
Feral Fury

Set in a modern-day Earth, in the bustling city of Boston, Adam's life takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious System arrives on the planet. Adam, a dedicated martial artist, had been eagerly preparing to participate in the world-open martial arts championship tournament. However, with the arrival of the System, his plans are diverted, and he finds himself thrust into a world filled with unknown possibilities and hidden mysteries. As Adam embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of the newly arrived System, he must navigate through a world that has been forever changed. Along the way, he encounters strange phenomena, powerful beings, and unexpected allies, each with their own connection to the System. With his martial arts skills as his foundation, Adam must harness the newfound abilities granted by the System and explore the depths of its mysteries. As he ventures further into this unknown realm, Adam discovers that the System holds the key to unlocking extraordinary powers and abilities. He must face formidable challenges, engage in intense battles, and make crucial choices to shape his destiny. With each step forward, Adam becomes more entwined in a web of conspiracies, otherworldy beings, and a change that could jeopardize his existence and the world's fate. Join Adam on an exhilarating journey as he embraces his role as a martial artist within this evolving world, unravels the secrets of the System, and discovers his true purpose in a reality teetering on the edge of chaos.

Zedakos · Fantasie
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67 Chs

How to Train Your Giant Snake

[You have slain (Owlbear - Level 14) – You have gained bonus experience points for slaying a creature above your level.]

[Congratulations! Your class (warrior) has reached level 12. All stat point has been allocated + 1 free point]

[Would you like to commence the next fight?]

Adam's eyes reluctantly fluttered open, greeted by the new system messages announcing his latest kill and the leveled-up status. He muttered with a hint of sarcasm, "Oh great, an owlbear. Because that's totally normal."

Without dwelling on the absurdity, Adam focused on the task at hand. He efficiently skinned and dressed the creature, intrigued by the prospect of trying its meat. With the necessary preparations complete, he gathered the edible portions and stowed them away, making sure to keep the distinctive beak as a peculiar souvenir.

Returning to his familiar firepit in the corner of the cavern, Adam meticulously cleared the area of debris. The routine act brought a sense of normalcy to the weird circumstances he had found himself in. He set the fire ablaze and skillfully cooked the owlbear meat, allowing its enticing aroma to fill the air.

Savoring each bite, Adam found the flavor to be a surprising blend of bear-like richness and subtle nuances reminiscent of bird meat. The combination was strangely satisfying, providing a welcome respite from the challenges he had faced thus far. With a sense of contentment, he mentally confirmed the start of the next and final trial, treating it as just another step in the grand adventure he had unwittingly embarked upon.


As the gate swung open, a massive serpent slithered out, its sinuous body coiling and undulating with menacing grace. Towering over Adam, the giant snake commanded attention with its sheer size and primal presence. Its scales shimmered with vibrant colors, blending emerald green, deep sapphire, and hints of iridescent gold.

The serpent's head, adorned with sharp fangs and piercing eyes, swayed hypnotically as it focused its attention on Adam. Its muscular body, easily spanning several meters in length, rippled with power and destructive potential. With each movement, the earth seemed to tremble as if bowing before the majestic force of this ancient creature.

Adam could sense the intense aura of danger emanating from the giant snake. Its hissing breath and flickering forked tongue only heightened the atmosphere of impending battle.

"What the fuck? How the fuck am I supposed to kill a snake the size of two 18 wheelers?" Adam muttered under his breath, his sarcasm laced with a touch of genuine concern. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he steeled himself for the daunting task ahead.

With a burst of determination, Adam moved cautiously towards the colossal serpent, attempting to close the distance. But before he could even get within striking range, the snake's massive tail whipped toward him with lightning speed. Reacting instinctively, Adam rolled away, narrowly avoiding the powerful strike.

Undeterred, he tried again, weaving and dodging as he advanced towards the snake. However, the creature's head lunged forward, its gaping maw threatening to swallow him whole. Adam leaped backward, narrowly evading the deadly bite.

The battle had escalated into a deadly game of cat and mouse, with Adam desperately maneuvering to find an opening. Each time he inched closer, the serpent countered with a ferocious display of its power and agility. Its massive body is undulated, creating an almost impossible barrier to breach.

Adam's mind raced, seeking a strategy that could give him an advantage. He realized that a direct assault would be futile, considering the snake's size and strength. Instead, he shifted his focus to finding weak points, vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

Adam circled the serpent with renewed purpose, analyzing its movements and searching for patterns. He observed the creature's rhythm, noting the slight pauses between attacks and the subtle shifts in its posture.

Taking advantage of one such momentary pause, Adam lunged forward, targeting a small gap between the scales near the serpent's neck. His sword sliced through the air, aiming to strike a critical blow. But the snake's instincts were sharp, and it reacted with lightning speed, twisting its body to avoid the strike.

Undeterred by his failed attempt, Adam pressed on. As the serpent's head lunged towards him once again, Adam anticipated the attack and swiftly jumped back. His eyes caught sight of the underside of the snake's neck, a seemingly vulnerable spot. With a calculated move, he aimed a powerful slash, hoping to deliver a decisive blow. To his surprise, his sword bounced off the snake's scales as if he had struck a solid wall.

Frustration welled up within Adam as he realized the snake's defenses were even more formidable than he had anticipated. His plan had backfired, and now he had a furious serpent to contend with. Rising to its full height, the snake opened its mouth, releasing a venomous green projectile that shot past Adam, narrowly missing him. As the venom struck the remnants of the owlbear behind him, the creature's body sizzled and melted away, revealing the snake's deadly potency.

Adam couldn't help but roll his eyes at the snake's venomous attack. "Oh great, a poisonous giant snake. Just what I needed," he remarked sarcastically.

Adam looks back to the snake and starts scratching his head, a mix of frustration and determination on his face. "Alright, so let me get this straight," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with sarcasm. "I can't penetrate its scales, but those big ol' eyes might just be the weak spot. Great. Now I just need to figure out how to get up there without becoming a snake snack."

He surveyed the colossal serpent before him, its menacing presence almost comical in its unfairness. "Maybe I can hitch a ride on its back," he pondered aloud, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Piece of cake, right? Well, except for the part where it tries to turn me into a pancake or a snake chew toy."

Undeterred by the absurdity of his plan, Adam's frustration fueled his determination. "I've got it!" he exclaimed, a self-deprecating smile spreading across his face. "I'll play a little game of 'close but not too close.' If the snake lunges its head, I'll make a swift retreat. But if that tail comes at me, I'll grab onto it like my life depends on it—because it probably does!"

Adam shook his head, Chuckling at the absurdity of his "brilliant" idea. "I must be losing it. Fuck I am even starting to talk to myself out loud. But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures, right? And this, my friends, is the epitome of desperation." With a final deep breath, he readied himself for the battle of a lifetime, knowing that the odds were against him.

A hint of laughter escaped Adam's lips as he prepared to execute his audacious plan. "Who said fighting giant snakes couldn't be entertaining?" he quipped, his sarcasm blending with determination. This would be one wild ride, and he was ready to give it everything he had.