
Feral Fury

Set in a modern-day Earth, in the bustling city of Boston, Adam's life takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious System arrives on the planet. Adam, a dedicated martial artist, had been eagerly preparing to participate in the world-open martial arts championship tournament. However, with the arrival of the System, his plans are diverted, and he finds himself thrust into a world filled with unknown possibilities and hidden mysteries. As Adam embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of the newly arrived System, he must navigate through a world that has been forever changed. Along the way, he encounters strange phenomena, powerful beings, and unexpected allies, each with their own connection to the System. With his martial arts skills as his foundation, Adam must harness the newfound abilities granted by the System and explore the depths of its mysteries. As he ventures further into this unknown realm, Adam discovers that the System holds the key to unlocking extraordinary powers and abilities. He must face formidable challenges, engage in intense battles, and make crucial choices to shape his destiny. With each step forward, Adam becomes more entwined in a web of conspiracies, otherworldy beings, and a change that could jeopardize his existence and the world's fate. Join Adam on an exhilarating journey as he embraces his role as a martial artist within this evolving world, unravels the secrets of the System, and discovers his true purpose in a reality teetering on the edge of chaos.

Zedakos · Fantasie
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67 Chs


It was a peaceful Saturday morning at Sarah's parent's house in a quaint suburb just outside Boston. The warm sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room where Sarah was staying for the weekend. She had decided to take a break from her busy city life and enjoy a few days of relaxation in the familiar comfort of her childhood home for the memorial day weekend.

Sarah awoke as the sunlight streamed through the curtains of her childhood room. The room was familiar, with its soft pastel-colored walls adorned with framed pictures capturing cherished memories. The queen-sized bed, neatly made with floral-patterned sheets, held a sense of comfort and nostalgia.

As she stretched her arms above her head, her gaze fell upon a corner of the room where her prized possession stood tall and proud. A sleek bow, crafted from polished wood, rested in a stand alongside its accompanying quiver filled with arrows. It was a testament to Sarah's dedication to archery, a passion she had cultivated since she was a young girl.

Sarah's appearance reflected her youthful energy and determination. Her black hair cascaded in loose waves, framing her face with a touch of elegance. Shimmering with intelligence, her hazel eyes held a spark of adventure and ambition. Dressed in a casual yet sophisticated outfit, she exuded confidence and style.

Growing up in a supportive family, Sarah had been inspired by her older brother Adam's dedication to martial arts. She had turned her attention to archery, honing her skills with a bow and arrow to forge her own path and not fall short of his achievements. Adam had been her mentor, teaching her the foundations of hand-to-hand combat and self-defense, creating a strong bond between them.

Their parents, Mark and Emily, had always encouraged their children's pursuits. Mark, an ex-military man now working as a military engineer, instilled a sense of discipline and respect in them. The memories of their hunting trips during hunting season were etched in Sarah's mind, a reminder of their shared love for the outdoors and their tight-knit family bond. A dedicated school teacher, Emily nurtured their passion for knowledge and fostered their dreams.

Sarah descended the stairs, her footsteps creating a gentle echo in the quiet house. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the tantalizing scent of breakfast greeted her as she entered the cozy kitchen. Mark and Emily, her loving parents, were already seated at the table, sipping their own cups of steaming coffee.

"Good morning, Mom. Good morning, Dad," Sarah greeted them with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with a mix of sleepiness and anticipation for the day ahead.

"Morning, sweetheart. Sleep well?" Emily asked, her voice carrying a touch of maternal concern.

"I did, thanks," Sarah replied, pulling out a chair and joining her parents at the table. "I can't believe it's already late morning. Time flies when you're at home."

Mark glanced up from his newspaper and chuckled. "That's what happens when you're in a place that feels so familiar and comforting. We're always happy to have you home, Sarah."

Sarah poured herself a cup of coffee and took a sip, relishing the rich, comforting flavor. She looked out the large windows of the dining area, her gaze falling upon the grandfather clock standing tall in the living room. The hour hand indicated that it was already 10 o'clock.

"Wow, it's already 10? I must have slept longer than I thought," Sarah remarked a hint of surprise in her voice.

Emily nodded understandingly. "Well, it's the weekend, darling. You deserve some extra rest. Besides, it's always nice to have a break from your busy college schedule."

Emily glanced at the clock on the wall and then reached for her phone, a concern evident in her eyes. "You know, Sarah, since Adam is on his way to the tournament, I think I should give him a call to check on him. It's always good to make sure he's safe."

Sarah nodded, understanding her mother's worry. "That's a good idea, Mom. I'm sure he'll appreciate the call."

Emily dialed Adam's number and held the phone to her ear, waiting for him to answer. After a few rings, Adam picked up the call.

"Hey, Mom, what's up?" Adam's voice came through the phone.

Emily smiled, relieved to hear her son's voice. "Hi, Adam. I just wanted to check in on you and see how the tournament is going."

"It hasn't started yet, Mom. I'm still on my way there," Adam replied, his voice filled with anticipation.

"Oh, I see. Well, I called to check in on you and say to keep your eyes out for any nice girl at the tournament," Emily said playfully, a hint of mischief in her tone.

Adam let out a sigh, knowing his mother's intentions. "Mom, not this again. I'm focused on my martial arts right now. I don't have time for a girlfriend."

"But Adam, you're not getting any younger. You need to settle down and start a family soon," Emily insisted, her voice tinged with concern.

Adam chuckled softly, appreciating his mother's concern but sticking to his own priorities. "I know, Mom. But I'll find the right person when the time is right. Right now, I just want to focus on the tournament."

"Alright, alright. I won't push it anymore. Just make sure you call me and let me know how it goes," Emily said, relenting.

"I will, Mom. Talk to you later," Adam replied before ending the call.

Sarah observed the conversation, a smile playing on her lips. "You always worry about him, Mom. But he'll find his way, just like he always does."

Emily sighed, a mixture of love and concern in her eyes. "I know, dear. It's just that, as a mother, I can't help but worry about you two. But you're right; Adam is strong and level-headed. He'll be fine."

Mark interjected, his voice filled with pride. "Adam has turned into a remarkable young man. I'm confident he'll do well in the tournament. But let's not forget about you, Sarah. How's your journey to becoming a lawyer going?"

Sarah's face lit up as she shared her own aspirations. "It's going great, Dad. College is hard, but I'm learning so much. I can't wait to make a difference in the legal field."

Mark smiled, his eyes filled with pride and admiration. "I have no doubt that you'll excel, Sarah. Like your brother, you have a drive and determination to take you far."

As the family continued their breakfast conversation, Sarah couldn't help but feel grateful for the support and love that surrounded her. Her parents' presence and unwavering encouragement gave her strength and confidence to pursue her dreams.

After finishing their breakfast, Mark excused himself from the table, announcing his plan to spend some time in the shed at the back of the house. He had a hobby that he enjoyed pursuing in his free time, one that involved working with wood and creating intricate wooden carvings.

"I'm going to the shed for a while, folks," Mark said with a smile. "I've got a new project I'm working on. I'll be back in a bit."

Sarah and Emily exchanged knowing glances as Mark disappeared into the backyard, his enthusiasm for his hobby evident. They cleared the breakfast dishes and settled into the cozy living room, where a television stood against one wall.

Sarah grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, flipping through the channels until she found a show they both enjoyed. They settled into the couch's soft cushions, their attention captured by the unfolding story on the screen.

The atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable as they watched the program, with occasional laughter and shared comments about the characters and plot twists. The sound of their voices and the warmth of their companionship filled the room, creating an atmosphere of familiarity and love.

Suddenly, a sharp ringing broke through the calm atmosphere, making Sarah and Emily jump in surprise. They exchanged puzzled glances, trying to locate the source of the sound. It took them a moment to realize that it was coming from the front door.

Emily got up from the couch, a look of curiosity on her face. "I wonder who that could be. I wasn't expecting anyone."

Sarah followed her mother to the front door, and together they opened it to reveal a delivery person standing on the doorstep. The person held a small package in their hands, adorned with the logo of a wooden log on it.

"Good morning," the delivery person greeted with a friendly smile. "I have a delivery for Mark."

Sarah and Emily exchanged surprised glances. "Oh, it's for Dad?" Sarah asked, taking a step back to allow the delivery person to hand over the package.

"Yes, ma'am. It's addressed to him," the delivery person confirmed, extending the package toward Sarah.

Sarah accepted it and nodded her thanks. "Thank you."

With the package in hand, Sarah closed the front door, and she and Emily returned to the living room. They settled back into the cozy couch, exchanging curious looks.

"I wonder what Dad ordered," Emily pondered, a playful smile on her face. "Knowing his love for woodworking, it's probably a new tool or something for his projects."

Sarah chuckled, nodding in agreement. "You're probably right. It's always exciting to see what new gadget or equipment he adds to his workshop."

As they resumed their spots on the couch, they couldn't shake off the feeling of anticipation in the air. It was as if something was about to happen that would change the course of their day and perhaps their lives.

And then, a sudden high-pitched sound filled their ears, echoing through their minds.


[Initiation of the System is confirmed. Preparing ...]