

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · Fantasie
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96 Chs



Days passed into weeks as we become strangers with Alpha Hunter. I was informed that he was investigating about my alleged assasination plan on him. I was petrified when Rina informed me about my alleged crime. What hurt me the most was Hunter actually believing that I was capable of such a henious act. Our bond was severely corroded while my mate didn't care.

I tried getting hold of him using all resources at my disposal so that I could atleast try and plead my case with him but he never gave me a chance.

He was never even around.

I got the gist that Alpha was partnering with the Devonshire coven Duchess of the vampires to assist him investigate the puzzle of the many missing people which had resulted in uneasiness at the Mooncrest Pack .

In just one week, Hunter had been away most days and nights to a point that even when he was around, it really did not matter expect for his strong scent that kept haunting me.

I never got the opportunity to talk to Principal Mylar about my planned escape as she was away with Hunter.

They were all busy trying to solve the mystery of people missing without a trace.

At the Pack house, When Hunter and his trio were away, humilliation was the order of the day. Vampires literally turned me into their slave, refering me to a lesser being and all sorts of names.They humiliated me to a point of nicknaming me 'the abandoned mate' but when Alpha and his trio were around they all would pretend to be friendly.

Only Rina stood by my side against all odds.

On this particular day, Alpha together with his team of Mylar, Joe and Lemmy had travelled to Devonshire when Vampires came to harass me as was their norm. I understood I could not fight them since they overpowered me but I needed to look for ways of surviving the ordeal.

They compelled me do all the chores and when evening came they forced me to prepare their meals urging pack chefs to rest.

I was going about the kitchen moving from end to end putting the ingredients together when I felt something very hot drench my back. Hot water was poured on my back catching me unawares.

"Go to hell." The voice whispered vanishing into thin air before I could see who it was. I screamed loudly shaking the entire house as I tried to remove my t-shirt.

No one came to my rescue, not even Rina or the pack house doctor.

My wolf since the night that I was supposed to shift, had gone back to where she came from, never coming out again. Maybe she was mourning our mate.

I ran out of the kitchen with only my bra on my chest as I unhooked it, tears trickling from my eyes.

That was it!

This was the cue I needed to leave.

"Enough is enough" I said.

I was unwanted there!

I had had enough of everything!

I wanted out of my misery!

I stepped into my room as Vampires giggled all round me mocking me. I took my ear plugs and plugged them into my ears to shield myself from their noises.

I didn't pack my clothes, I just picked my ATM card and left my phone on the bed because I wanted nobody at Mooncrest pack to contact me.

I knew that with enough money, I could give myself a fresh start whereever I went.

I stepped out of my room, looked left and right, even though I didn't see a single person. I knew vampires were larking in the space watching my every move.

I crept into Rina's room, she was fast asleep with her earphones in her ears, maybe that's why she could not hear my screaming. I left a note I had written for her on her bedside drawer and walked out of the pack house.

Crying in pain, I wished I had already shifted, it would have been easier to get my burn wounds healed.

I also wished Hunter could come and do his thing but that was in the past now. He never cared about me anymore.

I walked to a pharmacy in town, had my back treated and disinfected and bought some antibiotics and very strong painkillers.

I sat at the Bus booking office wanting to get out of the pack soonest when suddenly my wolf whimpered in my mind as her still voice came through to me: "Ania using a bus is setting us up. If by chance Hunter will want to track us down, it will be easy for him. I know he will not let go of you that easily." I snobbed her.

"Ania please listen to me just this once" My wolf pleaded once again.

"Where the f**k have you been when the same mate treated me like sh*t? didn't you abandon me just like he did? You left me all alone to suffer without my best friend. Claudia crawl back to where the f**k you have been." I snapped at my wolf who then whimpered and kept quiet.

The bus arrived and after paying for my ticket, I took my seat. Forgetting that I had burns in my back, I relaxed the back on the seat jerking up in pain to sit upright.

"Are you okay?" An elderly woman seating next to me asked. I nodded, she smiled at me before returning her focus on the book she was reading.

Finally, I was going to be free, free from the pack house and vampires, free of my mate, and free of the bond. No more of his scent tormenting me. I smilled in excitement as I thought about the possibilities my future could hold.

I would go to wherever life would lead me and start a new life.

Maybe get chosen by another mate and start a family.

Soon enough the bus started moving, heading south, when lights were turned off, I placed my head on the window trying to catch some sleep as an infant cried from behind the bus. I started fantasizing how my baby girl would be like for I knew that if she would resemble me, then she would be the prettiest girl in the world. I envisioned myself in so many ways in a family as I dozed off.

After travelling just a few miles, I was jolted from my sleep feeling restless. My heart beating in unexplainable rate. One word rung into my mind, MATE...MATE...MATE. As my stupid wolf chanted in despair.

Hunter was on his way coming to me, the bond feeling his anger as it burnt through me. What was he mad about?

He didn't want me but wanted to keep me around him?

Did he find out that I was missing?

I didn't have time to answer myself.

I knew the whole bus would be in trouble if he shifted into his lycan telling by the rage that I was feeling.

Hunter was infuriated.

I had to alight from the bus asap, hating that my wolf was right again.

My breathing became incoherent, I was having a panic attack! his anger and aura were choking life out of me.

The woman seated next to me saw my paniced state and held my hand cupping them saying: "Whatever it is, let it not worry you that much. Everything will be alright." I nodded.

She did not know the mess I had just put myself in. What was I thinking running away? I thought that maybe he didn't care enough to follow me or was he following to imprison me again as he continued to do his investigations and deal with me when he had concrete evidence against me?

I could not tell.

I had multiple questions with no answers.

In the next town, the bus stopped at a hotel to allow passengers to take a break and get refreshments. I alighted too and rushed to the washrooms to relieve myself.

Using the back door, I let myself into the sorrounding buildings abandoning my journey.

I avoided the forest and the woods since it would be easy for him, all he had to do was shift and he would get me after a few minutes of running.

In pursuit for my dear life, I ran zigzagly through storey buildings making sure my scent was all over so that he could not easily track me down. My anxiety worsened, I could almost feel him touching me, his rage was wanting as I broke through open spaces.

I had been running for almost half an hour now and was already exhausted considering I had burn wounds in my back. The chilly weather that night forced goosebumps to rise on my arms as the stars became blocked by the darkening clouds.

I could feel the presence of a vampire too, most probably his best friend Mylar.

My teeth ached from running and my legs were sore yet I pushed and kept going, determined to get as far away from Hunter as possible. Worry bubbled in my stomach wondering what my Alpha would to do to me once he caught me.

I was more of a fugitive running away from the assasination case that was on me. Being unable to shift set me further on edge and the smell of rain approaching didn't help.

My head whipped in every direction with every noise I heard. I squinted into the distance trying to find another route and hide as Hunter's presence felt closer and closer.

It was at that very moment that howls reached my ears coming from every direction. Omegas!

My heart thumped erratically and I accelerated. Then I heard one so loud and angry howl, it could not be mistaken for anyone else other than the Alpha.

Panic seized me!

I took off racing, deciding to stay as far away from the streets as possible so that even when he got me, humans would not turn to be victims of his rage which I felt coming from him.

I had not been with him long enough to understand how he reacted when furious but I couldn't take chances, he was a f***ng Vae-wolf.

Adrenaline coursed through me as I took-off, praying to move as far away from him and hoping that maybe, just maybe he would give up.

Tears burned my eyes as the wind whipped my face making it sting.

I was fraught in fear as sounds of running through the blocks increased.

What took me half an hour to run took them only minutes as they caught up with me.

I could hear them in the streets and I skidded across the ground coming to a sudden halt and falling on my side when his huge black Lycan with impenetrable eyes flashed between the buildings in front of me.

His growl was furious as I scrambled backward trying to get to my feet, the wet ground was slippery as I heard a growl over me, he stalked towards me. He growled at me, his sharp teeth gleaming, chilled my bones as he stalked closer to me.

His chest rose and fell heavily with his burning anger.

Hunter had shifted into his lycan form, without caring that humans could see him.

He was clouded by rage .

My scream hurt my own ears when he suddenly ran at me, my feet finally getting leverage on the ground and I sprinted off only to get about a number of steps when his weight hit my back shoving me forward.

The air in my lungs left me in a huff as I hit the ground yet his weight never landed on top of me.

Fear momentarily penetrated me and I could feel the hair on his legs brush against mine, as he trapped me beneath him, caging me in his hands on either side of my head.

The wind blew as lightning flashed. Mylar couldn't leave Hunter alone. I picked her scent in the air that had me look up to see her appear.

"Leave us," the Alpha commanded and my eyes met Mylar's fleetingly before she disappeared in thin air leaving me with my Alpha.

His chest rumbled with his growl against my back and he buried his nose in my neck making me whimper. Tears trickled down my cheeks as I tried to claw out from under him only for him to press his chest firmly against my back forcing me to the ground.

His teeth nipped at my shoulder making me cry out when I tried to move.

"How could you dare try to leave me, your mate?" he snarled next to my ear, his gravelly voice sending a shiver up my spine. My entire body shook beneath him, his aura slamming down on me, domineering and forcing another whimper to leave my lips.

"You're mine, mine Ania and you will remain with me, I will lock you up in my room if need be." he growled.

My claws slipped from my fingertips, enraged by his words although petrified at the same time. They dug into the ground and he snarled, nipping my shoulder and making me flinch as he broke my skin.

"Submit," he growled warning me. I felt my eyes flicker before my own growl slipped out of me.

Before I could stop the growl, his hand fell on my shoulder, claws sinking in as his weight lifted before he flipped me on my back with a swift yank, dropping his weight against my abdomen and legs. Trapping me once again. His aura smashed against me and he roared in my face.

"I said submit," he growled. His words washed over me, and instead of a whimper, I growled in rage.

"I am your f*****g alpha, you will submit to me" he snarled back loudly, pressing his chest against mine.

"The same alpha who doesn't want me for a mate," I snarled back instantly. My eyes flickered, his glare hardened as he stared deeply into my eyes. He used his nose to turn my face, his fur brushing against my face before he snarled again shaking with rage: "You're mine"

Our bond flared, making me angry.

"I'm not anymore," I growled at him and he roared in my face before punching the ground beside my face.

I squeezed my eyes shut but refused to submit to him despite his aura trying to force me to submission. The feeling of him caressing me made nauseated but I shoved the feeling back. Shocked at my own ability to not give in, I felt his tongue swipe across my shoulder and arm where he had nipped.

"You will submit, one way or another," he purred . I felt the calling make my skin tingle as he forced the bond to the surface and I gasped that he would use it on me.

I screamed as he awoke the stupid bond through his purring and thrashed beneath him wanting him to stop, not wanting to submit to him when I felt the weight of the bond start to relax me. With all my remaining strength, I tried to stop him, hitting him and thrashing him in an attempt to get him off me. He snarled, shoving the calling on me, his purring getting louder and louder as I scrambled, kicking my feet and pushing him away from me.

He snarled, flashing his canines at me as my hands moved with lightning speed reaching to his face, piercing him with my razor-sharp claws.

"You are dead!" Mylar hissed somewhere in space.

I was petrified thinking about what Hunter would do next.

Mylar was right I was dead.

Blood spilled and sprayed across my face gasping at what I had done while his head whipped to the side. His deep threatening growl made my blood run cold as he slowly turned his face back to look at me.

Deep claw marks streaked down his cheek and across his lips. My bravado wore-off immediately as he snarled before pouncing on me and crushing me beneath him. His blood dripped on me, covering me .

I whimpered waiting for him to tear me into pieces but he purred, the calling washing over me and I sobbed as I felt my body go lax beneath him, giving in to his demands.

I felt weightless as the calling subjected me to lie prostrate before my Alpha.

He then said in his raspy exotic voice:

"That's my good gal" Before he picked me up, I growled in pain when my back laid on his hand.

He turned me on his hand, I could hazily hear his claws slip out before my t-shirt was torn away. A deep howl escaped him when he saw my back, and I heard Mylar growl, "RUN." I don't know who she ordered as Alpha turned me on his arm before snarling to no one in particular:

"who dared do this to my Luna?"

He turned his gaze to me and I shook my head.

He purred some more sedating me. I could feel his warm tongue as it ran on my back, causing me instant relief, he didn't stop until I felt all my back completely healed as his bones cracked others aligning, he was transforming to his human form.

He then demanded for his clothes which were tossed to him.

Hunter placed me down supporting me between his thighs, as he put on his clothes, he never stopped purring and I continued floating in the clouds he had placed me like a drug addict.

" Cars!" He snapped as he picked me up once again, I soaked in his scent with my bond fully awakened. He had carried me like a baby, my torso on his tummy, my arms wrapped around his neck, my legs around his waist as he soothed me .

" Alpha." I hissed when we slid in the back of his car. He placed me beside him and tugged me closer to him. "Don't say a word, we will talk when you are fully awake" He said as he continued purring.

Mylar took the wheels taking the direction of the pack house.

"Hunter! I don't want to be hurt anymore, allow me to go and start a new life somewhere else. You have trust issues and I don't understand why you even come after me, since all you see in me is death" I sobbed pulling myself away from him but he instead yanked me and made me sit on him, straddling him.

"Shhh... my Luna," he whispered, burying his face in my neck.

"You're mine, I can't let go off you. At least not like that, it's me and you," he purred before I felt his teeth pierce my skin. He sank them deep into my neck, through the layers of skin and tissue before I gasped as sparks rushed from my head to toe, every inch of me tingling. My body felt foreign to me as immense pleasure washed through every part of my body. I felt him taking something from me, it's like he stole a piece of my soul and transferred it to himself. My heavy eyelids fluttered, as the earlier fight had drained strength out of me before I felt his teeth slide out of my neck, and his tongue roll over my mark.

His calling got louder, taking everything, forcing me to relax while exhaustion like never before pierced through me.

"You are now my luna," he purred and my head fell back as he clutched me tighter in his arms, his chest vibrating against me as he continued to purr making me entirely limp in his arms. Unable to resist further, I blinked once more then blacked out as Mylar growled, I could hear Hunter telling her to focus on the road Mylar as I sank into oblivion...