
fated to death

Most victim's are the ones we call villains: Jevis_508. ************ They will leave amongst you, will be cast out by all kinds, rejected by destined, looked upon as a curse.A savior to all kind they will become and destined to old souls they are, the seer chanted like a possessed soul in a hall of royalty and elders and the declaration of the prophecy has left everyone shaken except one man who sat with an unreadable expression, the crown Prince of Goderian, sat amist a group of royal and nobles lycans and dires with a rigid face and sharp eyes, whiles the rest were in shock and confused, he had know change of expression. ***************** How could his highness be destined to a mere human,who is viewed by his people as a weakling, they will only be disappointment and angry with such fate. So I will do you the honour, I Orana Hertta reject, before she could finish she was pulled roughly by a hand, before she could talk he yelled STOP THAT! you have been gifted to me and nothing will change that so you better get use to it, he replied. So what she yelled pushing against his chest, this definitely left him speechless as no one had the guts to even dare walk the same path with him without permission talk less of touching him, who else had the audacity if not she these little human girl destined to be his, his train of thoughts were broken when the woman in front of him snapped her finger in front of him. Pointing at him she warned, you do not own me, and I will never let you control me, if I want to stay out then I will, if I want to date someone then I will and if I feel like having a one fun night with a hot lycan then I will she declared and walked out. Orana whom hasn't had an easy life, not even when she was young was she spared, was destined to one of the most difficult men on earth and she had to deal with it. Orana is a 20 years old human with a dark past, wounded heart and a duty to the world and she has to bond with her destined to accomplish that but what happens when she is destined to a difficult and strong headed crown Prince. *************** This is a story about the golden Roses, gifted to old souls of broken hopes.

jevis_508 · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 10. Blood

Sometimes love is not choice, it is the heart. Pain is not the end, sometimes it's chance.

By. Jevis_508


Mummy let's go, all the arrangements are done already, you promised to teach me how to hunt, the festival will begin tomorrow and you haven't started, I am coming munchkin just give mummy a few minutes and she will be all yours, Delphora playfully taped her daughter's nose before walking away with the files she was holding, albeit the little girl did not leave her side and followed her until she was done with her work and gave her the full attention she deserved.

Okay! now that I am done little Munchkin wants to get changed and go hunt with me, me.. me.. her daughter jumped up and down while chanting me..me, this brought a wide smile to her face to see how happy and carefree her little girl is.

Picking her daughter up she carried her into the house and they both changed for the hunt, both ladies walk out of the house looking ready for an adventure and game with the wild.


While at the other side.

Her little legs only paused when she had a scream echo in the forest, wanting to go turn and go back her mother's voice echoed in her head, sobbing, even more, she picked up her pace, running deeper into the forest, and got closer to the dark moon pack.

Maia's little leg could already take her so far with ugly-looking creatures chasing her, not paying attention she stumbled over a stick and fell scratching her hand and leg which caused bleeding before she could get up two of the creatures had caught up to her and surrounded her.

Scared and in pain the little girl dragged herself back into her sitting position as she could not get up due to the pain she felt in her knees, even in her state where she cowered and moved back in fear she still stared the creatures right in the eyes.

In that situation, her adrenaline, mind and heart were pumping and racing so fast in fear but she did not back down at the critical moment when the creatures were about to grab her, she had a flashback of a younger version of herself in that same position covered in blood, she did not know who's blood it was but she did know that when those creatures grabbed her, coming in contact with the blood on her they both screeched in the most deafening way before combusting into dust.

Using that newly found knowledge the little patiently wait for them to get closer to her, the creature not expecting any cornering from the eight years old went in to grab her, the moment they came in contact with her they also released the same deafening screech before combusting into dust, as the little girl had splashed blood on them with her bleeding hand when they got closer and grabbed her.

The screech had attracted more of their kind that was left behind the little girl's parents giving her no time to recover as she had sensed them coming and had picked up the pace, running towards the town and building(dark moon) that she was seeing, which will always remain a mystery to the pack member on how a human had seen crossed the doom without any ritual of approval and notice of intrusion by the warriors, caster and alpha, to top it off no human could see the pack unless allowed by the alpha or shaman.

Crossing the doom and entering the pack exhausted from running and the energy used for breaking the doom fell and passed out.


We have walked far now, munchkin and you still haven't allowed me to hunt anything are sure you want to learn to hunt? Yes, mom, she answered eagerly before her voice dropped but I don't want to hunt the rabbits they are so cute, mmm they are but what about the deer, it was a baby deer so I did not want to kill it, it is okay but what about the fox, it was very beautiful so I did not want to hurt it. A smile appears on Delphoras face at her daughter's kind gestures, getting down on one knee she met her daughter at eye level, and patted her head with a smile, then how about we come back later when you have grown and so will all the animals huh? what does my little munchkin say, opening her hands to be carried she chanted the yes, yes as she was lifted and carried back to the pack house, walking past the playground she jumped down from her mother's arms and run to go play with her friend.