
Fear And Hunger

As Stella, the Knight of the Midnight Sun, returns to the city of Rondon, she learns that one of her fellow knights, D'arce, has gone missing while venturing into the dangerous and mysterious Dungeon of Fear and Hunger. Determined to find her lost friend, Stella recruits Drake, a sellsword, he agrees to help after negotiating a price for his services, motivated by the promise of silver coins rather than heroic motives. Joined by Silvertongue, a traveling bard who is bored and looking for adventure, however, reveals that he has his own dark motives to descend into the depths of the ancient dungeon and uncover its mysterious secrets. The group sets off for what may be their most daunting quest yet.

SmlwFrost · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

After their journey they finally arrived at the ominous entrance of the Dungeon of Fear and Hunger. The ancient stone structure loomed over them, its entrance shrouded in darkness and mystery. The air was thick with anticipation and unease, a silence hanging over them that was only broken by the occasional flutter of a bird's wings or the rustling of leaves in the wind. Just at the entrance, the unfortunate remains of a horse carcass served as a grim welcome. The smell was far from pleasant, a stark reminder of the danger that lurked within the dungeon's depths. Stella took a deep breath, her hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of her sword. Beside her, Drake's eyes scanned their surroundings, his face a mask of concentration as he mentally prepared for the challenges ahead. Silvertongue, on the other hand, seemed oddly at ease, a small smile playing on his lips as he strummed a soft, haunting melody on his lute. As the trio neared the entrance to the Dungeon of Fear and Hunger, they could hear the faint barking of a dog in the distance. The source of the barks was unclear, but they nevertheless added to the tense atmosphere. Stella was particularly uneasy, her hand tightening on the hilt of her sword as the sound echoed in the eerie silence of the dungeon entrance.

The barking continued, but its source was still unclear as the group paused to consider its origins. Drake glanced at Silvertongue, who still maintained his calm composure and eerie smile. Drake, frustrated by Silvertongue's carefree attitude, shook his head and urged the group to continue onward. Silvertongue, with a slight grin, stepped aside and playfully said "Ladies first", gesturing for Stella to lead the way into the dark and dangerous Dungeon of Fear and Hunger. Despite his joking manner, there was still a hint of caution in Stella as she reluctantly stepped through the ominous, ancient-looking entrance. She was quickly followed by Drake and Silvertongue, who both remained alert and vigilant, their senses heightened by the danger lurking around them. The group took one last moment to catch their breath before entering the Dungeon of Fear and Hunger. As they stepped through the imposing entrance, the air was immediately filled with a foul and dank stench. The foul odors and the thick darkness made it difficult to see their surroundings, but it was clear that the floors were stained with blood and other fluids. They had to be extra cautious to avoid slipping on the slick floors. Silvertongue, with his eyes adjusting to the darkness much quicker than Stella and Drake, seemed unfazed as he strummed a quiet and haunting song on his lute.

Drake, with a cautious and protective attitude, gestured for Silvertongue to stop playing his lute. He feared that someone or something might hear them and alert any potential danger that might be lurking in the shadows. Silvertongue, his face betraying no emotion, quickly stopped playing and gave a small nod as he remained calm and alert, observing their surroundings for any signs of danger. The group continued onward through the darkened corridors, each step taken with caution and vigilance. Drake, determined to shed light on the dark and unknown surroundings, took out his torch and ignited it. The sudden burst of light provided some relief from the darkness and enabled them to get a better glimpse of their surroundings. The torch light revealed the gruesome and dark nature of the Dungeon of Fear and Hunger. The walls and floors were stained with blood and other fluids, the corpses of previous adventurers littered the ground, and a faint smell of rotting flesh hung in the air. In the midst of this gruesome scene stood Silvertongue, his face betraying no emotion as he strummed his lute quietly.

As the group continued moving through the dark and dangerous dungeon, they suddenly spotted a huge humanoid figure in the distance.

The figure, dressed in tattered clothing and seemingly possessed of immense strength, stood in their way, blocking their path and causing them to halt in their tracks. Silvertongue continued to strum his lute calmly, while Stella and Drake stood ready to face any threat, their weapons drawn and eyes alert. The figure, seemingly unaware of their presence, stood still and continued to stare into the distance. The group awaited any reaction or movement from the figure, cautious and alert. Drake, taking note of the figure's immense strength, pointed at the creature and said "That thing must be the prison guard. We might have to fight our way through and hope that it doesn't spot us." Stella and Silvertongue nodded in agreement, staying alert and cautious as they considered how to move past the prison guard without drawing his attention. It would be best to avoid a fight, but if they had to, they would be prepared. The group slowly and carefully made their way towards the prison guard, watching for any sudden movement or signs of aggression.

Despite their careful and cautious approach, the guard suddenly turned towards them with a look of surprise and fury on his face. Stella quickly drew her weapons and remained alert, while Drake remained cautious but nonetheless determined to carry out their mission. The guard let out a deep, primal roar and began to charge towards them with his immense strength. Silvertongue, his eyes fixed on the guard, continued to strum his lute and play a soothing melody, perhaps hoping that it would calm the guard's rage or at least distract it from attacking them. As the guard continued to charge towards the group, Drake and Stella quickly exchanged a glance before separating and taking defensive positions. Drake moved to the left, ready to dodge any incoming attack, while Stella quickly dashed to the right, positioning herself behind the guard. Silvertongue, with his face betraying no sign of fear or panic, continued to strum his lute and play the soothing melody. The guard, enraged by their presence, let out another deep and primal roar before launching an attack towards Drake.

The guard, his eyes fixed on Drake and filled with rage, let out another primal roar and swung his massive hand towards him, ready to crush Drake into oblivion. Drake, his eyes alert and focused, quickly dodged the attack and rolled out of the way to the left. Stella, who had been waiting for this opportunity, quickly sliced the guard's legs as they were momentarily vulnerable, causing him to fall to the ground. Seeing their chance, Drake and Stella rushed in and began to attack the guard, their weapons quickly and effectively chipping away at the guard's immense strength. The guard, sensing the danger, tried to stand up but was quickly struck by a swift attack from Stella. He stumbled and lost his balance, allowing Drake to pounce on him and deliver several powerful stabs to his head and chest. Stella quickly stepped in as well, slashing the guard with her sword and causing him to bleed. The guard let out a loud and pained roar, his strength and rage still intact despite the wounds he took. He tried to stand up again but was quickly intercepted by Stella and Drake, their coordinated efforts proving to be too much for the guard as they slowly chipped away at his power. The guard, bleeding and wounded, slowly and painfully tried to stand back up, growling and baring his teeth as he attempted to fight back against Stella and Drake. But despite his immense strength and rage, the combined efforts of the two warriors were too much for him to handle. With swift and well-coordinated strikes, they slowly but surely chipped away at his strength, their swords tearing through flesh and bone. The guard's growl turned to a loud and pained howl as he fell to the ground, unable to fight back anymore.

After finishing off the guard with a final strike, Drake and Stella turned to face Silvertongue, who still continued to play his lute calmly and quietly. Drake looked at Silvertongue, a hint of annoyance on his face, and said "A little help from you would have been nice." Silvertongue just smiled at Drake, his face betraying no emotion as he continued to play his lute, seemingly unbothered by the danger they had just faced or the blood that covered both Drake and Stella. Stella picked up the torch, providing light to the dark and shadowy dungeon. She turned to face Silvertongue, her eyes locking onto his and expressing a slight feeling of frustration. "I agree with Drake, Silvertongue," she said, her voice laced with annoyance. "You didn't do much to help us. A little help from you could have been nice." Silvertongue, his face again betraying no emotion and still playing his lute, simply responded by saying "I play music, that is my help. I do not fight." Stella and Drake traded looks, clearly frustrated by Silvertongue's laissez-faire attitude towards their dangerous situation. Stella, clearly annoyed and frustrated, said to Drake "I'm beginning to regret bringing this bard with us. I think we should leave him behind next time." Drake, feeling similarly frustrated, simply nodded in agreement as they continued their expedition deeper into the dangerous dungeon. Silvertongue, still strumming his lute and humming a soft melody, didn't seem bothered by their criticisms. 

As the group ventured deeper and deeper into the dangerous and dark dungeon, the faint scent of rotting flesh and other fluids grew stronger. They slowly began to lose hope of finding Stella's friend and regretted their decision to bring Silvertongue along on the expedition. But despite their desperation and disappointment, they did not lose hope and pressed on in their mission, Stella determined to find her friend and escape the Dungeon of Fear and Hunger alive. With that, the group began their search in earnest, moving deeper into the dungeon and hoping to find a clue or a sign that would lead them to Stella's lost friend.

End Of Chapter 2