

Other than the warmth of its Master, loneliness seemed to be the only emotion the Kobold could feel. It was almost like the emotion completely encompassed its body, threatening to consume what little self-awareness it had. Unable to deal with the loneliness any longer, the Kobold began scratching at the trees in the garden, digging holes, and pulling up grass. It 'needed' to do something, anything, to keep it distracted from the loneliness. The only thing that kept it going was the 'trust' it had towards the only existence that had ever treated it kindly, it's Master...

It hurt...everything hurt...its stomach, muscles, bones, everything. The Kobold felt like the pain of loneliness had completely soaked through its existence. If not for the 'promise' of it's Master, the Kobold felt like the pain would have been unbearable. It would be 'so easy' to just simply end everything...it just had to make the scary girl angry...but it didn't. It 'couldn't' betray its Master like that, not after everything that had happened...not after it waited so long. It wanted to be 'good', just like it's Master always told it to be...

Just as the pain seemed completely unbearable, the Kobold sensed the presence of its Master once again. If it had tear ducts, the Kobold would have cried as it weakly tried to lift its body and go to its Master. Then, just as before, its Master came to it with a face full of concern and the happy times began again. This time, knowing that this moment wasn't likely to last, the Kobold did its utmost to spend as much time as possible with its Master. Even when he was hard at work in the warm and cozy 'workshop' that he had built, the Kobold stayed nearby. Just watching its Master hard at work made it feel content and, whenever he would take a break, the Kobold wanted to be nearby to show its support...

As it expected, the sad and lonely times came once again, this time in what felt like a very short period of time. Everything was so much better whenever its Master was around so, seeing him leave this space, the Kobold felt dread. However, just at it had done both times before, the Kobold resolved itself to wait patiently. Its Master had done so much for it, all without ever asking for anything in return. Thus, trusting in the 'promise' its Master had made, the Kobold waited once again, no matter how painful and lonely things became...

It hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...it hurt...

Feeling as though something inside of itself had broken, the Kobold could only repeat the same thought over and over within its small mind. It didn't truly understand the seed that had formed but, on an instinctual level, it knew what it was feeling was an emotional pain that was beyond tolerance...

(Fenrir's Commentary: 'It is painful being lonely...')