
Feral Fury

Set in a modern-day Earth, in the bustling city of Boston, Adam's life takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious System arrives on the planet. Adam, a dedicated martial artist, had been eagerly preparing to participate in the world-open martial arts championship tournament. However, with the arrival of the System, his plans are diverted, and he finds himself thrust into a world filled with unknown possibilities and hidden mysteries. As Adam embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of the newly arrived System, he must navigate through a world that has been forever changed. Along the way, he encounters strange phenomena, powerful beings, and unexpected allies, each with their own connection to the System. With his martial arts skills as his foundation, Adam must harness the newfound abilities granted by the System and explore the depths of its mysteries. As he ventures further into this unknown realm, Adam discovers that the System holds the key to unlocking extraordinary powers and abilities. He must face formidable challenges, engage in intense battles, and make crucial choices to shape his destiny. With each step forward, Adam becomes more entwined in a web of conspiracies, otherworldy beings, and a change that could jeopardize his existence and the world's fate. Join Adam on an exhilarating journey as he embraces his role as a martial artist within this evolving world, unravels the secrets of the System, and discovers his true purpose in a reality teetering on the edge of chaos.

Zedakos · Fantasie
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67 Chs

Leveling Up!

Adam emerged from the store, his sword at the ready. Surveying his surroundings, he contemplated his next move. Should he take the initiative and engage the approaching zombies head-on, or would it be wiser to let them draw nearer before making his move? After a moment of deliberation, he opted to allow the zombies to approach his position. At least he could be certain that the store was clear of any zombies.

As the zombies closed in, Adam utilized his Identify ability, casting a discerning gaze upon the approaching horde. Through his keen observation, he ascertained that the zombies ranged in levels from 9 to 12.

With a firm grip on his sword, Adam positioned himself strategically, ready to face the approaching horde of Mana zombies. The first Mana zombie lunged forward, driven by its insatiable appetite. Adam swiftly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the creature's desperate attack. Reacting with precision and agility, he swung his sword in a calculated arc, aiming to incapacitate rather than kill. The blade connected with the zombie's shoulder, momentarily halting its relentless advance.

Without hesitation, Adam shifted his attention to the next Mana zombie, parrying its strikes with swift defensive maneuvers. His combat skills, honed through years of martial arts training, allowed him to retaliate with calculated strikes of his own.

The battle intensified as more Mana zombies closed in on Adam. His movements became a seamless dance of evasion and offense, his strikes precise and efficient. He deftly maneuvered through the chaotic battlefield, effortlessly transitioning from one opponent to the next.

Driven by their relentless hunger, the Mana zombies continued their frenzied assault. However, Adam's superior combat prowess and higher level gave him a crucial advantage. His keen instincts and quick reflexes allowed him to anticipate their movements, exploiting their vulnerabilities and swiftly neutralizing their attacks.

As the skirmish drew to a close, only two Mana zombies remained for Adam to face. It was at this moment that he decided to conduct an experiment. He wanted to test if incapacitating the zombies and allowing Rebecca to deliver the finishing blows would grant her experience and help her grow stronger for future encounters.

Adam had observed that these zombies differed from what he had seen in movies. They didn't require their brains to be destroyed to kill them. A simple strike to the heart with his sword would suffice. With this knowledge in mind, he adjusted his approach.

Choosing the dull side of his sword, Adam focused on striking the zombies' limbs, purposefully breaking their bones. The level 12 creatures fell to the ground, snarling but rendered immobile. However, Adam wasn't fully satisfied. The zombies could still move their arms to some extent, and Rebecca lacked experience. He knew that a scratch from them could potentially turn her into a zombie.

Thinking quickly, Adam surveyed his surroundings and returned to the store. He grabbed one of the large shelves, surprised at how effortlessly he could maneuver it. He positioned the shelf over the zombies, effectively trapping them, leaving only their heads visible.

He then approached the storeroom, where Rebecca and Sophia were huddled together. Adam opened the door and asked Rebecca if she trusted him. She hesitantly nodded, and Adam requested a private conversation outside the room. Leaving the door open, he wanted to ensure Sophia wouldn't be frightened.

"Hey, Rebecca," Adam said, his voice calm yet determined. "I have an idea. I've incapacitated a couple of zombies, and I thought it would be beneficial for you to kill them. By doing so, you could gain some levels and become stronger, it will better equip you to protect little Sophia. We don't know what else is out there, and this could give you an advantage."

Rebecca's face turned pale, but she recognized the logic behind Adam's suggestion. "But what about Sophia?" she asked anxiously. "I can't leave her alone here."

Adam gently placed a hand on Rebecca's shoulder, reassuring her. "Don't worry. I'll hold Sophia and keep her eyes closed. You can use the sword I gave you earlier to stab the zombies in the head. They're level 12, so there's a good chance you'll gain a few levels from defeating them."

Rebecca took a deep breath, her resolve strengthening. She knew getting stronger was essential for protecting Sophia in this perilous world. Looking at Adam with a mixture of gratitude and determination, she nodded. "Okay, let's do it. I'll trust you, Adam."

Adam carefully cradled Sophia in his arms, shielding her from the gruesome sight. Rebecca approached the trapped zombies, gripping the sword tightly. With each strike, she aimed for their heads, ensuring their demise. Adam watched attentively, his focus split between supporting Rebecca and keeping Sophia safe.

Rebecca's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and adrenaline as she delivered the final blow, ending the life of the last zombie. Breathing heavily, she turned to Adam, her eyes gleaming with a sense of accomplishment.

Adam instinctively used Identify on Rebecca, and his eyes widened as he saw the results. She had managed to gain four levels from killing the zombies. As he watched her, a smile spread across his face. The color returned to Rebecca's cheeks, and he knew she was experiencing the same rush of energy he felt every time he leveled up.

"Rebecca, you did it!" Adam exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine excitement. "You've gained four levels!

"I can feel it," she said, her voice tinged with wonder. "It's like a surge of energy coursing through me. I never thought I could become this strong just by killing a couple of zombies."

"Well, to be fair," Adam replied, a hint of amusement in his voice, "I never thought that one day I'd be fighting beasts in dungeons and zombies in the streets." They shared a grim chuckle, the absurdity of their current situation not lost on them.

"But here we are," Adam continued, his tone more serious. "And we're adapting, I guess.

After the brief encounter, Adam urged them to press on and make their way to the outskirts of the town. They walked for 45 minutes, traversing the quiet streets and dispatching stray zombies along the way. Finally, reaching the outskirts, Adam surveyed the houses and identified one that appeared relatively intact. With a bit of luck, the previous occupants had left the door unlocked.

As they entered the house, the trio cautiously approached one of the bedrooms. Adam thoroughly checked the room to ensure it was free of any lurking zombies. Satisfied, he instructed the mother and daughter to stay in the bedroom while he conducted a sweep of the rest of the house.

Starting with the bedrooms on the second floor, Adam meticulously examined each room for any signs of danger. Moving downstairs, he continued his thorough search, inspecting the living room, kitchen, and basement. To fortify their temporary shelter, he gathered furniture and barricaded all the openings, ensuring their safety to the best of his abilities.

Returning to the bedroom, Adam and Rebecca collaborated to secure the door from the inside using more furniture. They knew the importance of remaining vigilant, so they decided to take turns sleeping, providing an added layer of security.

Today's events had left Adam feeling uneasy. A town this size should have had some signs of life, but it appeared completely deserted. He couldn't help but wonder if the residents had been evacuated or if they had fallen victim to the zombie outbreak. Numerous civilian bodies throughout the city only added to his concerns.

Adam doubted that the military could have evacuated the town so quickly, especially with the dangerous creatures lurking in the surrounding areas. He considered the possibility that the remaining people had either turned into zombies or were hiding somewhere within the town.

During his night shift, Adam pondered the whereabouts of the potential zombie population. Did they migrate toward the woods to hunt the beasts? These thoughts occupied his mind as he kept a watchful eye.

As morning approached, Adam woke up Rebecca, exchanging places to ensure they both had enough rest.

The trio enjoyed an early breakfast the next day before continuing their journey. It was now the sixth day after the apocalypse, and they still had a considerable distance to cover before reaching Boston. As they ventured through the woods, they encountered few disturbances from the beasts, providing a momentary respite.

Adam took the opportunity to impart his knowledge of swordsmanship to Rebecca, aiming to enhance her effectiveness in combat. She had chosen this class because she believed it would better enable her to protect Sophia.

Speaking of Sophia, it turned out that she, too, had class options within the system. The kind-hearted girl had opted for the healer class. Adam was taken aback by the fact that even children could choose classes. The idea of high leveled little murderers sent a chill down his spine.

Throughout their journey, Adam made sure to help Rebecca hunt some level 5 and 6 beasts, allowing her to level up to level 5. This gave Sophia the chance to use her healing spells on her mom. Her chosen class also functioned as a support class, providing an HP and SP buff to herself or her targets. This way, she also reached level 2.

A/N - Starting from this point forward, I will increase each chapter's word count. The goal is 1500 - 2000 word count per chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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