
feather of love

They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you..' What happens when a sweet and gentle girl meets a cold hearted and overly possessive man ? While his distant and disdainful nature pushes everyone away, her warm and determined demeanor unconsciously make people feel comfortable. Two people, different from each other and yet quite similar. Unique and still, strangely too compatible. Special on their own, but somehow fate mysteriously aligns them together our life and Faith have another plan to change and play Like a board of chess the winner of the heart will keep it forever. Mia used to a normal noble girl with her loving family always beside her. Untill one fateful night of her 16th anniversary everything changed ... Her mother mysteriously passed away by an unknown cause. Rumours speculate it to be some sort of illness while others say she was poisoned! What seemed to be the happy family transformed into a prison.. a once free bird, now caged due to her father's controlling nature. However Mia is not your usual girl. She is smart and knows how to lie while her true goals hidden locked inside a box. While he knew, he chose not to ask anything untill she revealed it....

Aria44 · Fantasie
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56 Chs

embrace magical ways

"My mother sat beside me at a table in the library. Everything was silent, but suddenly more than 20 books appeared on our tables. I looked at them in shock, terrified that I had to read so much. I love to read, but not in that way. I understand the point of reading for enjoyment and happiness, but not history books, especially more than 20. However, I had to accept it. So, I grabbed the first one and opened it slowly, my hands shivering. I hoped the book wouldn't have small, thin letters that were difficult to read. Unfortunately, my hunch was correct. The letters were small, and the writing was difficult to understand. I had to really get into the book to understand what was happening.

I don't know if I have to regret it, but a promise is a promise, and it's for my best. So, when I began, the first two books were all about the kingdom of the moon. I was interested because it's related to my heritage. But something made me uncomfortable. The one who influenced the evolution of the kingdom of the moon was someone close to the Duke. It means they betrayed us!

As I read more of their books, I understood that the kingdom of the Rose was just a name. In reality, it was just a drama between the King and the Duke. I felt like I was insulting my own heritage, but this was too much. I looked at my mother, but she looked at me with gloomy eyes. I didn't understand. Did I do anything wrong? Questions raced in my head, so I got closer to her and asked softly, 'Mother, did anything happen that you don't want to share with me?' She looked at me, her hand turning into a fist as if she wanted to hit someone. I understood from her expression that she was already angry for some reason.

But we didn't move out from the library or even talk. Or at least, that's what I think. 'Mia, I need to warn you about something. If you see someone named Charles, don't get close to him. He is a dangerous person, promise me.' Her eyes were full of worry, making my heart sink. But I held her hand, promising her with all the promises she wanted written on it. She returned the smile, and as I felt my heart beating softly, I got up from my seat, randomly grabbed a book, and left without a word, feeling the warmth of the sun hitting my face as the weather got better. I sat beside a tree, starting to read. The wind played with my hair as I began asking myself questions about the meaning of the betrayal. But I stopped and looked at the book. It was full of notes and magic that hooked me.

I could read and see so many incredible things. I started to read every chapter, filled with ways to manipulate magic with ease. So, without hesitation, although lacking information, I tried to apply it. I used to think about Earth to grasp the magical way without hurting myself. I tried to manipulate it into a sphere, but nothing worked. Every attempt resulted in something not quite right. Some turned into a sphere but imperfect, others didn't resemble a shape at all, and some didn't work. I grew more desperate, realizing my hands were getting more worn. It meant my mana was getting low. After a million tries to create this simple shape, I understood that simple things sometimes are harder than complex ones. So, I sat, gazing at the blue sky and the birds flying, wondering what would happen next. I closed my eyes to take a breath, relax, and remember the true goal I had achieved and sometimes, I just needed to rest.

Suddenly, someone sat beside me. I glanced at him and saw the man who always appeared, talking in a way I knew. I didn't pay much attention to him before, but he offered me a beautiful strawberry cake with exquisite white cream. It was a perfect treat that I liked. I slowly got up, without saying a word, and he handed me the plate. As we watched the beautiful clouds, he didn't speak, just like always.

I began eating slowly, knowing nothing was worth making any problems or overthinking it. But he seemed caring, which genuinely warmed my heart because I felt something was missing that had always been in my heart, and I wanted to know what it was. When I finished half of the cake, feeling a bit full, he looked at me with a soft, genuine smile. I wasn't that interested. I sat, not knowing what to do. I took the book again to read, but I caught him glancing at what I was reading.

I let him see everything he wanted. I didn't stop reading about magic, but he stopped glancing as he finished eating. He softly caught my hands, took the book from my hand, and let it fall on the ground. I looked at him confused, although the atmosphere was cozy. He was still a stranger. 'What are you trying to do? I'm just enjoying breathing and this time of day, you know that.'

With his class and generosity, he took a book, cleaned it from the dirt, and handed it back to me. But he didn't give me any answers until he made eye contact with me. 'You know, what you are reading is nonsense. I don't want you to read something that has no intention for the season. I just want you to stop reading these things that provide full information but have no meaning.'

His words hit hard, and I knew he was right, but my pride kept me from admitting it. Inside, my palms were sweaty, so I clenched my fists to cover them. I looked at him with a convincing smile, 'Maybe you're right, but I need at least some knowledge about magic. I am like a newborn with magical words. What do you want me to do? I try to make the simplest thing ever, and it never works. So, more training is what I need. Sometimes, hard work pays off.'

When I glanced at him, a smirk appeared on his face, charming everything around him. The fairy sitting nearby, who never spoke, began to giggle. I rolled my eyes, answering with annoyance. My expression remained firm, but for him, he seemed so soft and cute anyway. 'Look, I can help you. First, we need to leave here because we need a better place to understand the aspects of Magic. I can see you already have a big problem.'

We got up from that beautiful spot. I left the plates with my cake on the ground and followed him slowly. He stopped in the middle of the field, and as I felt the wind swirling around us, he closed his eyes for a couple of seconds. He created a beautiful, gorgeous water ball. I was so impressed. When I tried to interact with it, nothing changed, and I was amazed. 'How did you do it? I spent so much time and drained my mana trying to create it from stones!'

He looked at me, and a splash of water fell to the ground as the spell vanished. He got even closer, observing me precisely, as if he could read everything about me and around me. I was excited to learn. Learning something new is the best thing in life. I looked into his eyes, expecting him to tell me, but I only saw a soft smile appear on his face. 'The only difference between the magic that fairies use and that which humans use is that humans tend to focus on logic, while fairies are driven by emotion. For instance, when you become angry, you're likely to turn to fire because anger fuels it. The same principles apply to all the elements. Water represents calmness, Earth embodies excitement, and air signifies a perspective on life. Some people find it challenging to master,' he explained.

I listened carefully to every word he said, understanding his point of view. I wanted to replicate what he did, so I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself. First, I made sure to relax, and then I felt my mana surging to the tips of my fingers. I didn't know what to do next, but suddenly, he began guiding me. He instructed me to imagine myself as a leaf on the sea, surrounded by multiple waves. I had to move with the waves, and as I began swaying my body, I could sense water enveloping me while I stood at the center, surrounded by a circular current. He then advised me to concentrate all the water and waves into a single point.

Raising my hands and visualizing all the water and waves converging into a single drop, I focused intently. 'Mia, open your eyes and see what you've done.' As I slowly opened my eyes, a small globe of water floated on my hand, exhilarating me. Excitedly, I moved towards it, but just as I took a step, the globe splashed and dissipated.

I looked at him as my hand dropped down slowly. He gazed at me with a soft smile, placing his hand on my shoulder. 'I know you did it. You just need some more training. Don't give up easily. Giving up is the definition of being a loser. Keep the determination you've always had and channel it to create magic no one has seen before.'

His words resonated deeply with me. I saw him as a teacher who never crossed a line, making me happy because I knew I'd improve during my training. Despite my mother and no one else knowing about him, I was determined to continue my training because it's the most effective one.