
This is going to go back talk with my date

(Calling Ms.Jin at 5:00)

"Hello"said Secretary Kim

" Hi, who is this?" Said Jin

"This is secretary Kim."

"Oh I'm so sorry hi "

"It's fine, are you free later?"

"Umm not really, but if it's to make time for you I will."

"That's so sweet, how does 7:00 sound to meet up at the restaurant I sent you over text." Said Kim Ji Ah ( that's secretary Kim)

"Yeah ok are you going to make the reservation, or do you want me to do it?" Said Jin

"I already made the reservation, I just hoped you said yes so that I didn't have to cancel it." Said Kim Ji Ah

"Oh wow, well I'll pick you up then at 6:30 we aren't that far from there and since you made the reservation I'll take you there." Said Jin

"It a date!!" Said Kim Ji Ah

"Yes, yes it is." Said Jin

"Well then see you then." Said Kim Ji Ah

"Ok, see you then."

( off the phone)

(What Secretary Kim was doing earlier)

"Hi, sir can I leave early." Said Secretary Kim

"Yeah sure, anyway because I was going to tell you to leave earlier because I have to go see Ms. Kim and discuss with her about us working together." Said Mr. Lee

"Oh ok Mr. Lee one think I ask you to think over about, is that do you really want to hurt her. Think that over will you please." Secretary Kim

"I'll think it over." Said Mr. Lee

"Ok,sir excuse me then bye have a nice day."

"Thank you, you too." Said Mr. Lee

(At home)

"What should I have to eat?"

"I think I'll go eat with Ms. Jin later for dinner."

It's only 4:00pm I think I'll make a reservation to go eat.

(Calling restaurant to make a reservation)

"Hi, how may I help you." Said waitress

"Hi I would like to make a reservation for 7:00 please." Said secretary Kim

"Ok, for how many people?" Said waitress

"A table for 2 please." Said secretary Kim

"Ok, what's you name."said waitress

"Name is Kim Ji Ah" said secretary Kim

"Ok Ms. Kim Ji Ah when you come in please just say your name and they'll take you to your table."

"Ok, Thank you" said secretary Kim

Th ask you miss have a good day said waitress

"Thank you." Said secretary Kim

"Now it's time to pick out some cloths."

"What should I wear?"

"I think I should wear a dress, yes a dress looks formal and nice."

" Ok I'll go with this."

"Now time to call Ms. Jin and hope she says yes."

(Back to present time)

At 6:30

"Kim Ji Ah I'm here you miss me?"

"Hi Jin Seo-woo if i can call you that or would you like me to all you Ms. Jin?"

"Call me Jin."

"Ok Jin."

"Let's go then." Said Jin

(At the restaurant)

"Table for Ms. Kim Ji Ah please."

"This way ma'am." said waiter

"This is your table miss I'll be back soon to take your order."

"Ok thank you." Said both girls

(5 minutes later)

"What would you like to eat?"

"We would both like sushi please and to drink can we get red wine please." Said Kim Ji Ah

"No problem I'll be back soon with your food and red wine."

Ok, thank you said both ladies

"So, Kim why do you look so worried?" Said Ms. Jin

"No I just feel like our plan will good very bad because today after you left his dad came with a guest. Remember?"

Yes I remember who was the guest by the way?" Said Ms. Jin

The guest was Ms. Km Mi So, after she left he was worried about her because he was rude and because he has those eyes of when you likes someone, if you ask him about Ms. Kim he gets nervous and his eyes say everything." Said Secretary Kim

"You seem to worry a lot about him." Said Ms. Jin

"No not worry about him, im mostly worried about her because I know her parents and she's gone through a lot. I'm also worried that this plan is going to not work out and you are going to be effected and get hurt by Ms. Kim because she knows self defense and she is a black red belt both belts. She one of the best fighters in the world.

"Wow your giving me information I already know, but thank you for worrying about me but I also know martial arts."

So do I buy she is different in martial arts so doesn't like being touched since she was a kid so when In martial arts so doesn't let them touch her because if they do they get sent to the hospital or something worst happens.

"That's true I've heard that before but I won't get on her bad side."

"Ok, I hope so."