
Chapter 3

Hao Yu felt something was wrong with the Gods. Didn't he say that he wanted his soul to be pulverized. Didn't he say that he didn't want to live? Why didn't they answer his prayers? Why did they bring him back? He said he didn't want to exist. He had prayed to them in his final moments. Why couldn't they grant such a simple wish?

Or was this the work of a system? In his other life, he had read countless books where the MC of a novel would transmigrate or regress with a system in his mind, which would make him do all sorts of things with mega cheats. He couldn't help but wonder if the same had happened to him.

If it did, shouldn't the system have introduced itself by now?

'Come on, come out already. I've figured you out. Stop wasting time and help me destroy my soul." He thought in his mind and waited for a response but was met with silence.

'I'm serious. Whatever system you are, just come out. I don't want to play any games with you. I don't know why you brought me to the past but I don't want to do this. I don't want to live. Hurry up and destroy my soul. I don't want to exist.'

But he was still met with silence.

Hmmm, maybe it wasn't a system then. But what could it be? How could he regress just like that? One second he was on his death bed and the other, he was being carried by his classmates. Not to forget that he was now an omega. How could it be possible?

Other people would have been happy to be alive but not Hao Yu. He felt that life was too painful and it wasn't worth living.

After he passed out, he was carried to the infirmary by his best friend Chen Jie and when he woke up, Chan Jie left to get him some food.

Chen Jie had told him that he had ran a marathon and won. As an omega, it was quite a feat, especially since Wei Long was one of the contestants. That was why his classmates had carried him and were chanting his name.

Hao Yu recalled running a marathon as an Alpha. That time, he had also won but he did it so that Wei Long would notice him and acknowledge him.

Now, the same thing had happened but here, he's an omega. He still couldn't wrap his head around the whole thing.

An omega. He was an omega.

And Wei Long? He shook his head. He didn't want to know.

With a sigh, he got up from the creaky spring bed of the infirmary and walked towards the window.

He slid it open, gazing at the students below. The school was a five storybuilding and from what he could recall, they had two infirmaries. One for the junior classes and one for the senior classes. Judging from his position, he was in the infirmary for the senior classes which was on the fourth floor.

Knowing he was the only one in the infirmary, he gazed around one last time. Ah, nothing would be missed. No one would miss him either. It was better like this.

He climbed the window and smirked. "Eat shit you shitty Gods!"

He was about to jump off when he felt a hand grab his collar and drag him back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" A very familiar voice inquired coldly.

Hao Yu froze and his heart trembled.

That voice! He could never mistake it. Even if he was buried six feet under and his ears were stuffed full with cotten, he would still recognise the voice. It was the voice of the last person he wanted to see.

Wei Long!!!!

When did he enter? How didn't he hear?

Without turning to see his face, Hao Yu dashed to the window once again, hoping to leap to his death but it seemed that the Gods were not in his favour for he was once again stopped.

The hand gripping his collar was like a vice. Hao Yu struggled with all his might but he couldn't get to the window let alone jump.

He wanted to cry. Why were the Gods being so cruel to him? Was it because he told them to eat shit? He was sorry! Don't eat shit! Just take my life! I don't want it!

He suddenly had an idea. He took off his sports jacket which set him free and he quickly ran to the window. He hauled one leg over and was about to jump when a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist, drawing him back.

"What the hell is wrong with you! Let me go!" Hao Yu shouted angrily.

"Are you crazy? You're going to die!" Wei Long shouted back.

"And what's it to you?! Is it your life or my life?!"

Still, Wei Long didn't let go no matter how hard Hao Yu struggled. He thought the omega was crazy. He was crazy enough to run a marathon against many Alphas and win. Now, he wanted to take his life?

Hao Yu couldn't break out of Wei Long's hold so he burst into tears. In the past, Wei Long never cared about him. Even if he were to slit his throat before Wei Long, he would not even bat an eyelid. Why was he trying to save him now? He should just let him die. He and Wei Long could not exist in the same world!

Seeing the omega burst into tears, Wei Long's mind was full of question marks. Was the omega truly insane? First he wanted to kill himself, now he was crying?

In that moment, the door swung open and Chen Jie strolled in to see such a scene.

Hao Yu saw Chen Jie and he ran to him, crying; "Chen Jie, Chen Jie, send that person out. I don't want to see him."

Wei Long; "????"

Seeing a red faced cute Hao Yu run up to him and hug him, Chen Jie's heart melted instantly. He didn't even need to hear any explanation. He glared at Wei Long and spat two words. "Get out."

Wei Long was dumbfounded. His class teacher had sent him to call Hao Yu back to the field so he could be awarded his medal but he arrived to see Hao Yu trying to take his life. He saved him but what he got in return was a crying omega and an Alpha telling him to get out?