
feather of love

They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you..' What happens when a sweet and gentle girl meets a cold hearted and overly possessive man ? While his distant and disdainful nature pushes everyone away, her warm and determined demeanor unconsciously make people feel comfortable. Two people, different from each other and yet quite similar. Unique and still, strangely too compatible. Special on their own, but somehow fate mysteriously aligns them together our life and Faith have another plan to change and play Like a board of chess the winner of the heart will keep it forever. Mia used to a normal noble girl with her loving family always beside her. Untill one fateful night of her 16th anniversary everything changed ... Her mother mysteriously passed away by an unknown cause. Rumours speculate it to be some sort of illness while others say she was poisoned! What seemed to be the happy family transformed into a prison.. a once free bird, now caged due to her father's controlling nature. However Mia is not your usual girl. She is smart and knows how to lie while her true goals hidden locked inside a box. While he knew, he chose not to ask anything untill she revealed it....

Aria44 · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Mia and the Ambiguous Contest 2

As I've seen beside my mother and take some snacks, it's slowly taking some notes, and this was harsh, and this moment things get more serious and more tense as the tournament announcer just begins to say who loses and who wins. Technically, this competition is devised for two groups, one full of humans and the other full of elves, so the one who wins in the human part will fight the one who wins in the elf part, and every group has to make at least three matches for me. I finished my first match winning, and I hope my second match will be good because the one who technically will be will not, which means the second match will not look the best because he looks so harsh, I am strong, and my hand is shivering.

I am looking at him. I turn and look at my mother, but suddenly they announce my name for their second round. I get up slowly as I go toward the arena. People are shouting names and nicknames for every player, some of them shouting the nightmare. Slayer, and like something like that for me, I didn't get any nicknames. I am so glad, as I was 6 feet apart from him until he was looking at me so intensely. As I felt the air getting thicker, we let our swords out and put myself in the position. The opponent lunged forward with a swift, controlled strike, aiming for my midsection.

With lightning reflexes, I pivoted to the side, narrowly evading the attack. The air whistled as the blade sliced through, barely missing his torso. He countered with a calculated step back, assessing her opponent's stance while maintaining a firm grip on his sword, ready for the next move. He darted forward, his sword slicing the air with a sharp whistle. I parried the blow, the clash of steel reverberating through the arena. With a swift twist, he countered, his blade arcing in a graceful, calculated motion.

It was hard to hold my sword and control myself enough to trigger the fire magic. Suddenly, all my swords were surrounded by fire. All the people around me were so shocked that I didn't know what the next move would be. He stopped moving at me or toward me and threw my sword on the ground. I tried to control myself because it's banned to use magic, but the tournament announcer stopped me because you seemed to be using magic. "Mia, you have your first strike, and in this competition, if you use magic one more time, you will submit and be defeated. All your respect. We need you to go to the resting room for now because we need to see if anyone gets injured from this burst of magic."

I go back but they didn't let me go toward my mother's day just let me go to a room that have no one there just to rest I try to focus because like I think everything go around and drowned and not nothing worked as if I know I will lose with the boost of anger I hit the wall with my fist knowing how much bad it will be but suddenly someone touched my shoulder was frustration I'd look back not even understand who is this person and I see the fairy King I didn't expect him to be here I was more amused" how to get there and why" he look at me and just rest his shoulder on the wall observed me for some reason" Mia you know I can't feel magic right I feel this verse of Magic that make me go so why because you are a clumsy one and anyway what are you doing and at least say hello how are you"

 I roll my eyes just knowing that he feel my magic making more suspicious of this person what in the end I just did last it see if he already got worrying because no one said in front of me in that way" anyway I am now in a competition and I need to win it so they gave me strike because I use magic and someone who technically fight me and so strong and annoying his technique just like playing" the fairy King just look at me and chuckle Softly and I know my face is turning red because I am so flusterated song timer I feel like I want to hit him so badly" why you make things complicated meal think about it if he playing dumb then be smarter features to this way every time you like dodge anything copy his movement because as you are saying it's so randomly so given the same treatment you will end up like you but because he don't have magic he will not get any type of strikes more you will get weaker so yeah"

I put my hand on my head, thinking about it and filling myself out of the dumb because this king's for magic, not swordsmen, so I don't know why I didn't think about this matter. Just literally, when I stress out my mind, I just go blank, so I look at him and smile. Softly, because he gave a perfect solution without even knowing it, they began calling my name. I look at the door, and when I want to glance back to thank him, he has already disappeared.

So I go out and am still six feet, but this time the air is still a bit thicker. His look at me was a bit unexpected from different types of angles. Even if I try to understand it, I don't have time, so I begin to prepare myself for his move because he will eventually advance his style and technique. What I can see is that he calculates every step he makes, and I am touching everything eventually because the gas is so heavy that even if I try to move faster, things get more sticky. They begin to go from left to right, just to make sure he does not have any openings.

I moved faster, and he moved with me. I tried to manipulate the ways that I use my sword to make the gas between us less dense, but nothing worked. He copied every step I took, but at the same time, for his own good. But I am moving, as I feel like I am afraid. Running from the hunter, he became faster. I dodged most of his attacks, but some of them hurt me. I'm losing blood. Now, in the end, with a soft sound from the air, he tried to stab his sword on my shoulder, but without even thinking, I soft mine in the air, he cut his head, and I cut his head.

Everything goes silent. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean to kill anyone, as my hand was just shaking. Softly still in shock, I never killed a human being before, as if the darkness were filling my soul essay on nouns that I was the winner. Everyone is cheering and happy, but for me, I just feel so guilty. I turned to my mother and, besides her, never said a word. Some blood stain is on my face, but I don't have the accuracy to do anything. My mother slowly wiped the blood from my face and looked at me, but she was so serious, probably mad. I don't know. Mia, don't stress out because you killed him. Okay, you will see so much blood shed in the future. Do you think there is evolution? You will do it; it will be that peaceful good you experience the attribute of what's meant by bloodshed. This is a harsh reality that no one told you about, and so many people try to stop you."

She slowly put me in her embrace, and I could feel the warmth in my heart. It's just unfair and hard to accept this. It just makes me feel guilty, as if I am a real murderer, killing from their left and right. He's an instant person. I really didn't mean to make this move, but at the same time, I can't deny that he tried to hurt me so badly. I have so many opinions now. My mother has her magic bag. He gets some bandages and leads me to their room. I sit there, and she begins to put medicine on and the bandage on, and everything is turning out well. But I look at my mother and feel a little bit in pain. "Mother, I really didn't mean to kill this person. He's innocent. I was just trying to protect myself."

as I feel the shiver in my spine every time I remember the scene house of blood go everywhere and the scent was so disgusting the smell of blood is just so uncomfortable my mother just pet my head and make observe it of healing magic but didn't let the bandage out because she just don't want anyone to know that we use magic here but with her softest smile she comforted me" you have a pure heart that no one can beat it but think carefully you also get hurt so much anti-plus this matches and the King could give you a wish not because you are good at the swords and all of the set you to it's just for entertain the King and the rule family I don't want to tell you this from the beginning, but you have big dreams that you want to get, and if that is the only way, I will not tell you, Don't do what you want."

 I feel so grateful when my mother said that it's just make my heart feel so complete as if the coldness on my heart just melt down so I get up put my clothes again gave my mother a soft tug was full of emotion that I want to express it and with the softest smile go together to see who win in the second round because I have to face in the third round so we situency post to be and I begin to see who win in the third round and this is look strong and he look like a strong noble because everything he wears so expensive not a warrior and not a wise man where it's my mother is still look at elves people and like just saying how gorgeous they I can deny all of them are gorgeous but for now we need to focus and I am slowly getting tired because also efforts that I made like more than two hours just fighting so I rest my head on my mother shoulder until my name came up for the third round at this point I'm satisfied but at the same time I  will not want to see bloodshed for an innocent and stupid people