
Fearlessly Authentic

She rose from the ashes and danced in the fire. ....................... She, Eira (Eye-Ra) May Wilson, was a an innocent girl, trapped in a family of wolves, who wanted her wealth and power. She gave them all to her 'family', when she had given everything, and was left with nothing, they left her to die, in the darkness. They say blood is thicker than water. She laughed at herself. What a naive girl she was, but now she will not be. She ran away from everyone, to make herself stronger. Her setback was a blessing, she survived what was meant to destroy her. She came back like a boss....... fabulous, wiser, stronger than ever. ......................... SHE WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING WHICH HAD DESTROYED HER ............................. *** The cover pic is not mine, I took it from Pinterest***

princess_birdy98 · Urban
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27 Chs

It was Austin's

Austin followed Eira with the manager of the club.

The man who was supposed to meet the manager to look for the CCTV footage approached the manager who was sweating profoundly.

The manager just received a call from the Wilsons and received the news about the clash between the two powerful groups. He could not afford to offend both the sides. The Wilsons were powerful in the capital city but not as powerful as the Derulo family in the capital. The Wilsons were royal family and did not belong to this country but has established their connections in the country and were very powerful, on the other side, Derulo was a family, who was established in this capital from years ago and their roots were deeply rooted in this country, they were as powerful as the Wilsons in the Capital. If we talk about the overall, the Wilsons were the most powerful as they had their own kingdom and were a royal family. Meanwhile, the Derulo were just a family of businessmen.

The manager was in a dilemma, he dare not offend any sides. He shivered as a man neared him.

"Manager, our young master was beaten up by some men in your area, wouldn't you help us find the culprit?" the man asked as his black orbs looked threatening at him, unlike his words which were sweet.

"I caught wind of the news, but I was not aware that it was Second Young Master Derulo, I heard that someone had offended Princess of Wilsons" he stated as his eyes roamed from Master Derulo to Eira.

The man was surprised and Juan Derulo glanced at the girl standing near the end of the street.

The man looked at his boss to ask what to do, as this was out of their imagination, that their young master would offend the Princess. The news about her arrival had already spread in the higher society of Raan, the capital city of country W.

Juan approached the manager and asked for the CCTV footage. The manager was ready with the footage as he was asked to bring CCTV footage with him.

Juan looked at the video playing on the iPad, his eyes narrowed as he looked at his younger brother flirting with the princess of Wilson. He looked till the end and raised his black orbs to look at the Princess.

He looked at the girl, he was not clear about her appearance as the lights were not very bright and in the video it was a bit blurry. He walked towards her and examined her. She was breathtakingly beautiful, no doubt his brother, a playboy, hit on her.

He greeted the Morris President and after exchanging pleasantries he looked at Eira, to finish the issue at hand.

"Princess Wilson, I apologize on behalf of my brother, I know what he did to you was wrong" he started, his men at the back gasping, as they had never heard their boss apologize to anyone before.

The manager too sighed, the master of Derulo was smart.

Eira nodded and waited for him to finish his words as she knew there was more and this man would never let the issue of his brother being beaten up, down.

Austin too waited as he was sure, this man was ruthless to whoever touches his family. He was a shrewd businessman. There was more from him.

"He was not mindful of his words but that doesn't mean that you could beat him so much that it was hard to recognize his face" Juan stated as his eyes scanned Eira's placid face.

"You said what he did was wrong, so, shouldn't he be punished? I know that as an outsider, I don't have the right to disciple him, but I was just too concerned, as what if he harass someone else and then that person might beat him a lot and send him to jail, so he needed to learn a lesson as people often learn and understand when they face the problem, they don't heed to what their families say. You can thank me later for teaching him a lesson, I doubt he would ever harass anyone in future." Eira smiled showing her dimples.

Everyone was speechless at the sight after hearing what the girl had said. No one could find fault as what she said was the truth, The great President of Derulo, an amazing CEO was left speechless and angered.

Austin was amused by her words, she was just like before, bold and straightforward.

After a few more words of apology and some 'advice' on how to discipline someone Eira returned to the club.

Juan was so enraged that he almost gritted his teeth to powder.

Austin turned to enter the club with Eira, both of them sat on the couch and recalled the memories in their school.

"Yes, I remember her, she was a nice teacher…." Austin said and was interrupted as screams of people filled the club.

There was a sudden blackout in the club.

The brightly lit club was now covered in darkness and high pitched screeches of the females in the club.

Eira hated the darkness and she closed her eyes as people were putting on the flashlights of the phones and the lights would occasionally shine in her eyes, which she did not like.

She focused her attention on the movements near her.

There were light footsteps nearing their table, there might be some female who was frightened and wanted to hide in a corner from the drunkards and the mess at the centre of the club, which was filled with cheers and screeches.

But the 'female' stopped near their table which made Eira frown and she opened her eyes to look at the 'female', who was actually a male with a bat in his hand. He swung the bat to hit Eira. The bat hit the strong arm of a man, and Eira didn't have to look as she knew it was Austin's.

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