
Ms. Kim adopting Katie

"Sorry i took long director." Said Ms. Kim

"Well your here now so that is what matters right." Said the director

"Yes, yes it does."

"I'll be leaving you guys alone and bring the little girl." Said directors secretary

"Ok, hurry because the little girl will be leaving tonight."

"Yes, sir."

" Well the last questions are, will you take care of her like your own daughter and if you do have kids you will still take care of her?"

"Yes I will take care of her and if I do someday have a kid of my own I will never abandon her nor give her to someone I will be with her."

"Ok and now the last 2 questions, Will you make her feel left out just because she is adopted?"

"No I would never, to me a parent is someone who takes care of them and loves them not just give birth to them."

"Great answer, lastly will you tell her that you hate her?"

"No, because I never regret my decision and I will be there for her every step of the way until she becomes someone she wants."

"Ok well here she comes right on time now the only thing you have to do is sign here and you can take her home. Please take good care of her and never treat her bad be there for her always."

"Thank you I will."

"Hi Ms.Kim."

"Hi Katie. From now on I won't be Ms. Kim to you I'll be your mom and take care of you."



"Yay I have a mom after so long!!" Can I have a hug mommy."

"Yes sweetheart come here I'll take you to your new home now."

"I'm so happy thank you for adopting me and having to wait 3 years and not giving up on me."

"I would never from the first time I saw you I wanted you to be my daughter and now it's finally come true so let's go."


"Bye and thank you for everything you have done for me but now I will be happy with a mom."

"Your welcome kid and hope you the best."

"Thank you bye."


"So now I'll take you to your new home."

"Finally I can say I have a home."

"Yes you do now, sorry I haven't prepared you room for you yet but since I don't know what you like and don't I wanted to do that with you so well go tomorrow ,how does that sound?"

"It's sounds good but where will I sleep

You'll sleep in my room with me, one thing I have to say though is that the house is really big so you can explore it and tell me later how you like it ok."


"Well we're home."

"Mommy wow this is the biggest house I've ever seen."

"I told you now this is your house and my house so well go straight to my room then we can explore the house tomorrow ok."


"Miss you are home."

"Yes i am I have a special person I want to show you all."

"What is it miss."

"Hi everyone."

"Aww she is so cute miss don't tell me that is." Said Julie

"Yes it's Katie and now I have fully adopted her."

"Congratulations!! We are so happy for you and now you have someone to be with and spend you time with miss."

"Yes I do now I will never give her up for nothing."

"Mommy can w who upstairs I'm tired and want to go to sleep."

"Sure honey just give me a minute."


"Can you bring us a toothbrush for her."

"What color toothbrush do you want Katie?"

"I want blue mommy."

"Ok, well she wants blue toothbrush and can you bring us towels also tomorrow I'll be out all day spending time with Katie so we are going to go shopping for her new room and things she will need."

"Ok miss by the way Mr. Lee is here."

"He is!?"

"Yes he is he wanted to ask you something that's all he said."

"Ok well Katie look at me and hear me."

"Ok mommy go upstairs to my room let them take you and don't make noise I want to suprime someone today ok?"

"Ok mommy I'll be very quiet."

"Good job now hurry upstairs also i got some cloths for you well I only bought pijamas and a an outfit that's it but that's all I have but tomorrow we'll hug everything we need ok."

"Ok mommy."

"Please take her upstairs and get her dressed."

"Yes ma'am ."

"Mr. Lee how can I help you."

"Well I wanted to ask you who is the person who is so important to you."

"Well I'll tell you that In a few minutes."

"Julie is the special person ready."

"Yes the special person is ready."

"Bring her down please and tell that person to not make noise."

"Oh hi angle how were you today huh."

"Woof woof."

"That tells me nothing but I'll be with you soon."

"You talk to your dogs."

"Yes I do when I was lonely here but now I have someone."

"You house is very big."

"Thank you also can you close your eyes."


"Come here sweetheart shh don't make noise."

"Mr. Lee you can open your eyes now."

"This is my daughter now I just adopted her and her name is Katie finally she is my daughter after 3 years."

"3 years?"

"Yes 3 years I'll talk to you about that later right now I want you to meet Katie and get to know her

Katie you wanna say hi."

"Is he papa?"

"No sweetheart he is Mr. Lee a how do I say this so you can understand."

"Ahh I got it he is a coworker."

"Ok mommy good night sir Mommy I'll go to sleep now."

"Ok sweetheart don't stay up to late ok."

"Ok mommy can I wait for you or should I just do to sleep."

"You should go to sleep i still have to talk to Mr. Lee so I'll be up there late but if you do want to wait for me. Gimme a sec."

"Julie do you remember where my new iPad is the phone I especially bought for Katie as a supiese."

"Yes ma'am I was the one who put it there for you."

"Then can you go get it for me please."

"Yes Miss I'll be right back."


"Sorry I took long here it is."

"Thank you Katie this is your new iPad I bought for you as soon as I got out the restaurant I talked to Julie to go buy it with the my black card and before It was before I got to pick you up."

"Thank you mommy your welcome."

"Let me really quickly activate it ok."


"Julie bring my iPad."

"Yes miss Kim."

"Here you are you left it in the table this morning."

"Thank you here sweetie here use my tablet first and tomorrow I'll give you your new one."

"Ok mom thank you."

"Your welcome."

"Julie are you tired."

"Yes why."

"Never mind then I was going to ask you if you would like to spend a little bit of time with Katie but it's fine."

"I'm sorry."

"No problem."

"Kathryn please come."

"Yes ma'am go upstairs with Katie and spend time with her while I talk with Mr. Lee."

"Yes ma'am."

"Ok great."

"Bye mommy."

"Bye love."

"Ms. Kim I have to say you are different with her then with everyone."

"I am because I've wanted to adopt her for so many years now and I'm just into excited and happy I hav ever now."

"Ms.Kim I have to tell you something."

"Ok what is it?"

"Well I think I'm I li- think I might li- yo-"

"Sorry can you say that again"