
He came back


Yes it's me again

Why are you here? Leave!

I'm here to visit you K how dare you tell me to leave!!

How dare you come to my home, and yell at me leave now!


Leave!! Get him out of here now!!

Yes ma'am

(Taking him out)

How dare you tell your men to make me leave!

Because I can you a**hole and also because you are a no body to come in my house.!

Yes I am

Who, huh who are who are you then?!

I'm the person who loved you, took care of you-

And you forgot the person who left me, dumped me for no reason. Also you made sure after we broke up my life was a living hell

No that's not what happened-

So far from what I know and remember that's what happened you have no excuse to tell me otherwise nor have a say in anything in my life. Get out now!!

Yes ma'am, by the way sir don't come back again because if you do you'll have a warrant against you.

How dare you!! I still love you why now why are you doing this to me?!

You did it to me so I can do it back so never come again and as you heard my men come back again and a warrant will be charged agains you


I'll be leaving now. Both of you never leave my daughters side and make sure that man never comes again. Also keep my nana safe.

Yes ma'am no need to worry. If you may let us have some of our bodyguards come with you so that he doesn't come close to you, even though you don't need bodyguards because you have been trained and know martial arts and more.

Yes it's fine they can come because even though I do know martial arts and other things I can harm him more then her can expect.

Ok thank you

You four go with Miss Kim, go in 2 separate cars.

Yes sir

I'll be leaving now ok I'll be back by 3:00 as I promised ok

Ok bye mommy have a good day a work.

I will thank you.

(Arrives at the company)

Welcome miss Kim


Miss Kim you have a guest

Who is it

It's Miss Cheon

Oh yeah I remember you called this morning or was it last night either way you called. So is she in my office

No ma'am I know you don't like people in your office so I had her wait outside your office

Thank you

That's my job

Miss Cheon

Hi Miss Kim


Come in please

Thank you by the way your secretary didn't let me in your office

I know no one is allowed in my office if I'm not there

Oh ok


Wow your office is huge

Thank you

Let's get straight to the point we both know why I'm here

Yes I do but We're supposed to meet until later and talk over lunch

Ye aim sorry here is the invitation you need it because with not you won't be able to get in.

Ok where is the place

It's Tosokchon Samgyetang

I know that place


It's a famous restaurant

Oh yes

You know if you wanted to go there you could've told me and I would've gotten the reservation.

How would you get a reservation if it took me like 10 phone calls just to get a reservation

Well looks like you forgot you're talking to the most famous and richest women

Yes that's true but not even the most famous celebrities can get a reservation

Well let me explain to you I'm one of their investors and I make a lot of money and also I'm respected by the owners since I knew then from when I went to China and they were there on vacation and I saved them from almost being in a car accident.

Oh I didn't know

Yes but I don't always use everything to my advantages.

Well next time you can call and make a reservation

Maybe but most likely not

May I ask why

Well because I don't like bothering old friends nor care if it's famous or not as long as it's a decent place.

I thought you only ate a 5 star restaurant and places where they're the best

Well I don't really care about that

Well I'll see you later then, by the way what time did you do for

At 11:30




Secretary Yoo please come to my office

I'll be right there

How can I help you miss Kim

I need you to investigate Miss Cheon

Yes ma'am but if I may can I ask why?

She's very suspicious and also I need to know there background before we sign a contract together.

Oh ok ma'am I'll call the private investigator and tell him

Ok thank you, by the way don't worry to much your relationship with Miss Cheon won't be destroyed because of me

What do you mean

I know about you too

How?! I mean why do you think that

Well I know because when I said to do a private investigation on her you got worried and nervous.

Well yes I am worried-

But you like her don't you

Yes I do I'm sorry if I disappointed you

No you didn't and plus if you really care about her go ahead I won't interfere but if she-

I know if she makes me cry or does something that hurt me you'll hurt her

Exactly but if you really care about her let me do the investigation and see who's she working for and see if she can be trustworthy.


Also tonight make me a reservation

Where and what time?

At a kids restaurant and at 5:30


By the way I'm sorry if I'm causing trouble between you both

It's fine as long as she has nothing to hide


Yeah here is your schedule for today

Thank you

In 20 minutes you will have a meeting about the new product and after the meeting is over you and Mr. Lee have a press conference to sign the contract between both parties.

Ok thank you

No problem by the way the meeting can only last 1 hour 30 minutes longest

Ok thanks you

(Back yo where Mr.Lee is)

So Ms. Cheon how did it go?

It went well but looks like the plan didn't go well did it

Nope she rejected me

Haha I told you I mean I'm sorry for you because you got rejected but it's hilarious.

Stop laughing it isn't funny

I mean it is because I told you that was going to happen didn't I

Yes but you know I never listen


By the way don't you later have to sign a contract with the press

Oh my god I completely forgot

I feel bad

Let me call her right now and tell her I can't

You dumb

Excuse you

I mean you are this is your change to get close and even closer if you sign it with her by the way don't actually fall for her because it looks like you are

Wow thanks for the advice that's I don't need

You are welcome and it's going to be useful

No it's not but whatever

Aha you did fall for her

No I didn't

You just admit it

I didn't, go back to work now

Fine but think about it and if you do good luck on your revenge

Thank for nothing

By the way why do you hate her so much I would like to know

Well- the the reason why I hate her so much is-