
Fated Story System (paused)

______ Paused for the moment... Due to my need to edit my story... I have paused this story... And it might be paused for a bit until I can get a solid schedule made for myself... If you have miraculously found this story, I am 1) surprised, and 2) flabbergasted... since I have paused this one for like 2 months... But you can try and read it if you wish. It might be slightly bland and with some boring text... but after edits it should be better, flow better. Also the last chapter I uploaded I think I added a semi end for the moment, but its not going to be the actual end of the story... ______ What if you were to die in the next moment? What if death gave you a new chance as long as it was an interesting story? Join Lucras in his adventure with the system that's sole purpose is to make his life and story more….Interesting. And his journey to find out that the worlds outside aren’t so simple. __________________ This story is set in the cursed universe, where multiple other books tell tales of adventure. These books characters will interact with one another and it will be an neat experience seeing two different sides. Though you are not forced to read the others as these books are good all by themselves, not requiring information from another one of the books. Cover art by @etqtay on Instagram.

Unknown_AR · Fantasie
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28 Chs

SilvFu Tiger 1

After getting out of the web covered section the forest, he finally tried to calm down. Breathing in the cold mountain air, Lucras began to notice the wildlife around him. Looking around, he found the next forest section appeared more active than it was before, as small bird flew overhead. As he looked around at all of the peaceful forest life, he almost forgot how dangerous the forest became. But after a moment, Lucras began to think that this place was a sanctuary in the fog for all creature. Everything that accidentally entered the forest and survived must have arrived here.

Taking in a deep breath again, Lucras put his sword on his back again deciding to move as fast as he could silently. Even though most of the creatures he was seeing in the general vicinity looked harmless, most probably could kill him. Looking around, Lucras found some purple rabbits in the distance. Deciding to follow them for since they look easy to kill, and even though they were moving away from him, he was faster than them.

As he moved closer and closer to the rabbits, Lucras took in nature around him as it was now complete with the addition to the creatures. Light green grass flowed in the wind as bugs wandered through the air, dodging tall chalk white trees and bending around thick dark brown trees. Patches of the grass was slightly taller than his waist and which made minor paths as he crossed.

The air feel livelier than before as the mountain life had returned. Lucras decided to try and use the breathing technique he learned while he walked to see if he could do it on the go. Taking deep breath, he felt warmth move into his lungs again, before moving towards outward. But before it got far, he felt a great pain that almost made him fall. Shooting though his body, he quietly cursed and was forced to stop at this sharp, slicing pain he felt. After a few moments of being stopped, the pain finally stopped.

Seeing the bunnies disappear, lucras quickly followed toward towards the tracks they left as the moved. Eventually after following the grass paths and tracks, he arrived in an new area. Lucras originally wanted to just be in one area, as it was easier to back track. But now seeing the tracks lead into this area, so to get a new shirt, he decided to go there.

And as if Ava was listening to his innermost thoughts, he heard a chime from his back. Taking off his backpack filled with different herbs, he fished out his new magic book. Opening the book up Lucras found himself shocked before laughing as he obtained a new quest.


Name: A new shirt

Description: Take out your rage on the beast you hunt… The rage of being shirtless! How could this evil shirt destroy your magnificent shirt!


- Kill something and get its fur.


-A new fluffy shirt for you to cover yourself!


-No Shirt for you!

May your journey be wondrous and adventure be legendary!


Laughing Lucras explain, "It won't be that bad, I just have to get those bunnies. Also thanks for the good laugh!"

Listening to the quests instruction, while giggling at its joking tone, Lucras observed the new area in front of him. It was a large clearing from the trees as tall grass reached up to his shoulder, with the center having a small area of either lower grass or no grass. He had seen the bunnies enter, and their tracks entered the tall dense grass. Seeing the grass, Lucras decided to first check his stats before entering as this will most likely be either his battleground or he will loss those bunnies.

He was slightly worried that the breathing technique caused internal damage, but his worries were unfounded as he looked to be in top shape. Putting away his notebook, and pulling out some leaves from the mana and health herb, Lucras climbed up the tree to his side slightly until he reached a place to place his backpack on a high branch. As he moved up, Lucras found that he definitely became stronger, because climbing the tree seemed easy now, compared to the first day in the forest.

Hopping back down with just his sword on his back, Lucras unsheathed his sword he moved closer to the deeper grass, before finally entering it.

Adventuring forward into the grass, he noticed that the ground seemed to dip slightly, and as he stepping forward until the grass reached over his head, he moved. After it reached above his head, Lucras decided to play on the safer side as he ducked more and move slower. Stepping closer to the center, he heard movement in front of him. Holding his sword forward, feeling his heartbeat loudly, Lucras jumped forward into battle.

But the sight that greeted him was one that scared him. In front of him was splashes of blood across short trimmed grass. Shimmering across the landscape with a crimson glow that make him shutter slightly. Chunks of purple fur here and there, with even smaller chunks of meat scattered across the bloody grass.

And to make it all worst, that was it. There was no creature inside of the shortened grass area. Whatever had done this was still out there and might be watching him. Fear crawled inside of him at this scene of gore, as panic tried its hand at making him flee. But before he could even turn to run, he heard a loud roar before the grass started to shake around him.

Running into the center of the blood patch, stepping on mushy ground that squished beneath his feet, he closed his mind to the noise on the bloody mud beneath his feet. Raking his mind to figure out why he was having this adverse reaction to the blood which didn't bother him before, his mind came up blank. Using the fear of whatever caused this bloodbath, Lucras forced himself to get over the feelings he had as he raced forward.

Squishing beneath his feet, feeling blood droplets on his back as they flung off his feet. He felt eyes barrel into his back, like a hot iron being plunger into his spine, as something watched him. Spinning quickly toward the direction of the stares, he found a silver feline head staring out of the tall grass. Its yellow eyes were locked onto Lucras as it stared intimately toward him.

Felling his heart stop seeing the monster, he felt the world lost focus as he looked into the devouring eyes of the monster. As he lost his sense of reality, he lost his step in the slippery mud and landed on his rear end. But he never lost track of those eyes, as it stepped out of the tall grass revealing its whole body. It had a shiny silver metallic coat covering its entire body, that moved softly in the slight breeze that passed.

As he stared at the monster, it moved closer to the stunned Lucras. He couldn't scream, he couldn't breath, he couldn't do anything in front of those eyes. It felt like an unescapable command in his heart that he shouldn't move. His body stiffened up as he looked into those eyes as if they were his whole world.

But then, reality came crashing in again. Taking a sharp breath in, Lucras jumped back out of the sludge beneath his feet. Silently criticizing himself for getting lost in the scene and those glowing eyes, he quickly inspected the monster to see what its was about.

{{Silvfu Tiger

Level: 8

Mana attribute: Metal

Mana: 100%


Description: A tiger that commonly raids villages looking for easy preys to kill and devour. Its unique eye skill allows it to cause fear in victims, while its metallic fur protects it from most injuries. Have fun slicing there!}}

Stepping back quickly and check the information, he began to really wish that he never came chased those purple bunnies. Making sure his sword was firmly in his hand, Lucras tried his best to take the large block of fear that was placed inside of his heart. The fear that he will fail, the fear that he will die permanently, the fear of losing everything.

Taking a deep breath and releasing himself from under his fears he was being crushed under, he watched the Tiger. He understood that he wasn't going to get anywhere just madly slicing at the monster, he needed a plan here. But seeing Lucras stand up again, The Silvfu tiger moved quicker as it leaped towards, practically cutting off all of his time to plan. Moving towards the side to dodge, the monster missed him, as it slid across the marron mud.

Lucras began to think about it, should he fight or run? Would he be able to escape the tiger monster before it caught him? With just that running jump, he realized that it was faster than him, and from the description he got, it was a lot more defended than him. Maybe he should run and try to get another monster to fight this one, like the lizard and the bear? But it might catch him before he got there. His brain began to question what it should do in this uncertain situation.

I managed to squeeze this chapter in earlier than expected... Enjoy!

Also if you like it then vote... And I will continue to write...

If you have recommendations for making things even more crazy for the poor MC, then comment it and if I like it and it fits into the story, then I will add it.

Unknown_ARcreators' thoughts