
Fated Story System (paused)

______ Paused for the moment... Due to my need to edit my story... I have paused this story... And it might be paused for a bit until I can get a solid schedule made for myself... If you have miraculously found this story, I am 1) surprised, and 2) flabbergasted... since I have paused this one for like 2 months... But you can try and read it if you wish. It might be slightly bland and with some boring text... but after edits it should be better, flow better. Also the last chapter I uploaded I think I added a semi end for the moment, but its not going to be the actual end of the story... ______ What if you were to die in the next moment? What if death gave you a new chance as long as it was an interesting story? Join Lucras in his adventure with the system that's sole purpose is to make his life and story more….Interesting. And his journey to find out that the worlds outside aren’t so simple. __________________ This story is set in the cursed universe, where multiple other books tell tales of adventure. These books characters will interact with one another and it will be an neat experience seeing two different sides. Though you are not forced to read the others as these books are good all by themselves, not requiring information from another one of the books. Cover art by @etqtay on Instagram.

Unknown_AR · Fantasie
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28 Chs


Barreling down the mountain, Lucras tried his best to not fall as even though the ground was rough, there was still a patch of dirt and grass that he could slip on. Eventually, he saw trees populate his view, growing up in a less slanted area. As he carefully ran down the mountain, he eventually found a cave entrance.

Running into the cave to seek some shelter, and totally not to hide from the monsters that heard his amazing roar. After entering, he noticed how clean it looked like it had been recently power washed clean, which he found highly suspicious. Deciding if he was going to use this nice cave as his temporary new home until he finds himself a better establishment.

But before he did that, he decided to try and skin the wolf leg he had. After taking out his sword and taking off the foot of the wolf because 'it was nasty', he proceed to start the top since he could see where the skin meets the muscle.

Taking his sword, he slowly tried to slice with something too big for this task and immediately punctured through the skin just a little bit down from where he initially pushed his sword in. Deciding to try again in a different spot, he slowly pushed the blade into the skin again, and immediately punctured the skin but further down this time. These attempts to fur the wolf's leg continued for about an hour. All he was left with was a sad scape of useable fur compared to the large pile of small bits of fur and meat.

Becoming slightly sad at his small patch of fur he still decided to at least cover up the hole he had in his pants he got from the wolf. Taking a claw off the wolf's foot, he quickly fashioned a needle using his sword to widdle it down to a small enough size to take a thread.

Then using some broken threads near the rip, he applied the fur to his pants, then keep the small extra bits he had for a fire later. Then as he finished all of his survival stuff, he ventured deeper into the cave like the foolish person that he was.

After about an hour, he finally noticed something interesting in this bland cave… he found out that he couldn't find where he came from. Instead of getting anxious or freaking out, he just shrugged as he had been though so much these past few days that he couldn't feel anxiety at this small issue. He was done, done of this adventure, done of this life, everything was just fear and anxiety. He didn't want that anymore, he wanted to rest for one.

Lucras thought that inside the flower field he could finally rest and relax, but no he got randomly moved away from that amazing spot. Feeling a sort of welling feeling throughout his body as if telling him to give it a rest and finally give up, he decided that he would sit in the cave for a bit. Slowly a concerned voice appeared in his head, not that he cared about what she said.

[Whelp, this is new, I guess I should have let you rest for a bit]

'What do you want now? You think you should have let me rest for a bit like you had any control. What are you after?'

[Nothing besides trying to keep you alive, you are depressed currently]

'I am not! I have never been depressed, it's just the fact that I haven't had a break in this stupid world. I want a break, I want some stability, so I decided to stop for a second because the adventure can't get me if I don't move.'

[One, you are definitely depressed, you got the passive, and two if something lives in the cave as it most likely does, it will come and eat you. Wake up dingus, if you continue to act like that you will most likely die and that isn't as fun as you think]

'Won't I just go back to the river and tell the river dude of my "amazing" story?'

[Nah, you'll most likely explode if you die, and cease to exist. You will go poof into the wind as nothing more than space dust… The current you can't handle a new body and will die, and your current circumstances aren't actually that bad. Think about it. You have a new chance in a fantasy world full of opportunities! Why don't you use them?]

Shocked by the fact that he would completely die if he died this time, he pondered for a bit and decided that he will continue trying at least for now. After coming back into reality again, he realized he had been crying as there were cold, wet trails down the side of his face. Lucras then looked at his stats and found the new one.


Name: Lucras Tiller

Title: Swordsman

Effects: Ghostly Friend,<Hidden>, (ending) Depressed





Strength: 0.9

Speed: 1.3

Stamina: 0.8

Health Factor: 0.5

Mana Factor: 0.2

Intelligence: 5

Passive: Anxiety(-), Green Thumb(+) Lv 3, Sword knowledge(+) Lv 1

Passive: Depression(-): After losing oneself inside one's own miserable world, the user stats drop to half. Intelligence is fully focused on making the world seem worst than it is, and forcing the user only to see the worst possible outcome of their actions. (Automatically activates when the user faces a task that they don't believe they can complete)

Active: Last strike Lv 1


After looking though his new [depression] status, he decided to look over his health because he wanted to check to see if he was at least in good physical health and noticed that his mana increased. Looking down at his [Mana factor] score he realized that overnight he had increased the score by .8, which excited him as he basically slept and got a ton of new mana. He could now use his active ability [Last Strike] twice now.

Quickly he questioned Ava about it, and to his surprise got a screen. Thinking, 'at least she is being nice', he looked over the screen and realized he had been wrong. How could he not have realized that there was no redeeming this demon, as the screen he got was a loading screen. Realizing as soon as he saw that she was deflecting again he laughed at it, 'why was she always deflecting everything' he quietly asked himself. Soon the laughter became maddening as it rang out inside the cave.

Lucras cackled maniacally, a misty aura of what seemed like a beastly pressure emitting from his very soul. But he didn't even notice because he was currently going insane as Ava had pushed him too much.

Outside of the cave, in a usually busy and loud mountain, all that could be heard with the distant lighting of the central mountain. The once chaotic mountain seemed to become still, as the beast that would usually roomed around happily now stood in place, like they were frozen in time. The once roaring fog that surrounded the mountain also seemed to be affected as it seemed to stand still, and if one looked closely retreating. The air around the entire mountain seemed to take on a hostile aura as it fought back again whatever this aura was.

Every creature seemed to hold there breath, not wanting to breathe as it might offend whatever was causing that insidious aura. It seemed like an ancient being reawakening and this ancient being hungry for blood. Outside of the forest, what seemed like a red fog could be seen traveling out of the forest, and all residents of every forest town feared for their life as they prepared for death.

Back inside the cave, Lucras could be seen running. Running where you might ask, even he didn't know. All he felt like doing in his hysterical state was running to wherever his mind felt like running. Passing blank passageway after blank passageway, time seems to loose all since in this miserable place. Rapidly he felt his body was giving out on him, but he felt like he couldn't stop running like he had to reach somewhere before a time limit.

Pushing himself to go faster, the unstable Lucras ran faster than he ever when before, before slowly he saw what he believed to be his goal. As he quickly found a ray of light seemed to swim into his eye as he finally found the exit to the horrible cave. But before he can bask in the glory of his escape, he relaxed slightly and immediately passed out.

Dang I might have broken this one... Now I have to go to the protaganist store to get another... And they are always so expensive!!!

Also if you like it then vote... And I will continue to write...

If you have recommendations for making things even more crazy for the poor MC, then comment it and if I like it and it fits into the story, then I will add it.

Unknown_ARcreators' thoughts