
Feral Fury

Set in a modern-day Earth, in the bustling city of Boston, Adam's life takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious System arrives on the planet. Adam, a dedicated martial artist, had been eagerly preparing to participate in the world-open martial arts championship tournament. However, with the arrival of the System, his plans are diverted, and he finds himself thrust into a world filled with unknown possibilities and hidden mysteries. As Adam embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of the newly arrived System, he must navigate through a world that has been forever changed. Along the way, he encounters strange phenomena, powerful beings, and unexpected allies, each with their own connection to the System. With his martial arts skills as his foundation, Adam must harness the newfound abilities granted by the System and explore the depths of its mysteries. As he ventures further into this unknown realm, Adam discovers that the System holds the key to unlocking extraordinary powers and abilities. He must face formidable challenges, engage in intense battles, and make crucial choices to shape his destiny. With each step forward, Adam becomes more entwined in a web of conspiracies, otherworldy beings, and a change that could jeopardize his existence and the world's fate. Join Adam on an exhilarating journey as he embraces his role as a martial artist within this evolving world, unravels the secrets of the System, and discovers his true purpose in a reality teetering on the edge of chaos.

Zedakos · Fantasie
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67 Chs

Being a warrior

[You have chosen the Warrior class. Confirm?]

"What, do you need a two factor-authentication code too?" Adam snickers inwardly as he sees the security prompt and mentally confirms his choice.

[You have obtained the Warrior class.]

As soon as he saw this prompt, he felt a surge of basic knowledge in his head; however, before he could think through any of it, he was greeted by new system messages.

*Skill gained: [Basic one-handed weapon mastery (inferior quality)]- As a warrior, you are destined to wield a weapon and fight in close combat. Unlocks basic proficiency in most basic weapons. It also, adds a slight bounce to strength and agility while using one-handed melee weapons.


*Skill Gained: [Greater sword master (rare)]: You have mastered the sword due to hard years of training and dedication. You have started to feel the sword as an extension of your body. It adds a bonus to strength and agility while using a sword.

*Skill Gained: [Power Strike (inferior)] - Allows the warrior to deliver a powerful blow with their weapon, dealing increased damage to the enemy. This ability has a cooldown period to prevent overuse.

*Skill Gained: [Superior Endurance(inferior)] – A passive skill that allows the warrior to resist fatigue and pain, granting them increased endurance and the ability to fight longer without tiring.

+Skill gained: [Identify] – Identify is a skill known by all the intelligent races through the multiverse. Allows the users to identify any object or creature you focus on

Adam reads through the skills, and once again, he is reminded of all those nights he played Dungeons and Dragons with his college mates. "Does this system plan to make a game out of our lives?"

He also realizes that he instinctively knows how to use Power Strike and feels more energetic. Which he thinks is the result of his passive skill.

Adam then moved towards the car's trunk and grabbed his backpack with emergency provisions and first aid. His father taught him this habit of keeping an emergency backpack always in his car because you never know when you will be stranded, or in his case right now, an apocalypse happens.

"So, I think it's safe to say that the tournament is canceled. I think it's better to start heading back toward town; I should also call Mom and check on everyone. Mom said Sarah came home last night, so she should also be with them."

Adam pulls out his cell phone and dials his mom; however, his call doesn't connect, which makes him extremely worried. He tries calling his sister Sarah, and he gets the same result.

He put the cell phone away and then put the backpack on. He sees the road is blocked by multiple fallen trees on both sides. He knows he is about 200-250 miles out of the city, so it will take him approximately 3 to 4 days of constant walking to return.

Adam turns towards the woods and starts walking back toward Boston. After about 20 minutes of walking, he feels like he is being watched. The feeling a prey has when facing a predator.

Adam unsheathes his sword and starts looking around. His eyes fell on a creature that looked like a mountain lion, but somehow it was not. He doesn't hesitate to use identity on the beast.

[??? - level 5]

"What the hell. That mountain lion must have killed so many animals in the past 30 minutes or so."

The lion gazes at Adam, its predatory eyes fixed upon him as if assessing its next meal. Surprisingly, Adam feels no flicker of nervousness or fear. His heartbeat remains steady, and a sense of calm determination settles within him. He takes a deliberate stance, positioning his sword with one foot behind the other, lowering his center of gravity, and holding his weapon poised for a slashing strike.

In that fleeting moment, it almost seems the lion regards Adam with disdain as if mocking his audacity. Without warning, the lion propels itself toward him, claws extended and teeth bared.

Reacting swiftly, Adam instinctively sidesteps the oncoming attack, evading the lion's lethal trajectory. He delivers a mighty slash with a single fluid motion, slicing deep into the lion's side.

The lion roars in pain as Adam's precise slash deeply wound its front leg. Blood stains the ground, but the beast refuses to back down. Its eyes narrow, and its growl intensifies, revealing its anger and determination.

The lion lunges again despite its injury, attempting to sink its sharp teeth into Adam's flesh. Adam keeps his focus, feeling the surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He knows he must stay vigilant and composed in this life-or-death situation.

Reacting swiftly, Adam shifts his weight, evading the lion's deadly bite. He counters with a calculated strike, aiming for the creature's exposed flank. The blade connects, and a deep gash opens up, causing the lion to roar in pain again.

But the fight is far from over. The wounded lion becomes more ferocious, fueled by a mix of rage and desperation. It lunges again, this time with more speed and aggression. Adam's instincts kick in as he leaps backward, narrowly avoiding the lion's deadly claws.

As they continue to engage in this primal dance of survival, Adam's skills as a warrior shine through. He anticipates the lion's movements, finding gaps in its defenses and exploiting them with precise strikes. Each swing of his sword carries the weight of his training and determination.

Time seems to blur as the battle rages on. Adam's heart pounds in his chest, his breaths coming quickly. The lion, weakened but still fierce, refuses to relent. It lunges one final time, aiming for Adam's throat.

Adam sidesteps the lion's attack in a moment of pure instinct and reflex, simultaneously delivering a devastating blow to its exposed side. The force of the strike sends the lion sprawling to the ground, its body twitching in its final moments.

Breathing heavily, Adam stands victorious over the fallen beast. The encounter has tested his mettle, pushing him to his limits and beyond. He wipes the sweat from his brow, a mixture of relief and adrenaline coursing through his body.

This was just the beginning. The world around him has changed, and he knows more challenges await. But as he gazes at the defeated lion, he feels a newfound confidence and a burning desire to uncover the system's mysteries that has brought him here.