
Episode 1

It starts off with a boy named Nick waking up in a abandoned building as he hears a man screaming. He goes to investigate seeing a girl hunched over a guy on the ground. As he then runs over to her saying" Gloria, Abe, we got to go". but when she turns her head around with blood and flesh covering her mouth. Nick then falls on his back he then gets up when Gloria starts walking towards him. He then starts running out of the building past a fence and into the streets. Once he stops to catch his breath a motorcycle pasts right by him then he gets hit by a car. As a group starts to surround him.


We then go to a white family in the morning getting ready for the day.

Mother:" Babe you ready? Alicia? Come on, we got to go, got to go, got to go."

As she walks down the hall after picking up some dirty clothes she opens the bathroom door to tell Alicia she's got five minutes. Which Alicia then proceeds to slam the door after telling her mom did she say to open the door.

In the kitchen the dad is fixing a leak.

Madison :" How's that working out, babe?"

Travis;"Ye of little faith"

Madison:"Ye of no faith" she says as she loads the laundry into the machine.

Madison:" You know the plumbers card is on the fridge". To which the dad responds :"Yah I know"

Madison:" That guy the pourers use"

Travis:" Yeah, she ready yet?"

Madison:" Alicia, come on!"

As the dad is done fixing the leak he says" I think I just saved us 300 bucks. Leak fixed."

Madison:" I don't believe it" she says with a smug face.

After a little chatter they kiss when the phone rings from the hospital about there son."


When we get to the hospital the police are asking him questions but for some reason he doesn't tell them what happened after his mom kicks the police out of the room. The family argue a bit till they all stop the mom leaves with Alicia but the father stays to talk with Nick.


Later that night the dad goes to the church Nick was talking about about to investigate if what he said was true. As he searches the place he gets jumpscared by a junkie screening don't kill me. Searching the building a little more he trips and falls into a puddle of blood. Later the next day he comes back with Maddy(the mom). Once they leave they head to Calvin's house(Nicks dealer).

Madison:" Cal, hey"

Calvin was was vacuuming his car when he looked up then turning off the vacuum after seeing who they were.

Calvin:" Miss C. Mr. Manama.

Travis: (the dad):"Cal. Good to see you, man" He says as he shakes Calvin's hand.

Calvin:" Your looking for Nick"

Madison:" Yeah, he was in an accident. The cops picked him up. Have you seen him? He ran away from the hospital."

Calvin:" No, I haven't seen him in a while."

Travis:" You got any Ideas where he'd go?"

Calvin:" He wouldn't— no. He wouldn't hang where he used to. He moved away from us.

Madison:" Yeah. Yeah."

Calvin:" you wanna come in? I could make some calls. Maybe someone's heard."

Madison:" Thank you."

Calvin:" Yeah of course. Anything for Nicky."

"Thanks, Calvin." Steven says as Calvin walks but him.


The next day at school barely anyone comes to schools as a video is circulating around the internet of a guy being shot multiple times and still getting up. Alicia in her class with her 2 friends are on their phone ignoring the teacher while one her friends watches a video of the shooting of the man. Alicia who thinks the video is is fake. As one of her friends says "Kill shot bitch" as the man gets shot in the head and doesn't get back up. Alicia who hears that side eyes her until the teacher comes up and takes her friends phone.

Right after the psa comes on saying it will be a half day and that when the bell rings to go to their buses. Madison then knocks on the teachers door to talk to Alicia in the hallway. She tells Alicia to go home incase Nick gets home.


We cut to Nick going inside a restaurant to talk to Calvin.

Nick then approaches the table and says.

Calvin:" Nicky what's going on."

Nick:" Hey Cal i'm-i'm really sorry." Nick cuts him off to say What are you talking about?"

Nick:" I'm sorry to put you in this position" Calvin then cuts him off again to say" Sit". Nick then proceeds to take a seat next to Cal.

Calvin:" Your moms looking for you."

Nick:" What do you mean?"

Calvin:" She showed up at my folks."

Nick:" Oh."

Calvin:" Cant have that. cant have people coming to me looking for you."

Nick:" Hey she doesn't know what you do, Cal."

Calvin:" You're not talking about me?"

Nick:" No. Cal. Cal. Hey, man, she's just really worried about me." he says ina a kind of scared tone. As Cal looks at the table Nick gets more scared and starts saying how he would never tell anyone what he does. When Nick asks Cal if the drugs were laced Cal responds in a angry tone. When Nick goes to leave Cal stops him and asks if he was ok and hugs him saying he knows as Nick is crying quietly.

Later Calvin takes nick to an abandoned part of the city by the LA River. As he tells Nick to wait in the car he goes the the trunk and grabs something he then tells Nick to get out of the car. Nick sees a gun behind Calvins leg which was poorly hidden. When Nick steps out he wrestles the gun from Cal and shoots him on accident.


Nick calls Travis to come to him. When they get here Nick is annoyed that Travis brought Madison but he still shows them the sight of where Calvin was shot but when he gets there the body is gone.

When they get back to the car they see Calvin in front of them. Madison and Travis get out to check him. As Calvin attacks Madison Travis steps in and wrestles with Calvin not knowing why he is acting like that. But Nick then runs Calvin over but somehow he still got up so Nick ran him over again. With Calvin legs broken he couldn't get up but he was still growling at them like a animal.

End of Episode 1

I just wanna know how there was no blood where Cal was shot

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