
Feelings and Fangs: A Dramione Fanfiction

A year has passed since the wizarding world was saved by Harry Potter in the courtyard of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. All the students who had been in the seventh year of the school have received letters, inviting them back to complete one more final year. The war was hard on everybody, but was particularly evil to a young blonde, traumatizing him and rendering him mentally harmed, to the point of not speaking. Draco finds himself in the hands of the brightest-witch-of-her-age and her fiery best friend. He has to combat learning a secret about himself that changes everything as well as beginning to fight the morals he was raised with. Of course, Hogwarts is never 100% safe . . . Public Announcement: This is a FANFICTION story! I understand that my characters may veer far off the path of how they may have acted in the original works, however this is my depiction of them with their own character development. I ask that if you dislike the characters to just move on instead of posting rude and harmful comments. If you want to give constructive criticism please do! Thank you for reading

Padfoot0 · Bücher und Literatur
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 - Process of Elimination

 Hell. The day had been hell. Draco sat in the silence of his dorm room, on his bed, leaned back into his pillows, head reclined against the cool and hard wood of his headboard. Raining. Always rain. Whenever it was low and sad, the rain came and cast a dark shadow over the already depressing gloom. His eyes were closed as he listened to the pattering, almost able to imagine the train ride here. Depressing. Hateful. Regretful. He took one slow and deep breath in, letting his thoughts go, relaxing. Why had he come back…? Why had he let his mother make this decision…?


Draco slowly raised his head, eyes glancing down at himself. Had his health degraded? Probably….Did he care at all?


He closed his eyes, "no….I don't…" Answering his own thoughts out loud. He then raised his head slowly, staring at the wall. Gray. Dull Gray. So fitting. So horridly right for how he felt.


His eyes grew glassy as he thought, remaining locked onto this one position…


He thought about his first year at Hogwarts…. He had left the feast, feeling high and mighty, every aspect amazing him, being just as mystical as his mother had always told him. Every curve and surface being perfect. The talking portraits reassuring him and the other first years that this would be amazing. Exciting. A new home. And it was. He had run down to the dungeons with the other Slytherins but had instantly felt the dark and gloomy realisation…Cold, damp, dull, dark…. Unwelcoming. His head of house had said a password, one that had slightly revolted him as he was led inside, looking around. He could remember the darkness, how cold…The weird glass walls that ended up being the Black Lake…...He recalled walking in, and seeing a few older kids, sitting quietly in the small lame excuse for a library….


Draco blinked, and the feeling of underwhelming upset and let down hit him again. He leaned his head back again, and closed his eyes, slowly letting out another deep breath. Let down. Most of everything had been a let-down….


He placed his hands together, slowly twisting and turning his rings, a sort of comfort he had developed over time. The rings were a steady normal. He knew them, every one of them, which one turned which way…How they felt when he put the cold metal on in the morning. Normal. If he put one in the wrong place or the wrong finger, everything felt out of touch. It felt wrong, and he had to fix it, or it would eat away at his insides. Normal. Normal. Normal. It had to be normal. He kept twisting a specific ring, one of a snake. It just wrapped around his finger three times, the tail tucked one way, intricately shaped around his middle finger, the head shaped the other way, tongue sticking out. It was a dark sparkling black, off gray. It only spun to the left, smooth, gliding. He felt something he hadn't felt for a very long while…A dull throb in his chest, a pang with his pulse, telling him he was missing something. Forgetting something…... He swallowed, grimacing. It was heavier, more prominent…

Draco stopped twisting it, grimacing again. How had he become like this…? All his mother had warned against, told stories to him of wizards who had been like him during childhood, going bad, going horrid, like his father. He was not and would never be like his father, he would never-


"Draco?" A female voice called, dragging him from his thoughts and back into reality. The throbbing vanished as if someone had cast a healing charm. He opened his eyes, inclining his head slightly towards the voice. He stared at his dim doorway, his eyes peacefully passing over the figure there. He stared, taking in the sight.


Hermione was standing in his doorway, leaning slightly against the left side, her head gently placed against the frame. She was smiling softly, her hands clasped together. He stared at her longer, studying her features. Her soft brown eyes as they saw his state, her slightly crinkled dimples as she gave him that heart-warming, brain melting smile, her nose as it scrunched slightly with her smile…. He looked down, and his eyes zeroed in on the words…






He blinked a few times, seeing the green, the crossing brooms….The hoodie, then he noticed her legs and he would have blushed, had he been focusing on emotions, but he wasn't. Draco stared a little longer, taking in her slim legs, only covered by short jean shorts which were hidden by his very large hoodie.


Draco took a slow breath, focusing on her face again, as-


"Draco….?" Her voice spoke again, her head gently raising, tilting the other way, "Are you alright…?"


He swallowed, and shook himself from his thoughts, nodding slightly, watching her walk into his dark room, and settle on the edge of the bed beside him. He couldn't focus on much more than the simple fact that she had one leg bent, sliding it under the other than hung from the bed, his eyes scanning her slim body, subconsciously taking note of every blemish, the tanned tone…


"Draco." Her voice cut through sterner once again, and he tore his gaze away, to her face. "What's wrong….?"


For a few moments, he regretted his choice to start talking again, relishing his silence, but then she touched his own leg, and he couldn't believe he ever had considered not speaking to her…With her beautiful face…


He then shook himself mentally form the stupor, "I'm not sure…. I feel like I'm going back into one of those…Depresso moments…" Seeing her smile slightly, but he wished she knew he wasn't joking…. "I'm alright, Hermione…."


Draco hadn't intended for her to notice, but she did. Hermione slowly scooted closer, making him look at her face, into her eyes.


"What's really wrong…?" Her hand was on his shoulder, and he took a slow breath. Slow breaths. Calming himself. Relaxing his nerves.


"I'm not sure, truly…. I think I was just expecting a quit year…. And this has been the opposite of that already…" Draco's voice was quiet, not guarded, genuine, "I guess…. Can't believe I'm admitting this…" letting his lips quirk up slightly, "I'm scared…."


He watched Hermione give him a saddened smile, and she climbed over him, onto the other side of the bed, and he couldn't help but let his eyes roam just slightly, before looking away from her back side. He watched as she slowly settled down, sliding against him, her head slowly settling over his heart against his chest, her left arm just slowly wrapping around his chest, holding him in such a weak and small embrace, but…Draco felt every part of him melting at her touch. His room seemed…SO much lighter, happier….


Draco slowly turned his head, his chin resting against her head, and his right arm reached up, his hand laying over her arm.


"It's all gonna be ok…." Her voice was quiet and relaxed, kind of sleepy, "Don't worry…."


He smiled shakily, adoring this witch, how optimistic she was…But unfortunately, he was not. He saw every negative, and he saw how truly horrid everything was right now…. Maybe the only normal he needed right now was this…Could this normal be the thing to hold him steady, or would it be his final downfall….


Draco slowly reached his right hand up, his fingers tenderly and slowly resting against her forehead, his cool and thin fingers calmly rubbing a soothing circle.


"You're tense." Hermione's voice cut through the only just settled silence, "Why can't you relax?"


Draco's fingers stopped moving, and he stayed quiet, battling anger, frustration, sadness, and just pure angst for this girl. 


"Draco, talk to me."


He stayed quiet still, trying to choose his words carefully, "I am tense. I can't relax. I don't want to talk."


Hermione sighed, and he just felt the rush of annoyance and pity, "Please talk to me…"


Draco once again slowly chose his words, "Just earlier you were…You said…" His eyes drifted to the wall, his fists tightening on her arms, "I don't even know why I am letting you snuggle up to me and be all…All lovey-dovey-"




"Hush. Just- Just let me talk if you so desperately want me too!!" His words snapping out much harsher than he had intended. He felt her flinch slightly, and he bit his tongue in deeper hatred of himself. But.... He didn't say sorry. He never said sorry. Because he knew himself. He couldn't lie. If he said something, it was true. Even in hatred….


"I don't understand anything that is happening…." Draco's voice was guarded still, careful, cautious. "Nobody ever sat me down and told me that everything was going to be this way. Mother never told me how hard my life would be, having the name 'Malfoy' strapped to my back…. Father never seemed to think of the consequences of throwing his sixteen-year-old into the grasp of Voldemort…. Or how it would affect my life…."


He pulled his knees up, not even focusing long enough to realise Hermione was now laying between his legs, her chin resting against his chest, her warm, milky brown eyes staring up at his flushed and pale face as he stared over her head at his dark wall. His voice was slowly becoming more emotional, more sad, dark, full of anguish and hatred. His eyes were growing darker, the hatred in his voice flowing into his irises, turning his silvery-blue eyes into dark murky waters.


"The blame is always landed on me. Even when I have always tried my best. I have always done my best in school, but that wasn't enough. I've tried in my family, but all I get is dead parents. I've tried in the world, and I get paid back with hatred and mistrust. I put faith into an elderly man, and then I am thrown at him with a wand to kill him. To end his life. I then decide to try, and do as I am told, and somehow manage to get thrown into the palm of the evillest wizard of all time, tortured for months, and had to watch hundreds of deaths for it. I then try and push away from the world to protect people, and I get shoved in a therapist's office!! And now I have tried to finish my schooling like every other child, and suddenly I am now the prime suspect of murdering three different children and am hated by half of the school. Oh, and the worst part??? I come to a new place at eleven, and I come face to face with a girl. A bubbly bright girl. She hates me. I come back the next year, and find her petrified in a hallway, frozen in terror, thinking she is dead! The next year, she punches me. The next year??? I must drag her through the woods during a quidditch match as people, my family were attacking her type, and she gets furious with me, stunning me!!" He took a shaking breath, not breaking eye contact from the wall, "It gets worse. Worse and worse. Then I watch her lay on the floor of my childhood home, my crazed aunt on top of her, making her scream, plead, cry, bleed, nearly killing her. As I stand there, under the petrificus totalus curse. Unable to move."


Draco tore in a sharp breath, letting it out, and over again. His eyes slowly slid from the wall to her face, to the girls face in his arms. She was crying. Silently. Draco's memories were dark. His body felt numb. His head was fuzzy. Everything ached. 


Hermione scooted closer, "Draco….? Do you need to cry…?"


He managed to spit out, "Malfoys don't cry."


The brunette sat up against him, her right palm finding his cheek, but he flinched away. She tried again and he pulled back, "Let me…"


Hermione's palm slid against his cheek, tilting his head to the side slightly, stroking his soft skin. Draco's lips trembled as he struggled to hold back the emotions crying and screaming to get out.


"Draco…Let it out…." Her soothing voice, trying to convince him he was safe. He didn't feel safe. Not at all. He just felt like this was a momentary break in the chaos.


His silvery eyes found hers, "I don't cry…" His voice cracking.


Hermione scooted ever so slightly closer, "I have cried in front of you…. It's your turn… You need to…Just let it out…." Her other palm slid across the other side of his face, and then slowly his head tilted forwards, just resting in her hands, his own left-hand grabbing onto her wrists, and his shoulders trembled.


A strangled sound, a strangled sob escaped his lips, his eyes sliding closed, and then another. Before he could stop it, more came, and he started sobbing heavily, his body shaking with his heavy and sharp breaths. Hermione held his face, staying close, rubbing, but soon she knew he needed more comfort than that. She let go as the boy wrapped his arms around his head, in hysterics, dropping his guard. He was being vulnerable in front of her. He was allowing himself to be vulnerable…. Showing her his true colours. 


Hermione got up onto her knees, and pushed Draco's down a bit, not so close. She slid one leg over his right leg, her other over his left, and slowly settled down, her legs wrapped around his thighs, sitting on his waist, and then she wrapped her arms around him, one arm tightly wound around his back, her other arm wrapped partially around his back, but she also had his head pulled into a tight embrace against her chest. His crying didn't falter. Hermione pushed him back a bit, leaning into the pillows. She slowly made him lay down, rubbing his soft hair gently.


Draco stopped thinking, and he let her. He just gave in. Gave up.


The brunette felt his arms tightly wind around her, pulling her close than she imagined, and he turned onto his side, pinning her right leg down, stopping her from leaving unintentionally. Hermione calmly sat there in his arms, glancing at the window. It was dark out. Draco just continued his melancholy sounds.


Hermione heard a soft voice from the door, masculine, "Granger….?"


She managed to lift her eyes up enough to see Draco's equally tall best friend leaning against the doorframe, as she gently muttered, "Silenco…" hushing Draco's voice, and then muttering another charm so he wouldn't hear them speaking.


"Zabini…" She still spoke quietly and gently.


The boy didn't move any farther, knowing his boundaries, "I heard him from the kitchen…."


Hermione averted her eyes, back to Draco, stroking his head, "He spiralled…. Don't worry, Zabini…"


One thing she loved about the boy she had just met, was he didn't pry. If you gave him an answer, he took it, "I'll be leaving…... I assume I will come back for the morning as I did today…?"


Hermione continued to stare down at the boy, who seemed to have settled down now, still trembling, but he didn't seem to be crying as violently, "Yes… I do believe that is a good idea…."


The Italian boy moved and went to walk away, but then Hermione spoke, "Thank you, Blaise…."


She caught his smile, "You're welcome… Hermione."


The boy left, and she touched Draco's cheek, murmuring, "Sonorus." And she heard his whimpers. She stroked his head some more, closing her own eyes.


"It's ok, Draco…. I promise, people are trying to fix everything…. It's all gonna be ok…."


She was surprised by how soft and young his voice sounded, but he responded, "Ok…. I… You…You mean so much more to me…Than you know…."


Hermione smiled again, "You mean a lot to me too…. And before you ask, yes… I am staying all night long… Go to sleep…" Slowly rubbing his head until he finally relaxed, his head sinking against her chest, his nose buried between her breasts, his left cheek pressed to one, and he was asleep. And for the first time, Hermione didn't feel uncomfortable with the contact. She relaxed a bit, smiling to herself. 


Hopefully this boy could learn to trust…And with her at his side. She closed her own eyes, leaning her head back, and she drifted off, getting well needed sleep to prepare for the day ahead.



"I am telling you, it's the truth, woman!!" A harsh voice snapped. A simple small desk lamp was all that illuminated the office. A desk chair pushed back in the darkness, a woman sat, her hair curled tighter than spaghetti bows, heels taller than ever.


"Well?" A feminine, high-pitched voice, "You need to bring me evidence!!!"


The other voice spoke again, now identifiable as another woman, insisted, "I have it. I have it, I promise. I'll get more. But just publish the story!"


Hands slammed down onto the desk, dainty nails painted green and blue. A woman leaned forwards, anger and hunger in her eyes, and she snarled lethally, "If you get it to me, our numbers will fly off the rockers! Bring the evidence to me, young lady, and you'll be famous."


The nervous girl nodded, "Yes, Miss Skeeter…. I'm sorry." Leaving the office. As she did so, the woman flicked her wand, and hundreds of thousands of newspapers started getting thrown into the press, headlining:


And the boy behind them all



The following morning, a drowsy blonde was slowly waking up, his eyes opening. He took a deep breath, rolling over. He found himself flopped on his bed, the curtains around his bed closed so he was in darkness. He sat up, rubbing his face. Draco got out his bed, blinded by the light from his drawn window curtains. He looked around and noticed his bathroom door ajar, and he smiled knowing where she had gone. Draco ventured to his closet, searching around for a hoodie he liked, but he couldn't find it. He sighed, not bothering to search anymore, and he got dressed into some sweatpants, pulling on a not so formal dress shirt, lousily doing up his Slytherin tie. He pulled on some sneakers and just left his hair as is.


He left his bedroom, walking to the kitchen, not noticing the large group of Gryffindors and his two Slytherin friends gathered in the living room. He walked back out a few minutes later with a tea mug in his grasp, and he froze.


"Uhm…Is there a reason you are all huddled in my living room…?" His voice rough and husky from sleep.


Nobody spoke, and he found Hermione's eyes. She was there, but she didn't look angry. She looked scared. He stared around and used a sterner tone.


"Care to explain? I thought a few days ago I was an evil murderer?" Taking a few steps closer, but he watched as Harry picked up a newspaper, and tossed it at him.


Draco caught it easily with one hand, setting his drink down, and he unfolded it. The back page was simply about some hinkypunks in a muggle local petting zoo, then he turned the page.


His eyes landed on the headline, and his skin grew cold, his pulse rising, "No…"


He scanned the article, feeling his hands start to shake, "No- No- How-" Words stuck out to him.


Psychotic…Malicious…. Dangerous…Untrust-worthy…. A danger to the world…. Azkaban….


"I reckon you ought to be mad to go around on a killing spree…" Draco looked up to see that Harry was the one speaking. "Hermione dragged us all here…As soon as we saw the paper. We aren't letting anyone get you."


Draco could barely hear him, his eyes now locked onto the headlining words, and then he spoke weakly, "I... I feel…Feel faint…" And he heard a clatter of someone jumping up, and…A few sets footsteps, and his legs gave out.


All he wanted to focus on was her small arms around him, her voice calling out, "Harry, grab some ice water. Neville? Can you get a washcloth? It's shock."


His eyes felt drowsy and weak, but he had only just woken up…Why? He blinked slowly, staring up at her face, as she looked down at him, sinking to her knees as he was too heavy.


"It's alright. I get it…You're alright Draco. Try and match your breathing to mine, ok?" Pressing his left ear to her chest, so he could hear the beating of her heart.


Thoughts rushed through his mind, his emotions feeling faint, and his mind began to go fully into shock. He couldn't focus, couldn't think, everything was confusing. He felt water dripping gently against his forehead, before a very cold washcloth settled there, Hermione gently wiping his hot face.


"It's alright." She said gently, looking up at her friends, seeing the faces. Neville. Seamus. Harry. Luna. Ginny. Blaise. Theo. All here because she dragged them when she saw the newspaper. "Blaise? Are you alright?" She asked with the same gentleness. The boy was staring down at Draco, his eyes angry.


"I'm alright, thanks Granger. I'm just gonna murder whoever did this." Looking to his friend beside him. Theo almost mirrored his expression.


Hermione grimaced, "Let's not murder anyone-"


Draco's voice groaned, "Let 'em do it…." And Hermione looked down, relieved he was talking. His eyes were still closed. "I am the mot pathetic excuse for a Slytherin…"


As Hermione tried to help him sit up, he leaned against her. Hermione sighed, "No, you're not. You just got framed to the entire world as a murderer of three children after a war just finished. You fell into shock."


He stared at her, "Thanks for telling me everything I just heard you say one more- Are you wearing my Slytherin house hoodie?" His attention getting distracted to her attire.


Harry was smiling slightly, and he looked to Neville, "Why don't you take Luna out…? I think he's alright." The boy shyly nodded and took his girlfriend's hand, leaving the room. Seamus left with them as he felt very unneeded right then.


Draco's eyelids slowly peeled back open, focusing on the people crouching around him, "Salazar, you people are acting like I'm dying…"


He saw a grimace from Harry, a slight grin from Theo, and an annoyed 'not the time' look from Blaise. He tilted his head back to see Hermione's solemn expression.


"Draco…. A young girl was found this morning." Harry's voice cut off Hermione and Draco's strong eye contact, and he looked at the raven-haired boy.


"No…No, how…How…" But he couldn't bring himself to ask.


"First year." Ginny supplied; someone he had only slightly spoken too. He saw her nervousness and mistrust just simply from that one statement.


"I am not the killer, Weaslette. No need to tie your wand in a knot about it…" His voice remained calm and quiet, exhausted even after finally sleeping well.


He felt Hermione's hand touching his cool skin between his hoodie and his sweatpants, her dainty fingers just rubbing small circles on his smooth and cold skin. A comforting touch, unseen by anyone, soothing his anxious veela, and his worried emotions.


Ginny got a bit closer and knelt down, not wanting to squat, "I... I know. I just don't think we have ever held a conversation other than you insulting me in second year." Her cheeks growing a bit red. Harry was holding her closer to his side.


Draco huffed a tired laugh, "Yeah sorry 'bout that kid."


Ginny's expression hardened into horror and fury, "Call me little girl one more time you foul git and see where my fist ends up-" Harry quickly pulled her back and held her hands in his own.


Draco's lip curled, sitting up despite his weak muscles, but Hermione grabbed him around the chest, yanking him harshly back so hard, he hit her chest and made an 'oof' sound from the impact.


Harry and Hermione looked at each other, trying to not laugh at the stubborn and fiery teens, "Keep going like that and we can put you both into day care, while the adults figure out who's behind the murders."


Draco grumbled something but he obliged, knowing Hermione wouldn't hesitate to body bind him and shove him into time-out. "Meany…" She heard him, and pinched his skin where she was rubbing, causing a pained noise. He clamped his mouth shut, as a harsh colour spread over his white-pale cheeks.


All the boys in the room stared with wide eyes, while Ginny covered her mouth, her freckled cheeks also reddening as she stopped herself from laughing. Draco instantly changed the subject.


"Figure out who's behind the murders?" Dragging attention back to the matter at hand. Draco was aware he was still laying against Hermione, still aware of her fingers circling on his skin, but he just felt safe.


He saw Harry's expression harden, and he backed up, moving back over to the coffee table in the living room. Papers, notes, pictures…. Draco felt Hermione get up, hauling his body up with her. He staggered slightly, feeling surprisingly weak. He watched Hermione walk over and settle at the side of the table closest to the fire. Her eyes found him, telling him to sit with her. He walked over, his movements sluggish, as he heavily sat down, catching the arm of the chair on his left and the top of the coffee table in front of him to lower himself down. His eyes landed on the pictures, and he had to swallow to stop himself from gagging internally.


Graphic photos, but he instantly said, "My claws don't do that…."


He felt Hermione's arm move around him, around his waist, pulling him to her side, so he was leaning once again into her chest, his head just below her chin. Ginny sat on the floor across from them, Harry sitting behind her as she leant into him. Blaise and Theo lounged out in the open areas; pillows tossed around. Draco wondered how long people had been here waiting for his lazy ass to wake up.


Draco sat up a bit, picking up a few pictures, studying them, wishing they had access to the murder sites still, but everything had been cleaned and hushed up so as to not scare the school. Now that plan had gone out the window thanks to whoever wrote the article. He then reached out for the article as Harry, Hermione, and Ginny spoke in hushed voices. Nothing of it interested Draco, so he ignored it as he scanned the document.


"Sources say…. What sources?? McGonagall would never say anything to the press." He spoke aloud, "And I pray to Salazar none of you said anything." Looking around the table at all the solemn faces, shaking their heads.


Draco sat up fully, feeling his weakness starting to fade as he slammed the paper down, scanning it over and over, "There must be something. Something to tell us-"


Just then, an owl flew right into the open window, screeching as it dropped another paper. The owl was black, and large, obsidian and beautiful.


"Thanks, Nox," Draco said subtly to the bird that was now perched on his head, "Thank you for messing up my hair." Now ignoring the bird. The group bent over and stared at the paper, before Draco snatched it up.


"They've sent out another paper…." He whispered quietly, then cleared his throat, his hands trembling.


Then he read aloud the story, "We would think a boy of 19 would stop once being discovered… Draco Lucius Malfoy, son of the convicted Death Eater Lucius Malfoy has killed yet another child. Gryffindor student Chloe Adams was found dead within the walls of our beloved school of magic this morning. No comments have come from within the faculty, but we have intel of the girl's age, just turning twelve. Outrage is bursting and the parents are suing for the man responsible to be thrown into Azkaban Wizarding Prison right beside his rotting father. No quotes have come out yet. More information will be coming soon on the whereabouts of Mr. Malfoy and his status." Draco's face was bright red by the time he had finished reading, his silver eyes murderous and vicious. He got up, pacing, his hands running through his hair.


Hermione watched for a moment before getting up as well, walking towards him, touching his shoulder.


As she did that, he span around, and bellowed. However, fangs exploded from his teeth, claws suddenly sharpening, his eyes swirling black/silver, and two voices yelled at her, "WE'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG!!!" The veela's furious voice, and Draco's scared, angry one. 


Hermione jumped back, her hand yanking away from him to her chest, taking nervous steps away from the boy. His chest was rising and falling rapidly.


Hermione took a deep breath, "Calm down…"




Hermione flinched at the creatures ferociousness, actually scared.


Harry warned, "Stop yelling at her Malfoy."




"Draco!" Blaise's voice warned, and the creature whirled around towards him, finding itself at wand point. "You yell again, I am stunning you. If you speak normally, then I will put the wand away."


The veela hissed at him, turning, but Harry was doing the same thing. It spun around again and found every teen in the room had it at a wand point. It hissed viciously again, looking like a tapped animal. Hermione had her wand to its throat, making eye contact.


"You won't hurt me. You can't. Calm down," she said evenly. The veela hissed furiously at her again, before leaping into the air, grabbing the rafters, and then it was gone, out of sight.


The teens turned in circles, looking for it, but then heard a door close, and Hermione cursed.


"It got out…. You all noticed that the veela had taken Draco's mind over completely too…?" Looking to her friends.


Ginny looked very scared, unsure, "Hermione, what just…."


The brunette shook her head, "It's a lot to explain. I think he just needed some air… I think we all do. Blaise…? Can you stay here in case it comes back. You'll be able to calm it down…. You guys go see if you can find it." Picking up her shoes and slipping them on. Hermione had an idea of where he was, and just hoped the veela had calmed down by the time she finds him.


Hermione left the common room, rubbing her head, and brushing hair from her face. She walked into the Grand Staircase, rushing to catch a moving set, and stood there as it rose up multiple floors. She brushed hair from her face again before pointing her wand at her head and muttering a charm, feeling her hair pull itself into a nice messy bun. 


She walked out the staircase, and into the ninth floor, grabbing the handle to the large wooden door ad hauling it open, starting up the metal spiral staircase.


Hermione emerged at the top, and she saw him, crouched on the railing, perched, and sighed. The veela was still in control. She took a few steps and saw a tilt of the head from the blonde on the railing.


"What?" But it wasn't the veela, it was Draco.


"Get down from there." Hermione said carefully, surprised when he did as she asked, turning to face her and leaning on the newly installed metal bars. His arms folded tightly across his chest.


"What?" He asked again.


Hermione approached, standing in front of him, looking up, "I want you to apologise. You yelled at me." Folding her own arms. A sneer formed on his face, not gracing his sharp features.


"I raised my voice, Grange. It's not like I touched you." Looking away.


Hermione took a deep breath, "Apologise to me."


Draco refused to even look at her.


"Fine. Then you leave me no choice." Hermione said, before reaching out.


Her hand wrapped around his tie, yanking him harshly forwards, his head dipping, and her lips pressed against his, as he was unable to pull away, at her mercy due to his stupid decision to wear a tie. He tried to pull away for a moment, before he melted. His arms unfolding and finding her waist. She released his tie, and he broke away, panting.


"How- How was- That a punishment?" He asked, confused, seeing her smile.


Her left hand trailed, slowly walking up his neck, leaving his cheeks red.


"You might want to say sorry now," she whispered, and he swallowed heavily.


"I am very, very, very, very sorry." He sputtered out, as her hand played with a bit of his soft hair at the nape of his neck. His cheeks grew redder by the moment.


"I- uh…. Whatever you're doing is working…" Draco's voice was still shy and confused.


Hermione smiled up at him, getting on her tiptoes again to peck his lips, "I know. That's why I'm doing it, you idiot."


He took a few deep breaths, before he sank down and just hugged her, his knees hitting the floor. He didn't know what to feel, what to say, what to think. His head curled against her stomach, her hands just rubbing his head.


"You aren't alone. I promise" Her voice sounded, and he felt as she breathed in and out, slightly shaky.


He closed his eyes, pressing his face against her stomach, "I don't feel like there's anyone…. Mia…?" Looking up at her.


He saw a weak smile from the brunette, "I'm Mia now?"


He raised his own head, and his chin rested on her belly, and he smiled his own weak smile, "Sure. Mia, baby, Hermione, whatever."


Her eyes widened momentarily at his sly intrusion, "Whatever?"


Hermione then knelt down in front of him, and just wrapped her arms around him, pulling his head to her shoulder, "Sure. Why not call me baby…. Cause you aren't going anywhere." Rubbing his head some more. His arms shot out in a flash, wrapping so tightly around her, she heaved a startled laugh. His body was trembling a bit again, and she rubbed his back.


"Don't cry…Everything's ok…" But she knew he just had to. He had cried more in front of her than anyone in his entire life. He fully sank against her, and just cried silently, being held by his mate, amidst another bout of terrors that Hogwarts was experiencing. Yet another one for the records.



"Who could it be?" Theo hummed quietly, the group sitting around the same coffee table. Ginny was lounged on in an armchair, twirling her wand. Harry was sitting on the ground, his legs stretched out under the coffee table. Hemione was laying across the sofa, facing the fire, with Draco perched on the back rest, his feet planted so easily on the back, not quivering, still as a statue. His eyes were staring down at the two newspaper articles laid out on the otherwise empty coffee table. Blaise was in the kitchen, having offered to make tea for the group, knowing how stressed and uptight they all were.


"Blaise, you done yet?" Draco asked, his voice sturdy and relaxed, having been given about seven doses of calming draught since his freak out.


"No, Draco, I have been in here for four minutes." Came Blaise's annoyed voice, "Be patient."


"Patient? Never heard of her." Was the blonde's response. He was being antsy, nervous, uptight, but he hadn't had anymore freakouts.


Draco then leapt from the couch back, landing silently on the other side of the coffee table, kneeling and picking up one article, the one from early that morning, studying it.


"There's nothing at all. Hermione, are you sure we can't go to Minnerva? She might know. She might be able to break it down."


Theo responded before anyone, "Draco, mate, we can't go to McGonagall because you are supposed to be lying low. Running through the halls as clear as day is not what anyone would call 'lying low'."


Draco stood again, running fingers through his hair, throwing the paper down. Harry nudged Ginny, "Grab another calming draught, would ya?"


Ginny shoved him, "You do it." Grinning when he groaned and obliged. He tossed it at Draco who caught it without looking, his body just automatically catching the potion, while signing.


He felt the calmness wash over his body and into his mind, his body relaxing. He dropped the paper back to the table, before walking back over and pulling his legs up, climbing back onto the back of the couch, walking along it a few times. Harry, Ginny, Theo, and Hermione all watched the blonde as he leapt over to the other couch back. Then Hermione spoke.


"Draco get down before I make you. Walking along dangerously unstable surfaces won't help you think."


He huffed and jumped down, falling onto the seat beside her, once again gracefully.


Hermione stared at him for a few more seconds, before shaking her head. Her man was weird sometimes…


Draco then spoke out loud, "Only sometimes?"


Her head shot up when he answered her thoughts and saw an evil look in his eye. She smacked his arm, "Don't read my thoughts!! Privacy!!"


Draco looked away and huffed, "You thought it beside me. I didn't try to read your thoughts."


"You did. You just answered me!"


"Did not."


"Did too."


Blaise walked into the room, glancing towards the two bickering teens, seeing them face to face, noses almost touching and he sighed, looking towards Harry, Ginny, and Theo, who were all mirroring each other's faces.


Blaise came closer, and bent down, even with their faces as they bickered quietly, "You gonna kiss?"


Both Draco and Hermione jumped back, both red in the face, as Draco's eyes went black, defensive.


"Back off-" He snarled, but Hermione grabbed onto his hand, and he closed his eyes as Blaise stood up straighter.


"Snap at me again and you might just find that I spill this tea into your lap." Blaise warned, setting the two cups down, "Here ya go, lovebirds."


Draco flushed, but a sly smirk flashed over his lips. Hermione gave him a look of 'behave' before scooting back beside him, picking up her tea. Draco stared at the newspapers some more, before speaking.


"Does…." But then he reached out and picked up the paper, unfolding it. He sat, leaned into Hermione's side, now more for him and his veela's comfort than of a real need, as the headline shimmered, going to the next one, and the paper fell from his grasp. His eyes found Hermione, scared, fearful.


She was also frozen, eyes locked onto the paper sprawled over his lap, and directly at the photo of Hermione Granger, with Draco Malfoy holding her tightly.


"How did they get that?" Her voice shook, looking at it.


Draco stared up at her, his veela was reeling. His body was shaking, hands trembling, anger and fear exploding in his veins.


"I don't know…." His voice deadly quiet. Blaise got up and snatched the paper, tapping it with his wand to go to the next headline, another photo.


"It's…" He tapped through each headline until it was back to the murders, "Photos of you all around the school, and me with Ginny Weasley and Harry…. And… A photo of Draco at the astronomy tower, not recently. This is an old photo. But…"


Blaise looked up, being met with the eyes of everyone but Hermione and Draco.


Draco's vicious voice spoke, "If this keeps going, those murder headlines may become true…"


Hermione took a deep breath, putting a singular hand on his cheek, "Don't talk like that. Nobody is hurting me, so no need to attack."


Draco's hair bristled on his arms and legs, fury. He then went quiet and just sat there, slouched, angry, scared, nervous, upset, and other emotions he could not explain. Draco wrapped his hands together, his palms sweaty yet cold. Draco closed his eyes as he just focused on his breathing. Ideas started to spur in his head, and then he spoke aloud.


"How insane am I to want to become an animagus?"


The room went quiet, and the eyes settled on the blonde, then Theo spoke.


"Are you crazy?"


"Yes? What's your point?" Draco snapped back, feeling Hermione rubbing his arm, "Yes, I am crazy. We have established this already."


Theo stared at him, raising his eyebrows, his hair now covering them, "What do you mean what's my point???" He threw his hands up, "Do you know what you have to do for that?? You barely eat anything, that's just going to make you starve!" His accent growing thicker in his distress.


Draco's lips twitched slightly as Theo then sputtered out, "Perché sei così stupido??? Una foglia in bocca per tre mesi!?!? Perché Draco??" Pointing at Draco's chest, still spewing Italian, "Usa il tuo cervello per capire che mettere una foglia di mandragora in bocca per tre mesi è pazzo idiota !! Mettilo in testa!" ("Why are you so stupid??? A leaf in the mouth for three months!?!? Why Draco??" "Use your brain to understand that putting a mandrake leaf in your mouth for three months is crazy idiot!! Put it on your head!")


Draco stared, his lips twitching as he tried to not laugh, and Theo snapped, "Perché stai ridendo!?!? Cosa c'è di divertente???" (Why are you laughing!?!? What's funny???)


Harry watched with the same expression as Draco, trying to not laugh. Ginny was now just reading a book, ignoring the conversation completely. Harry spoke, "Nott, you're bursting at us in Italian. Nobody can understand-"


Blaise and Draco both said with voices trying to not laugh, "We can."


Theo grew red in the face and fumed, but translated himself back to English, "Draco Malfoy, don't you dare."


However, then Hermione spoke, finally getting over her amazement, "I think you should."


Draco raised his eyebrows at her, "Out of anyone, I seriously thought you'd be the one to say no that's stupid."


Blaise interjected, shoving his hand up, "Just for the record, I think it's a good but bad idea… Just, saying my opinion." Hermione gave him a small smile.


Draco then just said, "Well, if I can't go around, I was thinking…. Hermione, let me explain before you shoot it down…. You still happen to have that TimeTuner-"


"ABSOLUTLEY NOT DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!!" Hermione screeched, jumping up, prodding him in the chest, "I am not giving an impulsive veela access to a magical time machine!!"


He smiled slightly, "I know. That's why I want you to do it. Go back in time and tell me from the beginning of the year to put a mandrake leaf in the roof of my mouth. I'll listen. Take yourself to when I wasn't talking. While you do that, then us boys will work on trying to figure out who is committing these killings…. What do you think of that?"


Hermione's eyebrows raised slightly, "And what does your veela think of this?"


His lips formed a smirk, "Oh, he's furious."


Hermione folded her arms, huffing, "You both have to agree on something for once. Not just arguing. Draco-"


But he opened his mouth, and she saw fangs, "Do not worry. I am angry with him for not allowing me to have my own input. Yes, his idea is correct. Then we can attend class, get around, and not be noticed…Hopefully."


Blaise spoke, "I mean… If the veela's saying yeah, then why not? Why don't you grab your turner and get changed into something that is not Draco's clothes." Smiling slightly.


Hermione looked down at herself, then at Harry, "Convince me this is a bad idea."


However, the boy just shrugged, "You used that thing under my nose for months…And Sirius did it. You know the entire process, right? To tell his younger self?"


Hermione took a slow breath and nodded, going over the things in her head. Why was she doing this? She then walked from the room, Draco crossing his legs, looking at the newspapers.


"Alright….So, we have that going, so in a few days I should be an Animagus, right?"


Harry nodded, as Blaise and Theo came either side of him and collapsed down, reclining on the sofa. He looked at his friends as Hermione walked back, wearing clothes ready for work, and his eyes trailed over her body, unable to help himself. She gave him a weary smile and bent down, pecking his lips. He saw the gold chain around her neck.


"Back to the beginning…. I'm here and ok, remember?" He said gently, his left hand resting on her waist. Hermione took a deep breath, before she twisted the magical golden time piece, and it started spinning furiously. She held her wand and then the entire world started rewinding. She watched as Draco disappeared from in front of her and the sun and moon started to rotate quickly past the windows, melted snow becoming snow again, and then falling again, before sun was there and it was fall again.


She almost tripped over her feet as she stood there, looking around. She ran to the calendar, checking the date. Perfect. They had been here for seven days. Only a week. She tried to remember where she had been early this morning, and she rushed to her bedroom, seeing her door closed, before she opened it gently, and then closed it harshly, to tell Draco she was outside.


Hermione then walked back to the kitchen, and pulled a mandrake leaf from her bag, in a plastic bag, hearing heavy footsteps, knowing it was Draco. She turned and had to stop herself from gasping. She had forgotten how horrid he had looked. She gave him a soft and warm smile but was greeted with an eye roll. He walked past her, and she stared at his torso, as he was only wearing grey sweatpants. His stomach was caved in, worse than it was right now.


"Good morning, Draco." Seeing him tense, and glance to her, his expression confused and weirded out. Hermione internally slapped herself. He was still Malfoy to her, "Malfoy. I meant Malfoy."


He went back to making his morning coffee, and Hermione said, "Here." Grabbing his wrist and pushing the bag into his palm. He jumped back, his fists automatically clenching the bag, ripping his palm from her grasp, eyes wide, yanking his palm to his chest, his eyes scared.


"Oh- I'm sorry." She said genuinely, and his eyebrows furrowed. "Put it in the top of your mouth. Don't take it out. Use magic to stick it there. And each night, touch your heart and say ''Amato Animo Animato Animagus''. Don't say anything about it ok? Just do it."


Draco stared at her, but her seriousness made him slowly push the mandrake leaf into his mouth and say a silent sticking charm. It was extremely minty and tasted nice, which made him sigh in relief. Draco gave her an unsure smile, and just went back to his tea.


"I'm going back to bed." She said simply, and she was leaving, opening, and closing her door again, before slipping out of the common room, and into the hall. Hermione then walked through the halls, waving to people, and going out to the grounds. She sat on the rock over the black lake, tying her hair up, putting items down, and she just sat there, preparing for her next feat.


She let about seven minutes pass before she huffed, puffing out air and blowing a stray hair from her face. Hermione took her bag up into her hands, pulling out a small book, flipping through the marked pages, finding the next instructions. Why was she doing this? She's crazy. Must be crazy.


She flipped to the orange tab, reading through the paragraph.


Retrieve dew from a place that has never been touched by sunlight and has never been touched by humans.


Hermione investigated the lake and sighed again, "Must be a cave…. Somewhere…" Before shoving the book into her bag again, shedding her shoes and standing up, edging to the edge of the big rock, and diving off the side, flying through the water. She used her wand to cast a bubble head charm on herself, sinking down, her feet touching down on the sludge in the bottom. She cast a silent Lumos, while also silently cursing Draco for his dumb idea.


She swam through the water, using her wand as propulsion, finally finding a cave. She swam through, getting excited when it jutted up, and she finally broke surface. The air stank of mould and wet humidity. She cast her wand around, grabbing the vial in her pocket, and got to the edge, disgusted by the sludge covering her hands and feet. She scooped the vial though the wet walls, the dew filling the container, and she capped it, falling back under the water.


She dove back, getting back to the surface with ease, and getting out, her clothes drenched, her hair matted, but she had the vial. She climbed the rocks at the side of the water, finding a hidden place from the sun, and she tucked the vial of dew down under some sea grass, making a mental note of where it was.


"This better be worth while my time, Malfoy." She muttered as she climbed back to her bags, sitting with a heavy 'thump'. Hermione then pulled out the time turner, grabbing her bags, and spinning it, time flying past her again, before it stopped. She looked around, noticing that the trees were darker, their leaves starting to drop, instead of being full. She smiled, leaping back down to the rocks. She pulled back the seagrass, seeing the vial, a bit muddy and dirty, but there, before covering it again and rushing towards the castle.


As she ran, she saw someone walking towards her. Hermione slowed to a stop, staring, but then she took in the persons features, and she called out.


"Is that you, Theodore?" Her voice slightly nervous.


A call back, "Who else?" And she felt relieved, rushing forwards, and he came into sight, a smirk on his lips, his expression amused, "You look like hell."


Hermione huffed, standing in front of the tall Slytherin, "Yeah, well, I dove into the black lake, so, yeah."


Theo shook his head, "Draco's been worrying himself sick, but whatever you did worked, one moment he was talking normally, and the next we noticed he sounded off. He's got that mandrake leaf in his mouth, and it's taken a toll on him."


Hermione's expression went from amused to concerned and worried, "Wat do you mean…."


Theo shrugged, "You'll see." Leading her back to the castle.


Hermione walked into her common room, and instantly felt worried about her veela. He was laying on the ground, staring at the ceiling, looking very distressed. He leapt up being able to sense her, jumping over the couch and plowing into his mate, yanking her and shoving her against the wall and just kissing the startled girl viciously.


Hermione shoved his chest, forcing him to break away, her eyes wide and scared, her chist rising and falling rapidly. Draco mirrored her expression, his body twitching a bit.


"What the hell, Draco!?!?" She choked out, seeing his fear escalate.


"I- I... I don't know what hit me-" He stammered, he barely ever stammered. Was he actually scared right then?


Hermione took a deep breath, and then urged him to do the same, a hand on his racing heart, "It's alright. Just…Calm down a bit, I'm right here, I'm alright." Her voice was slowly becoming soothing to him, and he closed his mouth, slowly doing as she said, his body still pinning hers to the wall, but neither cared. He had one leg between hers, holding her up, steady. Draco then managed to come back to himself fully, and he let his body relax, leaning his head against her shoulder.


Hermione took a moment of the touch, before she touched his cheek, making him raise his head, "Later, ok?" Seeing his scared eyes, "I'm staying here tonight, ok?"


Draco stared into her eyes, before he finally let her go, taking a step back. Hermione took in his appearance, and he looked thinner, bonier now than before. His eyes, luckily, only had slight bags. He didn't let her go very far without being right beside her. Blaise was still there, now lounged on a sofa, while Harry was sitting with Ginny's head in his lap, the redhead fast asleep. Hermione walked over and knelt in front of him.


"Hiya, Harry," she said with a chuckle, startling the half-asleep boy, who then grinned.


"You're alright…" Harry sounded tired.


Blaise was watching her and spoke up, "We've narrowed it down…. But you won't like the outcome."


Hermione looked to Blaise, then to Harry, and Finally to Draco. All three looked grim and slightly angry. Draco sat on the other armchair, as Hermione walked over and sat on the arm. She felt his arm snake around her side, his fingers brushing her skin, and she knew how he felt, the excitement coursing through him. Hermione glanced down at his face, at his head gently resting against her side. He looked content.


"Nobody at the ministry would have any reason to try and hurt Draco's broken rep, or the brightest witch of her age, until I remembered something. Someone."


Hermione focused on Harry, now leaning against Draco's steely chest. She was still damp, her hair matted, but he didn't care. His veela was bristling with happiness that she was here, ok.


"Hermione… There's only one person in the wizarding world who would want to destroy you in this way. A certain beetle."


Her eyes widened, "No!!"


Blaise interjected, "He's right Granger…... Don't worry. Draco already had a veela outburst…..Threatened a lot of people in a matter of seconds."


She felt her veela recoil slightly, looking away. She sighed, but she was slightly upset with him.


"You can't keep doing that…." She said gently, but knew she was being ignored.


Theo spoke, startling her from behind, "We now know who did this, but have no reasoning why she is going after Draco, or where from, or if we are right or wrong."


Harry looked up from his book, "I'd love to stay, but it's almost eleven at night. I am gonna get Ginny and myself to bed… I'll come back after classes tomorrow."


He scooped up the sleeping redhead, and Hermione glanced, noticing Blaise's longing stare after her, smiling slightly, as Harry left.


Theo patted his legs and got up, smacking Blaise's head, "We oughta go too. Avoid getting caught by Filch. C'mon, dumbass." Grabbing Blaise by the shirt and dragging him from the room, "Night, Draco, Granger!'


Then they were alone, silent. Draco looked up at her, as she brushed her finger across his cheek, and saw the spark. He hadn't lost it.


Hermione smiled softly, "You were really worried about me?"


Draco got up, standing in front of her, his hands settled against her waist, a earnest expression, "Yes… Of course, I was. My mate had just gone back in time, before we knew a murderer was out there, to try and help me…. Past me…"


She moved, so her legs were hanging off the edge of the arm, leaning against his. "Well, I'm fine."


"Your hair's not." He teased, pulling out a piece of seagrass as a point. She smacked his arm playfully.


"Hush, Malfoy." Her nose close to his. Her hands reached up around his neck, their skin touching, and he got that glassy stare, his eyes deeply under. His body was leaning closer, till their foreheads were touching.


"Draco….?" She asked softly.


"Uh huh?" He answered, his eyes staring heavily into hers.


"You're in a veela trance again…" She murmured, but he didn't answer, his lips gently pressing to hers, pushing her back against the seat. His eyes slid closed as did hers, and she let out a relieved sigh, rolling as he fell into the seat, Hermione landing on top of him, but neither cared, as she sat up a bit, her legs either side of him. His head was back, eyes closed, expression a soft happy smile.


"You're so out of it." She teased him, getting a slight chuckle. He opened one eye to look at her, and it was black. She froze for a moment, losing her anticipation.


She saw a fang and went to get off, but the creature instantly reacted.


"Wait, please do not-" Trying to reach for her. Hermione had already gotten off his lap.


"Please, Hermione, do not go…" Its voice was… Soft, pleading.


She hesitated, "Why should I not?"


It got up, even with weak legs, "Because you love him…. I am him. He is me. I…. We are one but not one at the same time." The creature looked nervous, uncomfortable, "Please do not leave… us…"


Hermione slowly reached forwards, taking its hands, which she was surprised had no claws, "You are learning to control yourself… I can see that…. Here, why don't you go get into some comfortable night clothes and come to my room? I have an idea to help settle your fear…. Ok?"


The veela slowly nodded, before leaving her alone. Hermione took deep breaths, shaking her head, smiling slightly, "You are so far under, Draco…You have no idea…"


Hemione walked into her room, dropping her bag, and sighing, walking to the bathroom. She pulled her hair down, using her wand to clean it up, drying it, before changing into some sleeping shorts and a sports bra, washing her face. She heard a gentle knock, and glanced into her room to see that the veela was subdued, and Draco was walking in, his features calm again. She watched him shyly walk in and sit down on the edge of her bed he had gotten used to sitting and talking to her on.


She then watched as he raised his wand, as he leant against the bed post, pressing the tip to his heart, muttering something.


Hermione smiled, before walking out and over to her bed, getting on it, "You can sleep here tonight. And as often as you'd like. My bed is really large." Patting the other side. She watched him get up and walk around the bed, sitting down and then recline, heaving a sigh at the relief from his stressed body. Hermione eyed the boy, before she reached over and turned out her bedside light, the room going dark, as she slipped under the covers. Hermione felt Draco do the same, and then she reached out, finding his bare chest, placing her hand over his heart, before scooting closer, and laying her head there.


"Just…Try and get some sleep, ok?" She said gently, feeling a vibration of an 'mk', before an arm wrapped around her side, his body heaving another sigh, and then Hemione closed her eyes. She felt safe and comfortable in his arms, smiling to herself as she drifted off into a finally peaceful night's sleep.