
FTWD: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

This is a story that focuses on a teenager named Dominic, who starts out as a simple teenager, much more insightful than the rest. But as the story unfolds, more secrets about him that were unknown will be revealed. Just when he thought he had a peaceful life, a message from his father forever changed his perception of reality. Discovering that a terrorist attack could turn everyone into the walking dead, he did everything he could to prepare. However, just when he least expected it, chaos invaded his world. As his adrenaline-filled story unfolds, he will discover that these undead, better known as walkers, are much more familiar than he believes. The entire course of history changed once again when he discovered that he was in a world that he had much knowledge about. Can Dominic survive this apocalypse? What will his position be in this world? Do the Bearers look familiar to you in any way?

SrCuervo · TV
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181 Chs

Going Out to Stock Up on Supplies

The days had passed very slowly. Dominic had tried to repair the radio, but his efforts were in vain because he didn't have the necessary materials to do it right now.

In just a few days, two weeks had passed since he was injured, his temperature improved, and thanks to Alicia's care, he was able to recover.

All the food was enough for that time, but knowing that it would soon run out, Dominic had decided to try something to solve that problem.

He talked for about an hour with Alicia about going out to search for food. They knew there was a very large town where a supermarket was located, so if they wanted food, they had to go to that place they had in common with various people.

Dominic knew the kind of relationship he had with Alicia; both felt a mutual closeness that made them feel good. For almost a year since the apocalypse began, both felt that somehow they should heal; they were young, and hormones did the physical work for them.

Feelings were forgotten when desire became stronger, and at that point, both were there. The only fear is regret. After opening up to each other, everything would cease to be the same if either of them decided to take a step forward.

But nowadays, when death is present everywhere, that is something that Dominic cares very little about.

In the end, he might even die before anything else, so he lets things progress in the best way possible.


"Is this the supermarket? Are you sure you want to go in?" Alicia looked at the large supermarket, which still had many valuable things that would be useful to them.

Dominic nodded and listened carefully to the sounds inside. When he was about to enter, Alicia reminded him: "We have to be careful when we leave; they must not bite us under any circumstances."

Dominic's indifference had made Alicia nervous, so she warned him to be much more careful, which was not really necessary; he knew how to take care of himself and avoid problems.

When he entered the dark place, Dominic's face tensed, so he turned on the night vision goggles of his helmet, observing everything inside.

Dominic saw that at the end of this door, there was another one that seemed to be an emergency exit, and this was a problem if he wanted to enter the supermarket directly.

As soon as they passed that door, they encountered four walkers heading towards them, and they were not far from their position.

The walkers were much slower than when it all started; everyone assumed this was because the bodies of these undead were rotting.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Dominic split the walkers in the aisle with Alicia, who had no problem eliminating them because she had trained enough not to be afraid.

Among the best people who adapted to this world, now Dominic could say it was Alicia; she had done everything possible to adapt and follow him to hell itself, making him understand that the world would never be the same as before.

"This is disgusting..." Alicia withdrew her sword from the last walker's skull, looked around, and felt relieved that there was no other.

Dominic looked around and said, "They must have stayed here from the beginning; most likely they took their lives burning charcoal in this small room."

"They didn't have the courage to leave." Alicia knew that there were people whom fear consumed; this was a problem because if one does not adapt, then they will die, and that was just a matter of time.

Everything was respectable; there was no difference in dying here or there, whether at the hands of walkers or not.

"Let's go; we have to keep moving forward." Dominic had prepared to keep moving forward; he took out his short knives in darker places where it had to be quiet.

As soon as they entered the supermarket, he and Alicia cleared the nearest shelves with canned food. They could find everything; there were many things on the floor that they also made sure to take.

They didn't know how long they would be without communication with the base, so they needed all the food they could get.

After carrying several large black suitcases, Dominic continued to focus on the food, while Alicia focused on the medical products she needed.

"This is..." Alicia looked at the boxes of condoms; there were so many for men as well as for women, so she took several boxes before resuming her attention to medicine.

In total, they had filled more than nine large suitcases that would be taken to the van they parked not far from their location.

Although moving all these suitcases back to the van could result in a big problem, Dominic wanted to take that risk because it was necessary.

But just as they were considering transporting things back in batches, there was a sudden noise of things falling to the ground, which startled them. Both immediately thought it was a walker, so they took out their knives and looked towards the source of the sound. But what they were seeing surprised them even more: the main door of the supermarket was opened.

Two youths, a man and a woman, with pale faces, gestured for them not to make any noise, and then the two quickly blocked the door again and even carefully looked outside for a while before turning around and walking towards them.

Probably seeing that they were aiming at them with weapons made them scared. The boy pulled the girl, and they stopped about five meters away. Their hands trembled now, knowing that friendship was not something as characteristic as before.

"We don't have bad intentions." After finishing speaking, the boy paused for a moment.

Seeing that they didn't respond, the girl seemed to have a bit of panic and spoke loudly, "We haven't seen anyone alive for a long time... We don't know what to do. What should I do? I just saw you enter the supermarket; you're amazing in those suits, so we thought you were military."

The girl was on the verge of tears, but she didn't dare to cry because that was for the weak.


[1–2] Thank you for reading. If you want to support me, read original novels and read 40 extra chapters of this story, you can visit my Patreon: SrCuervo

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