
Chapter 1

A hell of a life


You know one thing I have been avoiding for a long time, it's been looked down by anyone at anytime so it made me specially respected my self and people around me. But James won't just quite I mean Id it a crime to study at a university or something, staying here for close to a month has been the worst for me because James always finds a way to humiliate me both at the lectures hall and in the girls hostels infact literally everywhere I go.

My name is Jenny and am 17years old am the only child and daughter of my parents. My parents are middle class people so whatever we have we manage it with care, I would thank my parents for breeding me because to the eyes of many I am one of a kind with outstanding character, being intelligent and smart upstairs and God crowed it all by giving me a sweet lovely body, am the pride of my parents.

Am a citizen of Nigeria but my parents did everything at their possible best to send me outside the country to study so presently am in Arizona state university (ASU) a university in America.

Standing up from my bed that morning I felt so tired from the previous days activity swearz school was not giving at all at all I had to walk to the bathroom frowning as I took a hot shower and brushed my teeth then came out 20mins later. ASU was a school everything moves so fast if your not serious you will be forgotten on a more serious note. After wearing my clothes and getting ready to eat break fast my bulk mate made I heard a crowd of people laughing outside the hostel at first I wanted to go and look but I decided to stay back and eat so I won't be late for lectures and my attendant won't be missed, but on a second thought the laughter became more louder and annoying as more students gathered to the stuff making them to laugh then I stood up and went outside, trying to push my way to the front of the crowd to see what's making everyone laugh then suddenly my mission was complete I pushed my way through when I saw James holding a picture frame, at first I was confused why would a picture frame make everyone laugh mischievously I dragged the frame and what I saw shocked me to my bone marrow

Watch out for chapter 2 ********

I remain the inspiration Doctor