
Chapter 7

The night was shrouded in an eerie silence that sent chills down their spines. The frigid air gnawed at their exposed skin, but it was the icy grip of fear and tension that truly gripped the hearts of those inside the carriage.

As the carriage trundled along the uneven road, the ladies inside clung desperately to the cold metal bars that separated them from the unknown darkness outside. Each jolt and sway of the carriage sent them lurching from side to side, like fragile dolls in the hands of an indifferent child.

Doom loomed over them, casting a long shadow on the lives they once knew. Althea, her hands trembling, couldn't decide whether to let the tears flow freely or to simply stare into the abyss that had become their reality. Confusion clouded her mind, mirroring the chaotic journey they were on.