
Mr. Lee confesses his feeling to Ms. Kim

"Ms. Kim I think I might have some feelings for you."

"I'm sorry if you think that I might have done something wrong for you to get that idea I'm sorry I don't think I like you."

"Ok I get it it's fine, I don't want to make this awkward so please forget what I just said and act like this never happens I'll be leaving now."

"I'll lead the way."

"It's fine I know where the entrance/exit is so please don't do that or I'll really fall more for you."

"Ok goodnight."



(After Mr. Lee left)

"Why did I tell him I didn't like him when I actually do, something is wrong with me."

"Well miss Kim I think because you are scared of Being hurt from otters, may I ask why."

"Well you see when I was younger I had a first love and me and him dating for 5 years and then he broke up with me because he said he was just faking it to play with my feelings and I told myself that I would never fall in love with m because I was to old fashioned and that I'm a boring person so I stopped braving my old self and made a new me now I'm someone who doesn't care about people who hurt me I don't regret my decisions and even though I'm boring I have to be brave and handle it so me reading comics, watching Thai Bl drama made me happy because I never could tell my sister nothing because of how she never listens to me and if she does she is always like she had it harder but she didn't I have it harder because I didn't have someone who I could talk to but when she needed me I was there but when I needed her she was never there so I never let people hurt me and if they do they pay for what they have done. I have had people tell me to kill myself and I'll never be someone so back then I almost killed myself 3 times and no one cared so I wanted to die I am no one, people just hate me no one truly loves me and if they do later on they get bored of me and hurt me by leaving me so I never get to attached because I know I'll get hurt and because if they do leave my tears go away faster."

"I'm so sorry Miss Kim but that's how life is but if you need to talk to someone talk to me or just yell outside and let your anger out to not feel hurt it'll feel better because you let all of your anger and sadness out."

""I will, thank you for listening to me."

It's fine I didn't listen to you just because your my boss but because I know how that feels. By the way I have to tell you don't get to close to Ms. Cheon I have a bad feeling about her."

"I will thank you."

"No problem but you should try one last time and try to see how it goes and give yourself a second chance to love even though you get hurt at least you can say you tried."

"I will try one last time but I don't want to tell him."

"If you don't then wait he is going to tell you again a man never gives up especially if he is arrogant and gets what he wants I know how men are so trust me."

"I will this time and thank you for the advice I appreciate it I would like for us to become friends."

"So would I also I am only working here because my mom made me but really I am a stable women who is rich but my parents want me to see how they had to get to where they are."

"I know they told me already why do you think I gave you a chance normally I don't give chances but yo hot recommend by one of my employees and I trust them so that's why?"

"Oh so my mom did this."

"No actually I hired you to be Katie's nana and I was going to hire you since you know how to do everything I need then I don't a background check and saw you were the daughter of the Chong family but I like giving opportunities to new people and then I contacted your mom after I hired you and she told me about you and how you were sincere and that you hate fake people like me and so much more."

"Wow my mom never stops talking about me."

"It's fine I get it she's worried and I get how she is, she's a good mother I wish my family was like that when I was younger. How old are you?"

"I'm 23."

"Oh wow even same age."

"Yes Same age but you are more mature and made a name after yourself and I have a last name that my daily created not me."

"Yeah well you parents are teaching you how they got it so that's good."

"Well your daughter is asleep now and she is very adorable."

"Thank you will you come shopping with us tomorrow."

"Sure why not if my boss says so."

"Ok then great and call me Kim and not miss Kim since were friends now right."

"Yes we're friends."

"Great good night."

"You can call me Hae." (Hae stars for a girl who is like the ocean and her full name is Hae Lin Chong )

"Ok Hae."

"Good night and think about what I told you and." "Also don't regret you decision and if he doesn't come back go to him it doesn't matter."

"Ok I will goodnight."

"Ok goodnight and good luck."

(Next morning)

"Mr. Lee calling Miss Kim."


"Hi who am I talking to also why calling at 7:30 in the morning I'm tired."

"So sorry Miss Kim."

"Oh it you Mr. Lee how can I help you?"

"Well I wanted to talk to you if your free."

"Sorry I'm not I'm with my daughter right now and I'll be with her all day."

"Oh ok then sorry."

"It's fine but what would you like to talk about

Well it's about last night."

"Can we not talk about that right now."

"Ok fine we'll good morning and have a good day."

"Thank you, same to you also we can talk about this tomorrow morning I'll be free for 2 hours from 9:00-11:00 am."

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow then."




(After hanging up)

"At least I can talk to her tomorrow

(2 hours later)

"Good morning sunshine."

"Morning mommy there is something important I want to tell you."

"Yes love, what is it."

"It's it's about Mr. Lee."

"What's wrong did he do something to you?"

"No, Well he I umm-"