

Omg! I'm so so sooooo sorry" she kept repeating to me. inallilahi waina illayhi rajiun she said to her self. she regrets ever talking about Ya Ummi. Days after that I had to be admitted into a private hospital



"Innalilahi waina illayhi rajiun she said to herself. she took me up to my room which was easy to recognize cause the door was decorated with gothic and black stuff. Yeah I know I'm a fan of black. She opened my door and was amazed, the walls were black and white with black and white designs and loads of posters of Billie Eilish.She laid me down on my bed, I lay there stiff, paralysed or sort of. She soothed me until I had fallen asleep.

Hauwa's P.O.V

If only I had known I murmured to myself . She looked so peaceful sleeping nobody knowing what had happened today. She never told me " We never talked about her much" I said out loud come to think of it we never talked about her much. Soon after I dozed up thinking about how tomorrow would be like. I hope she would recover sooner than later. I already miss her talkless of her not moving.

The next day she didn't move a muscle. I woke up to a stiff Zarah laying on the bed. She didn't wake up the next day either. I called her parents and told them everything that happened. They left New York immediately postponing the conference till after Zarah's recovery. After their call I immediately called the hospital.

"End of Recap"

Zarah now lay in bed in the hospital, Hauwa and Zarah's parents beside her bed awaiting any sign of movement in her body. Hauwa layed her head beside Zarah unable to sleep and just praying for her . At that moment Zarah's father Mr. Yahya received a call from detective Yasir.

Abba's P.O.V

"Excuse me a minute." I said to Hauwa and Umma as I received a call from the Detective. "Salam" I heard the detective's voice.There is but I need you and your wife at the station." "Please can it be me alone? My wife has to be here with Zarah' we can't afford to lose her too" I said "Ok as long as one of you would be there it's fine." he said and ended the call. I went back into the private ward "Umma I'm going to the police station." she gently lifted her head from Zarah's bed and asked in a hoarse voice "Any problem?"

I took a quick survey of the ward purposely avoiding her question. I didnt want to stress her more than she already is. I noticed Hauwa wasn't in the room "where is Hauwa?" I asked instead. "She...." "RING RING" my phone rang cutting her mid sentence. I looked down at my phone. "Unknown strange i'm not expecting any calls" "Go and answer it" Umma said. I exited the ward again and answered the call.

"Hello Big Brother!" a voice I despised echoed through the phone. "What do you want Kassim?" I asked coldy. (if you were following in the last chapter i wrote about Kassim not being talked about) "We've had a bitter history and I just wanted to know how Zarah is fairing" the next thing I heard was a bitter chuckle. Wait how did he know, the accident and the people involved were not mentioned on the news or anywhere then how did he know.

I despised him and I still do! I had my suspicion but it was a sin before Allah so I quickly let the though escape my mind. I checked my phone and saw it was already time for Asr. I went back into the ward, told Umma goodbye before she could ask any question, and took my wallet, phone and car keys and headed to the car park. I went to the nearest masjid and perofrmed my salat before going to the Police station.

I was welcomed by Detective Yasir once again. He rushed me into the Interrogation room, once I was seated he took a seat opposite me. He cleared his throat. "We received a call" my heart thumped faster I could almost swear detective Yasir heard it. In a croacked voice I asked "From who?" " A guy name Kassim" I shifted but quickly gained my balance. "Do you know him?" the detective asked.

"Yes, he is my younger brother. wee've had a terrible history together" "Blood brother?" Detective Yasir asked with a slightly raised eyebrow. I nodded unable to speak again. Detective Yasir noticed that and sent for a glass of water. Once it was brought he pushed it towards me. With shaky hands I gratefully accepted the glass of water and gulped it down in one go. "Yes" I replied again to his question.