
Feral Fury

Set in a modern-day Earth, in the bustling city of Boston, Adam's life takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious System arrives on the planet. Adam, a dedicated martial artist, had been eagerly preparing to participate in the world-open martial arts championship tournament. However, with the arrival of the System, his plans are diverted, and he finds himself thrust into a world filled with unknown possibilities and hidden mysteries. As Adam embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of the newly arrived System, he must navigate through a world that has been forever changed. Along the way, he encounters strange phenomena, powerful beings, and unexpected allies, each with their own connection to the System. With his martial arts skills as his foundation, Adam must harness the newfound abilities granted by the System and explore the depths of its mysteries. As he ventures further into this unknown realm, Adam discovers that the System holds the key to unlocking extraordinary powers and abilities. He must face formidable challenges, engage in intense battles, and make crucial choices to shape his destiny. With each step forward, Adam becomes more entwined in a web of conspiracies, otherworldy beings, and a change that could jeopardize his existence and the world's fate. Join Adam on an exhilarating journey as he embraces his role as a martial artist within this evolving world, unravels the secrets of the System, and discovers his true purpose in a reality teetering on the edge of chaos.

Zedakos · Fantasie
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67 Chs


[You have slain (Shadowveil Worg - Level 14) – You have gained bonus experience points for slaying a creature above your level.]

Would you like to commence the next fight?

Adam was seriously tired. During the previous fight, he had pushed his senses and mind to the limit. He glanced at his ruined shirt, realizing it was the fourth one he had changed into in the past few hours. "I only have one more set of clothes left, but I really don't want to walk to Boston shirtless. Hopefully, this last one will hold up until the end of the dungeon," he muttered, feeling a mix of exhaustion and determination.

Although his shirt was torn in several places and stained with blood, Adam chose to keep wearing it.

Approaching the lifeless body of the creature, which bore a menacing resemblance to a wolf, Adam saw an opportunity. He swiftly skinned the beast, carefully preserving the pelt in his gauntlet. It would serve as a valuable resource or trophy later on.

When creating a makeshift firepit, Adam used some wood from his storage to start the fire. Retrieving leftover wolf meat from his previous encounter with the wolf pack, he began cooking it. However, he decided against consuming the Worg's flesh, as its dark shade of gray raised suspicions about its safety. He wondered if the creature's unusual appearance resulted from some of its peculiar magic.

Satisfied with his meal, Adam mentally confirmed his readiness for the next fight. As the gate opened once again, a massive four-legged beast emerged from the shadows. Its imposing figure stood four feet tall and three feet wide. The creature had a head resembling a huge owl, while its body was shaped like a bear. Its brown fur was interspersed with feather-like protrusions on its forelegs. The beast's paws resembled a bear's, but its claws were elongated and reminiscent of bird talons. If Adam were to give it a name, he would call it an owlbear.

[????? - Level 14]

As Adam observed the creature, it emitted a deafening roar, combining an owl's hoot with a bear's roar. The resounding sound shook the cavern, causing Adam to steady himself and brush off the dirt and small stones that fell from the cave's roof. It was a clear signal that he was about to face a formidable opponent.

Adam braced himself as the owlbear charged forward with surprising speed and agility, defying its massive size. The beast's claws dug deep into the ground, propelling it toward Adam with a thunderous rumble.

Reacting swiftly, Adam narrowly evaded the owlbear's initial swipe, feeling the rush of air as the razor-sharp claws grazed his side. With calculated precision, the owlbear snapped its powerful beak, aiming to crush Adam's defenses. Adam managed to deflect the attack with his sword, but the force of the impact sent him stumbling backward.

Regaining his balance, Adam focused on the owlbear's movements. Its agility was astounding, swiftly shifting its weight and lunging at him with relentless ferocity. The creature's claws and beak became a flurry of deadly strikes, each aimed to find a weakness in Adam's defense.

Adam countered with swift, calculated maneuvers, using agility and swordsmanship to evade the owlbear's onslaught. He parried the creature's claws with his blade, redirecting its momentum and creating openings for counterattacks. However, the owlbear's speed made it a formidable opponent, as it effortlessly closed the distance and continued its assault.

The clash of metal against claw echoed through the chamber as Adam desperately fought to match the owlbear's relentless aggression. Despite his efforts, the owlbear's claws managed to graze him several times, leaving deep gashes that stung with each passing moment.

Recognizing that a direct confrontation was becoming increasingly dangerous, Adam shifted his strategy. He took advantage of the owlbear's speed and agility, luring it into pursuing him across the chamber. With every step, he calculated the timing and trajectory of the creature's attacks, carefully maneuvering to minimize the damage inflicted upon himself.

With only a tattered and blood-soaked t-shirt as his meager protection, Adam relied on his agility and instincts to evade the owlbear's relentless attacks. Its claws tore through the fabric, leaving fresh wounds on his exposed skin. The pain seared through his body, fueling his determination to survive.

The owlbear's claws raked across Adam's chest, leaving deep gashes that welled up with crimson. Blood dripped down his torso, staining the remnants of his tattered shirt. Each strike threatened to overwhelm him, but he pushed through the pain, refusing to yield.

With a burst of adrenaline, Adam countered the owlbear's ferocity with calculated maneuvers. He ducked and weaved, narrowly avoiding the lethal swipes of its claws. His own strikes, fueled by desperation, found their mark with a mix of precision and brute force. The clash of flesh against feathered fur reverberated through the chamber.

The owlbear's beak snapped dangerously close to Adam's face, its sharp edges grazing his cheek, drawing fresh blood. The taste of his own life force only intensified his resolve. He retaliated with a flurry of strikes, aiming for the creature's vulnerable joints and exposed flesh. His hands grew slick with sweat and blood, the battle turning into a gruesome dance of survival.

Despite the pain and the injuries that littered his body, Adam refused to give in. The bloodline within him surged, triggering his regenerative abilities. His wounds, though still fresh and raw, began to slowly heal, allowing him to endure the owlbear's relentless onslaught.

In a daring move, Adam lunged forward, driving his blade deep into the owlbear's flank. The creature howled in pain, its own blood mixing with Adam's, staining the ground beneath them. It reeled back, momentarily stunned by the unexpected strike.

As the owlbear staggered, Adam seized the opportunity to disengage and reassess the situation. Blood trickled down his arm, mingling with the creature's crimson pool. He knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down.

With caution in his movements, Adam circled around the wounded owlbear, keeping a safe distance. The creature's labored breathing filled the chamber, its massive form now showing signs of fatigue and vulnerability.

Adam's mind raced, calculating his next move. He needed to end this battle swiftly and decisively. He knew that a wounded beast could be even more dangerous, fueled by survival instincts.

Summoning his remaining strength, Adam calculatedly closed the gap between them. The owlbear, though weakened, still fought back with renewed ferocity. Its claws swiped through the air, seeking to tear into Adam's flesh, while its beak snapped threateningly.

Adam deftly parried the creature's desperate attacks, his blade finding purchase on vulnerable spots whenever possible. He aimed for the owlbear's exposed throat, its eyes, and the joints where the avian and bear features merged. Each strike was executed with utmost precision and timing.

With each successful blow, the owlbear's movements grew sluggish, its once-mighty form now faltering. The creature's growls became weakened groans, and its defense gradually crumbled under Adam's relentless assault.

Finally, Adam's blade found its mark with one last well-placed Power Strike. The owlbear released a final, haunting cry, its body collapsing to the ground in a lifeless heap. The chamber fell silent, except the echoes of their fierce battle still resonated.

Adam's battered body slumped forward, collapsing onto the lifeless form of the owlbear. The toll of the brutal battle weighed heavily upon him, leaving him vulnerable and motionless. Blood soaked his torn clothes, marking the extent of his injuries.

As time passed, a grotesque spectacle unfolded before anyone who dared to witness it. Adam's regenerative abilities kicked into high gear, his wounds healing at an astonishing pace. More minor lacerations closed and vanished, leaving no trace behind. It was a disconcerting sight as if the fabric of his flesh was being rewoven before their eyes.

The process was slow and agonizing, each fragment of bone realigning, lost muscles reforming, and tissues knitting back together. Yet, the larger wounds revealed the proper depth of his injuries. The gash that sliced through his chest and extended past his belly button exposed the gruesome sight of broken bones and exposed entrails. But even these grievous wounds couldn't deter his body's innate power.

Adam lay there, caught in the eerie limbo between life and rebirth. The scene was a macabre testament to his resilience and the otherworldly force coursing through his veins. The once-devastated body gradually regained its form, leaving no scars or evidence of the brutal ordeal.

After what felt like an eternity, Adam's eyes flickered open. Rising slowly, he took in a deep breath, the ache of his wounds fading into a faint memory.

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