults while delivering precise, calculated strikes.

Time seemed to stretch in that shrouded arena as the battle raged on. Adam's muscles burned with exertion, but he refused to succumb to fatigue. His resolve burned brighter than ever, fueling his every action. He knew that one wrong move could cost him everything.

As the minutes turned into eternity, the creature's attacks gradually lost ferocity. Its snarls grew faint, its movements sluggish. Adam sensed its weakening state, seizing the opportunity to deliver a decisive blow. His blade found its mark with a lightning-fast strike, piercing the creature's defenses and striking its heart.

The darkness dissipated, revealing a chamber bathed in a dim, ethereal light. The creature's form crumbled to the ground, lifeless. Adam stood amidst the aftermath, his body drenched in sweat, his heart pounding in his chest.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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