

Akihiro Hayashi is a 15 year old boy, he comes from a poor family and since he was little he was often hit and scolded by his mother. And since he was little he has suffered from mental illness. He has hatred and revenge towards his mother because she committed violence against him. One day he ran out of mental pills and he became uncertain, he cruelly killed his mother and put her mother's body in a plastic bag and buried it in a far away place. Since then he has been haunted by his mother who keeps appearing in his mind. Then a man wearing a bird mask in a plague doctor outfit appeared in his mind and gave him a terrible illusion and made him even more mentally unstable. The man in the plague doctor costume calls himself ABSOLUTELY EVIL and Akihiro is also given the ability to see a person's past and future. And so begins Akihiro's madness as a crazy and cruel serial killer.

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3 Chs

Chapter 3-Good to evil

Akihiro walked back to his house, the clock was already 2:10. Akihiro climbed the stairs and opened the door of the house. His sick mother was sleeping soundly.

Akihiro looked at his mother with a cold face. Akihiro locked the door and headed to the kitchen and got a drink.


Akihiro looked at his face in the water. Akihiro was just silent while wearing a blank face. Akihiro put his cup on the sink and walked towards his room and closed the door.

Akihiro was once again pensive and thought about the crime he had committed earlier. Akihiro saw the traces of the pills.

"Hmm, the medicine is running out..."

Akihiro lay down and rested his head on the pillow. He closed his eyes and slept.


The next day....

The clock showed 8:20 am.

Akihiro woke up from his sleep and stood up. He heard his mother calling him.

"Akihiro...I'm hungry, son..."

Akihiro sighed and stood up then he came out of the room looking at his mother with a gentle face.

"Yes, mother? What do you want to eat?"

Akihiro became gentle this Thursday. Kitawara answered Akihiro's question in a languid tone.

"I just want to eat porridge, son..."

Akihiro nodded with a gentle smile, Akihiro walked towards the kitchen.


10 minutes later, the rice porridge was ready. Akihiro poured the rice porridge into a bowl and headed to the living room where his mother was lying.

"Mom, it's ready~"

Kitawara looked at his son's character who was starting to improve and become gentler towards him.

"Thanks son... are you working or not today?"

Akihiro answered his mother's question in a gentle tone.

"Umm no."

Kitawara asked.

"Why, dear?"

Akihiro sighed and was a little annoyed.

"You don't need to know, just eat this porridge..."

Kitawara nodded. Akihiro fed Kitawara the rice porridge he cooked. Akihiro asked

"How is it Mom? Does it feel good or not?"

Kitawara answered his son's question in a gentle tone.

"Nice son."

Akihiro smiled happily. He fed his mother more porridge.

After giving Kitawara food for 6 minutes, finally the porridge was finished.

"Good mom"

Akihiro stood up towards the kitchen, approached the sink and turned on the water then washed the bowl, spoon and saucer.

After washing the bowl, Akihiro walked to his room then took his jacket and headed for the exit.

"I'll go first Mom"

Kitawara asked.

"Where are you going out, son?"

Akihiro sighed and became annoyed with his mother again.

"You don't need to know, I want to go out, you just have to say I hope you're fine, what's so hard about it!"

Akihiro closed the door and went down the stairs. Kitawara felt sad and he wiped his tears.

Akihiro walked past people, news appeared on TV that three young men had lost, namely Tsukihiro, Shibai and Zabuza. Akihiro stared at the news he heard at the restaurant while smiling evilly. psychiatrist.

After several KM, Akihiro finally arrived at the clinic. Akihiro entered the clinic with a flat face, ignoring the events on television. He sat in the waiting room, waiting his turn to see the psychiatrist.

In the waiting room, Akihiro pondered deeply, trying to calm the waves of thoughts that were haunting him. The calm atmosphere of the clinic seems to help calm an anxious soul. A few moments later, his name was called to meet with a psychiatrist.

Akihiro got up from his chair and entered the doctor's room. His sharp gaze penetrated the silence as if to convey the secret burden he was carrying. "Welcome, Akihiro. How are you feeling today?" asked the psychiatrist attentively.

Akihiro was silent because last night he had just murdered 3 people.

The psychiatrist looked at Akihiro attentively, trying to understand the secrets stored in his mind. "Akihiro, what prompted you to seek professional help today?" asked the doctor, trying to open the door to conversation.

Akihiro, in an unfazed tone, began to detail his life. "I feel too disconnected, doc. It's hard to feel anything anymore," he said without changing his expression. The psychiatrist tried to dig deeper, looking for the root of the problem that might have triggered his actions.

The psychiatrist noted Akihiro's inability to share the true events. Carefully, the doctor asked, "What could possibly be holding you back from talking about something that happened, Akihiro? I'm here to help, without judgment."

Akihiro smiled faintly, creating a mysterious aura around him. "Some things are better kept as secrets, doctor. I just want to feel better," he answered in a calm voice, as if hiding any dark agenda that might lie behind his smile.

Akihiro only came here because he wanted free medicine because his medicine had run out.

The doctor looked at Akihiro with concern, "Akihiro, I want to help you, but giving medicine for free is not a long-term solution. Appropriate medication and therapy might help you get through this difficult time."

Akihiro was dissatisfied with the answer, and his face showed disapproval. "You don't understand how difficult life is," he said coldly, as if trying to seduce the doctor with his mysterious presence.

Akihiro responded firmly, "Doctor, I am a poor person. I don't have the financial means to buy the medicine. For me, this is not only a mental problem, but also an economic problem."

The Doctor thought for a moment before saying, "I understand your situation, Akihiro. As a professional, I will look for alternative solutions to help you. There may be assistance programs or other options that we can consider together."

In his annoyance, Akihiro felt a wave of dissatisfaction run rampant. His cold expression began to shift to full darkness. "You can't help me right now, can you?" Akihiro hissed in a deep tone.

The psychiatrist doctor felt the atmosphere change, but remained calm. "Akihiro, we have to find a way out together. I'm here to help, not to make you feel marginalized."

However, inside, Akihiro is planning something darker. His psychopathic intentions began to emerge, and the image of his desire to kill began to haunt his mind. The tension in the room increased with every second that passed.

Akihiro was silent with a cold face.

The psychiatrist doctor tries to understand the increasingly tense situation. With great care, he said, "Akihiro, I understand that this may be difficult. But let's talk about it further. I'm here to listen and help you find a solution."

Akihiro remained silent, his cold gaze seemed to be a curtain that hid the waves of his dark thoughts. The atmosphere in the room felt tense, as if picking out moments of uncertainty floating in the air.

In the tense silence, dark whispers ran rampant in Akihiro's mind. His cold face seemed to be the stage for inner conflict that shook the stability of the soul. Whispers of killing and eating the doctor grew louder in the comfort of the room.

The psychiatrist felt bitter, without fully realizing the wave of darkness that was developing in his patient's mind. "Akihiro, let's find a way out together. We can overcome this," said the doctor in a voice full of concern, without knowing that he was on the verge of danger.

Akihiro silently reached for the glass cup on the table, his face remaining expressionless. With a sudden movement, the glass cup shattered into sharp shards in his hand, creating an unexpected weapon.

The psychiatrist doctor, still focused on his efforts to help Akihiro, was unaware of the change in situation. Akihiro, with his improvised weapon, charged towards the doctor with calm steps, creating tension in the air that was becoming increasingly unruffled.

With nimble movements, Akihiro locked the door quickly, ensuring that no one could get in or out. His steps drew closer to the doctor who now felt a tremor of insecurity. When Akihiro stared at him with full intensity, the doctor tried to scream, but only a confused croak came out.

The situation became increasingly tense, and the room felt like a stage where a dark performance was about to begin.

Akihiro stabbed the doctor in the head.

The sound of stabbing pierced the room, along with the broken screams of the doctor trapped in pain. Akihiro's cruelty permeates every corner of the room, creating an atmosphere torn by horror. The atmosphere that was previously calm has now turned into a stage of tragedy full of darkness.

Akihiro's terrible actions violated all human norms. In his insanity, he began to carry out cannibalistic acts, eating the bodies of doctors who had become his sadistic victims. Cracking sounds and the scent of blood filled the room, creating a terrifying and distorted scene. Akihiro, in his madness, seemed lost in the dark ritual he had just begun.

The sound of crashes and screams of security trying to break down the door filled the room. Akihiro, without feeling disturbed, continued to stare coldly at the body of the doctor who had become the victim. His expressionless face seemed to reflect the coldness of a soul that had been immersed in darkness. While life outside this room continues to try to disturb him, Akihiro remains unwavering, absorbing the cruel action he has just committed.

Akihiro remained indifferent to the security's vigorous attempts to break down the door. His cold gaze seemed unaffected by the approaching threat. When the door finally opened, Akihiro just smiled darkly, as if facing the fate he had been waiting for.

When the door opened, the gazes of everyone in the room froze. Expressions of shock and horror appeared on their faces, eyes wide at the horrific sight. The doctor's corpse lay helpless, intestines fell out, and Akihiro's clothes were covered in blood—leaving signs of unforgettable horror.

The atmosphere was silent, filled with fear and confusion, as if time had stopped for a moment before the terrifying scene. Akihiro, in his dark calm, steps out of the shadows that created the story of his madness.

Akihiro stepped closer to them with calm steps, as if he was a figure who could not be shaken by the chaos he had just created. Their trembling eyes met Akihiro's cold gaze, creating tension in the air.

Someone with fear plastered on their face tried to call the police, and panic swept over them all. Akihiro, who was now in the center of attention, continued to approach without a word. A sense of uncertainty filled the air, as if they were in the presence of the darkness that lived within Akihiro.

Even though security shot Akihiro with a gun, he didn't seem to feel any pain. With steady steps, Akihiro approached them while his cruel eyes flashed. Without hesitation, he used his extraordinary physical strength to carry out massacres. The security bodies fell one by one, helpless in the face of Akihiro's uncontrolled ferocity. His expressionless face became increasingly frightening with each murderous act he committed.

With his madness increasingly overflowing, Akihiro shows no mercy to anyone in the clinic. Every doctor became a victim of his cruelty, their bodies lying lifeless in a silence filled with the scent of blood. Akihiro, now drowning in the waves of his psychopathy, leaves the clinic like a death field filled with fear and horror.

Hearing the sound of police sirens getting closer, Akihiro quickly covered his face and decided to run away from the scene. His quick steps through the city's alleys, leaving chaos and horror in his wake. Akihiro, like a dark shadow, disappeared in the darkness of the city which was now decorated with the sound of the footsteps of the police trying to catch up to his stupidity.

prepare yourself mentally before reading this novel☺️

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