
Father of Creation, traveler of the multiverse

Nothingness before creation was alive and nothinggness was me

Aaron_Harvey_7275 · Andere
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2 Chs


[Welcome, Master...] a robotic voice spoke as I appeared in a black space, this was strange.

"Who are you?" I asked. I couldn't see her, but I could hear her voice, or at least it sounded like a her.

[I am your assistant, in choosing your next reincarnation, as for who I am specifically, I am your creation.]

I blinked obviously surprised by what she said.

"My creation?"

[Indeed master in order for you to pick who you want to reincarnate to or would you rather have a soul merge with your own, Creator, you have asked me to do this when you created me."

This was extremely surprising, "Excuse me what- I mean when?"

[This was created when the earth was just formed by my creator.]

Wait a minute.

"I thought you said I was your creator?" I narrowed my eyes

[Indeed you are my host, for even though your body still did not exist, and your power faded, your soul is, by all means, immortal can never die, including your wife who has reincarnated with you.]

I was stunned shocked, Wife? My wife was in this too.

"What about my wife?"

[She was also reincarnated with your host.] the voice replied, I looked downtrodden.

[Don't be so sad host, although she reincarnated, she too wanted you to come with you, and refused, until I told her this information.] the voice said, [Because I told of her this, she was shocked, but she knew that you would be the one to reincarnate soon after her or find her.]

I smiled, "alright, I wish to be reincarnated again in the world where my wife is, will I be gaining my memories? does she have her own?"

[Yes, she will, she will indeed have her memories when she's you for it as will you when you reincarnate.]

"Then I wish to reincarnate with her as well," I replied simply.

[Very well Master.]

There was a bright flash and the entire world around me faded to black.

I blinked as I open my eyes, I spotted Orochimaru was having an expression of disappointment he doesn't seem to be looking at me,

Huh Orochimaru

he turned to the next guy I assumed was kabuto and said.

"Lets go Kabuto."

Yes Orochimaru-sama, but what about the lab.

"The lab was a waste, the experiment was nothing but a disappointment.We should leave now before any leaf nin finds us.


so I have reincarnated as one of his lab rats...


The next chapter will be longer

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