

Hafsat's P.O.V

I remember fainting at the police station and waking up here, although I still don't know where I am I though.

I assumed it was night time because everywhere was dark and I don't see anyone moving around or hear any shuffling.

Just then two nurses came in, one holding a tray of drugs while the other held a tray of food. They approached me and then I realized where I was, in a hospital.

I started noticing the beeping lights and the drips attached to my body. I didn't know what happened to my head but when I thought too hard a pounding like pain coursed through my head causing me to scream.

"TORTURE" I fell on the floor rolling, twisting, and swiveling left and right, the pain was increasing minute by minute until a nurse came in with a doctor and he gave me an injection with something, maybe sleeping drought.

I lay there motionless gazing at the blank ceiling trying to get some sleep until finally, I slept right there on the floor enjoying the cool floor. I later felt someone lifting me off the floor and placing me on the bed softly. I opened my eyes to be met with Yahya's hazel eyes.

Yahya's P.O.V

I opened the ward door to see Hafsat laying motionless on the floor, her breathing steady. Her face was pale with thinking like the expression on her face.

It was the first time I had seen her since she was admitted to the hospital. The private ward was a very peaceful area which will be good for both of them meaning Hafsat and Zarah.

I entered the ward fully with a bismillah and went to where she lay, I slowly and gently picked her up and placed her on the bed. Waiting, watching, looking, and anticipating any sign of movement that's when her eyes fluttered open.

She knew what I was thinking, we were telecommunicating. I suddenly whispered "Hafsat" "Na'am" she replied her voice hoarse and faint causing my heart to ache, it was unbearable.

I poured a glass of water from the jug beside her and passed it over. She thanked me and drank it before asking "Abba how our children?" she still didn't accept the fact that we had only one child now... I didn't too but I had to be strong for her and the only child I have left. Just then my phone rang. It was an unknown number.

I left Umma in the private ward to answer the call. "Hello please am I speaking to Mr. Yahya Mahmud?" A voice asked, "yes why?"

"This Is detective Yasir speaking," the person said.

"Oh ok is there anything I need to know". I asked.

"There is, that's the reason I called you"

"what happened"

"Based on evidence found at the scene of the crime the car accident was not an accident."

I thought for a while before asking him "Are you at the police station right now?"

"yes" he replied " good I'll come to meet you there and please don't tell my wife about any of this " mmm," he said and hung up.

Now the problem was how I would go without alerting or making Umma suspicious. I managed to get past her as she was fast asleep when I returned. I went straight to the police station and upon arrival was shown to detective Yasir's office where we discussed the "accident".

"During the time I was examining the crime scene I had noticed somethings. One was that the breaks of Aisha's car were broken and the driver of the truck accelerated when he or she saw her car approaching." Detective Yasir said to me.

"how do you know I mean how did u know he increased the speed?" " During the investigation we found the speedometer reading 120km/h and the average speed on the highway is 30km/h."

"Apart from the there weren't any fingerprints, though yes they may have burned during the fire but then there were footprints leading away from the scene and the body of the driver wasn't found,"

"Did you check the surroundings?"I asked "Well we did though there was a lake there, we checked sd far as we could inside the lake but couldn't find anybody or anything associated with the accident though we did find these purses a little away from the scene," he handed me two purses and I immediately recognized them. I bought it last week on our business trip with Hafsat.

I thanked the Detective and stood up to leave when he said "I'm sorry for your loss" I simply nodded and left the station back to the hospital.

Hafsat was still sleeping so I went to check on Zarah. She had a bunch of wires attached to her and she looked drained out and tired. It's been three days since I lost my daughter. I walked in further and sat by the seat.

I took her right hand in my placing a soft peck to it. "Zarah I know it must be hard for you knowing you've lost your sister. She meant the whole world to you," tears escaped my eyes as I placed my head on our intertwined fingers.

I miss my little girl already. She was always the stronger one among the two. Always bottling her emotions.

Mahmoud and she used to be inseparable until they went to college in different countries. Even then they were inseparable over the phone. They would have long conversations at night sometimes I wonder what they talk about.

Ummi will always scold Zarah for touching her things and pretending to be upset with her until Zarah came crying back and apologized. Then they would makeup and Zarah will do the same thing again.

A chuckle escaped my lips and I raised my head. Zarah's eyes were closed and you could hear a slight snore but her once frowning face was nos smiling slightly.

I pecked her forehead and stood up, going back to Hafsat's ward. She was fitted and leaned against the iron frames for headboards behind her.

She looked up as I walked in and she had a blank expression on her face.

I took a seat beside her. "Yahya it's not true, right? My daughter is not dead. Tell me the doctors are lying, TELL ME!" I flinched a bit at her turn and pulled her close.

"It's true Hafsi it is," I said almost in a whisper.

"Why are you lying? My daughter is not dead I can feel it, she's somewhere out there with no one to take care of her," I only shook my head and cradled her.