
Feral Fury

Set in a modern-day Earth, in the bustling city of Boston, Adam's life takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious System arrives on the planet. Adam, a dedicated martial artist, had been eagerly preparing to participate in the world-open martial arts championship tournament. However, with the arrival of the System, his plans are diverted, and he finds himself thrust into a world filled with unknown possibilities and hidden mysteries. As Adam embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of the newly arrived System, he must navigate through a world that has been forever changed. Along the way, he encounters strange phenomena, powerful beings, and unexpected allies, each with their own connection to the System. With his martial arts skills as his foundation, Adam must harness the newfound abilities granted by the System and explore the depths of its mysteries. As he ventures further into this unknown realm, Adam discovers that the System holds the key to unlocking extraordinary powers and abilities. He must face formidable challenges, engage in intense battles, and make crucial choices to shape his destiny. With each step forward, Adam becomes more entwined in a web of conspiracies, otherworldy beings, and a change that could jeopardize his existence and the world's fate. Join Adam on an exhilarating journey as he embraces his role as a martial artist within this evolving world, unravels the secrets of the System, and discovers his true purpose in a reality teetering on the edge of chaos.

Zedakos · Fantasie
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67 Chs

Journey into Rune Mastery

Ten days had passed since the arrival of the system, and anticipation filled the air as the new system event approached in another ten days. People worldwide were determined to rise above mere survival in the apocalypse and level up their abilities. The earth itself was undergoing changes, its gravitational pull steadily increasing. Fortunately, the alterations brought about by the system helped humans adapt and gradually acclimate to this shift.

Communication channels had all but vanished, leaving individuals cut off from distant contacts. Even the might of global militaries struggled to restore any form of radio or satellite communication. Any hope they held onto was shattered when satellites that remained in orbit began hurtling back to Earth on the seventh day after the system's arrival.

In the midst of these tumultuous times, Adam kept watch during the night, perched atop a sturdy tree. Sophie and Rebecca slumbered below, trusting him to keep them safe. His thoughts swirled with ways to gain levels, for he had become stuck at level 18, finding everything around him too low-level to offer substantial growth.

Suddenly, it dawned on him that he possessed a new occupation—one he had yet to fully explore. The Beginner Book of Runology caught his attention, its ancient appearance hinting at the mysteries within. Retrieving the tome from his storage, he noticed its murky green coloring and a peculiar symbol resembling a cryptic hieroglyph graced its cover.

Adam speculated that the symbol might represent a rune of some kind, and he resolved to decipher its meaning as he delved into the pages of the book. Opening it, he was greeted by an exploration of rune history. The text expounded on the significance of each rune and how it could symbolize an object, element, place, action, and more. The book also enlightened him about the vast multitude of runes comprising various rune languages. Many ancient races across the universe had once developed their unique rune languages. Still, over time, most had yielded to a universal rune language.

As Adam delved further into the pages, the book unraveled the existence of diverse jobs and occupations that harnessed the power of runes to create marvelous wonders. One such occupation highlighted was that of runesmiths, akin to traditional blacksmiths, who employed their knowledge of runes to imbue magical properties into their crafted armor and weapons. Runesmithing emerged as a specialized branch of blacksmithing, with many factions across the cosmos employing skilled runesmiths alongside their blacksmiths. However, the book also mentioned the existence of hybrid blacksmiths who integrated both professions into their craft.

Another fascinating example introduced by the book was that of formation masters, highly esteemed figures within the cosmos. Their mastery lay in the creation of formations, intricate arrangements of numerous runes that triggered diverse reactions. Formation masters possessed remarkable versatility, employing formations in almost every aspect of their craft, from alchemy to blacksmithing. While their proficiency might not match that of dedicated practitioners in those fields, their ability to utilize formations granted them considerable expertise.

Adam found himself engrossed in the book for over five hours, absorbing general knowledge about runes. Lost in its pages, he completely lost track of time. He missed his designated moment to awaken Rebecca for her turn at watch. Unaware of the passing hours, Adam continued reading, his intrigue growing with each page.

The next chapter that captivated his attention delved into the practical aspects of rune drawing. It emphasized the significance of mana manipulation for those who worked with runes. The book meticulously explained the intricacies of training in mana control, highlighting the potential pitfall for individuals with elemental affinity who risked contaminating their mana if they neglected proper manipulation and circulation within their bodies.

Moving on, the book explored the basics of sensing mana for those who had never experienced it before, a description that aptly suited Adam's situation. Though his status sheet indicated a substantial amount of mana, he had just now truly felt and utilized it. Even his skill, Power Strike, relied on stamina rather than mana.

The book's guidance continued, presenting a clear and concise explanation of how to sense the presence of mana within oneself. The process involved deep introspection and heightened awareness, urging readers to seek out a tranquil and serene environment for their practice. By turning their focus inward and attuning their senses to the subtle energies flowing through their bodies, individuals could gradually perceive the gentle hum of mana within their very being.

Emphasizing the virtues of patience and persistence, the book assured its readers that even the faintest flicker of mana could be detected with dedicated time and practice. This prospect ignited a spark of excitement in those who sought to unlock their latent potential. Delving into the details, the book offered a simple meditation technique to help individuals sense mana within themselves and the world around them—a skill universally recognized by practitioners across the cosmos.

The book also enlightened readers about the varying degrees of talent when it came to sensing mana. The most gifted individuals might experience an immediate connection during their first meditation session, while others could take longer to make that initial contact. However, the book emphasized that even those initially deemed less talented could develop their skills through consistent practice and the system's assistance. It clarified that progress might vary, with some individuals reaching their "Limit." Curiosity piqued, Adam couldn't help but wonder what it meant for someone to reach their "limit," as the book said.

Adam, determined to explore the art of sensing mana, carefully reviewed the meditation method described in the book once more. With the knowledge absorbed, he stored the ancient tome away and glanced at the clock, realizing that dawn was fast approaching. Feeling a sense of urgency, he descended from the tree. He gently roused Rebecca from her slumber, apologizing for not waking her earlier. She appeared groggy and a bit upset, her sleep interrupted, but she obliged when Adam asked her to take over the watch.

Still perplexed by Adam's actions, Rebecca watched him intently as he sat in the spot where she had been sleeping. Her curiosity outweighed her annoyance as she observed him close his eyes, a look of concentration on his face. The quietude of the early morning surrounded them, the soft whispers of the wind blending with the distant chirping of birds.

Adam's breathing slowed, his body relaxing as he followed the instructions from the book. He focused inward, seeking to attune his senses to the subtle energy within him. With each deep breath, he imagined himself connecting to the flow of mana coursing through his veins. He embraced the stillness, shutting out the external world and delving into the depths of his being.

As Adam delved deeper into his meditation, not even two minutes had passed when he began to sense the flow of mana within him. The sensation was immediate and profound as if a dormant power had been awakened. It started at his core and spread like a gentle current through his entire being.

He felt the mana moving through his body, following intricate pathways that mirrored the veins coursing beneath his skin. It was as if the energy flowed with purpose, passing through his heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, liver, and spine. With each passing moment, he became more aware of the interconnectedness of his own vitality and the mana pulsating within him.

The mana journeyed through his heart, infusing it with renewed vigor and a sense of purpose. It surged through his lungs, imbuing every breath with a vibrant essence invigorating his entire respiratory system. It reached his brain, enhancing his focus and clarity of thought as if unlocking hidden potentials within his mind.

The energy continued its path, caressing his vital organs with a gentle touch. It revitalized his kidneys, liver, and spleen, instilling a profound sense of balance and well-being. It flowed Down his spine, stimulating a heightened connection between his body and consciousness, providing a conduit for his mana to travel.

The mana cascaded down to his feet from his spine, grounding him to the earth and establishing a profound sense of stability. With each pulse, he could feel the energy flowing through him, harmonizing his entire being and uniting him with the world around him.

As Adam focused on the flow of mana within himself, he gradually shifted his attention outward to his surroundings. His heightened senses let him perceive the mana that permeated the outside world. The air around him carried a subtle vibrancy, tinged with the traces of mana that danced on the breeze.

The trees, the grass, and even the rocks seemed to emit a gentle aura, their presence resonating with the mana flow. Adam's perception extended beyond the physical, granting him glimpses of the underlying energy that interconnected all things. It was a tapestry of energy, interwoven with the essence of life itself.

On this tranquil morning, he could sense the mana pulsating within the flora, nurturing and supporting their growth. The wildlife around him emanated their unique energy signatures, each contributing to the intricate balance of the natural world. The earth beneath his feet seemed alive, resonating with the cosmic energies that flowed through its core.

In the span of a few short minutes, Adam's awareness of mana had blossomed, opening up a world of possibilities. He marveled at his profound connection, knowing that he was part of a grand tapestry of energy that extended far beyond his existence.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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