
Fated Encounter: We Meet Again

Annabelle's sole purpose is to seek justice against those who tore her family apart. However, when she encounters the enigmatic and attractive Xander Lennox, she becomes determined to conquer his heart. Little does she know that Xander holds secrets about her past, leading her to question whether to choose love or pursue her quest for justice. Xander is portrayed as a loving brother and son, yet he conceals a ruthless side. He shields Annabelle from the truth, fearing it may jeopardize their bond. But as the saying goes, the truth always finds its way to the surface. If you're intrigued by this tale of love, justice, and hidden truths, consider adding it to your library. I would greatly appreciate your comments and reviews. Please note that the cover image is from Pinterest and is not owned by me.

Zuzu_1 · Urban
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44 Chs

Poor Girl!

Vivian whose eyes were shut because her parents thought she was sleeping heard completely every single thing her parents talked about.

every single word they say is in her head and engraved in her mind. she silently listened to them as they spoke and she heard it all. they are so sad and she can do nothing to take all this pain away from them no matter how badly she wants to start with them and for them to be together like a happy family she can't and she is well aware of this.

She already knows she was dying, but she doesn't want to leave her parents alone in this world because they will have no one to take care of them or keep them company while they age and grow old together. her parents will be alone and lonely, and they will miss her all the time as the day passes by when she is gone, leaving them is not her choice but her destiny and she has learned to accept the bitter truth. she is bound to only have this limited time with them in this lifetime and she has accepted this.

The person to look after them as they grow is what she is worried about, that one person who will lessen the pain they will be in when she is no more is her biggest worry right now. assume they are two, three, or even more than that he won't worry about all this at all but she is the only one they have. fate has played such a game with her family, how ironic right, she is the only child and she is leaving them alone with no one to love them or for them to love back. Who will when she is gone? And a tear dropped from the corner of her eyes.

She has spent a little time with them, right? well, she is eighteen and for the passe eighteen years, she has been there as they shed tears silently and hide them away from and as she lies as well If not being in pain whenever they are worried and ask her. she has always said she is not in any pain in other to lessen their pain. because they are too in pain and she will never want to add to it but no matter how hard she tries they kept ending up in endless pain because of the situation. circumstance always betrays her because whenever she is in unbearable pain, she has no other option than to let them know so she won't leave them this early. she had to speak for the doctors to check on her and do something and that's only when they can help her lessen the pain she is in.

Mrs. Swift couldn't help but still sob silently in her husband's embrace while they watch their Vivian, the only jewel in life who is going to leave them any moment from now as she sleeps.

They have no power to keep her no matter how badly they want to. she is bound to leave them and they will forever embrace and remember all their memories together no matter how short and limited their memories are together with her she will forever be engraved in their hearts. their only child, who has given them all of it, both joy and happiness in this life.

Still Inside the Hospital

>>>>Anna's Hospital Room<<<<

"I really can't believe that this girl survived really, she really fought hard and made it out alive". One of the two nurses who are checking Anna in her hospital room said to her colleague.

Looking at Anna's pale face the other replied to her colleague. "Yeah, as you said she fought really hard for her life to survive, she is strong and has the will to leave".

The other first nurse continues with the conversation and said. "Only for her to wake up and release that her brother is no more, I really pity her".

"Poor girl so young but is left without anyone". The other nurse commented.

"Why do you say that, am sure her family members will come running when they find out about her condition". The first nurse said to her colleague.

Looking at her colleague the other nurse whispered to her and said. "Come closer''.

"What? Just say it, no one is here, and is not like she can hear us either". Said the other nurse.

"Well doctor Vince told me the assistant of the young man that brought her here came and told him that there is no lead yet on her family, neither a missing report in the police station for both her and her brother either". The other nurse gets her colleague.

"What do you mean by a missing report for both her and her brother in the station?" Asked the other nurse with a frown when she didn't understand what her colleague said.

"Ok, what I mean is that no one has reported the two siblings missing at all to the police and it has been 48 hours already". Explained the other nurse to her colleague.

"I wonder how her life will be from now when she wakes up if no one comes looking for her". Commented the first nurse with a look of sympathy on her face while looking at Anna's face.

"Yes you are right but let's go and give Doctor Vince this report right away before he sends someone to look for us". The other nurse replied to her colleague.

They both left Anna's room after making sure that she was alright.


Vivian who was listening to her parent's conversation realizes that they finished talking about her. She decided to move a little so that her parents will think she started waking up. Since she is leaving anytime now, she wants to make use of every single second of the time she has left to make the best moments with them so they will have some good memories to remember when she is gone. because they don't have any good moments since her condition wasn't good and she was always weak.

Mr. and Mrs. Swift who were still watching Vivian realize that she started moving and they both quickly get up to go near her.

"You are awake dear? how are you feeling now? hem". Said Mrs. Swift immediately she reached her daughter while holding her hand.

Vivian who already promised herself that she will make use of every bit of energy she has left to make good memories with them in other make the best use of the time she has left with them.

While trying to sit up and with a smile on her face Vivian replied "Am feeling alright mom, you see I can even move my hands look".

Vivian said to her parents while raising her hands and waving them for her parents to see.