
The Confession.....

Aria's POV

When I got home, I messaged my friend that Jay asked me out, and I said yes. My best friend from high school Kimberly was so excited, she asked me when the date is? I said it is in the morning before work. He coming for me at 7:00 A.m. I got to go and get some sleep.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲

𝗝𝗮𝘆'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩

I woke up feeling like gold. I got showered and went to my closet, I remembered that I had a date with the one and only Aria Beckett. I decided to wear a casual grey pants, and a white shirt tucked into the pants with a Louis Vuitton jacket over it. I went down stairs and grabs the keys to my Tesla Model X I left the house and started driving, although it can drive it self I just like to drive my cars personally. I entered the GPS to Aria's House although I haven't seen her house in a while. I started my journey just thinking what will she be wearing?

𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐚❜𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I woke up at six and showered, I walked over to my closet and tried to pick out something sensual or attractive. Going through my head maybe this or that, but then the outfit I picked out crossed all the topics in my head. This beautiful red tank top and a pink pants, with a hazel nut blazer. I got my makeup on and got my handbag. I decided to wear red lipstick and red pumps. I got on a necklace my mom gave me a week before she died and some cute stylish sunglasses and waited for him to pick me up. After a couple minutes, I saw a blue Tesla Model X pulling up into my driveway. I got out and locked my door, and the moment I approached the car the door opened instantly. I got in the car and then he said "You look beautiful" and I said "Same to you". We continued down the street and headed down to an ice-cream parlour. I turned to him and asked " Ice-cream for breakfast really?" He said " well no something different this is the best Ice-cream in the whole L.A. trust me you'll like it. I shrugged my shoulders and preceded to go inside. We entered and it look like he knew everyone here. Everyone was greeting him like family or friends. He asked the cashier for the order from 2 days ago. I looked around cluelessly wondering were the hell am I? The cook brought out some plates covered up, but the moment it came closer to our table I could've smelled what ever it was. It smelled like waffles, actually it smelled like blueberry waffles. The chef came and then he lifted the plate and there breakfast the waffles. The chef asked "for the ma'am what type of coffee would you want?" I said "Cinnamon Almond Milk Macchiato" Please. He went and go make it. Jay who was sitting across from me was smiling looking at me, but I was wondering what he was thinking about. A couple of hours later it became ten and we headed to work. We pulled up and I got out and all my other co-workers was looking at me in a jealously look. On the way to work Jay confessed something to me and asked me a serious question, but I said....