
Fate Will Have It

I wanted to tell him that I knew his favorite book, and his coffee order, and the way he clicked his pen when he was deep in thought. I wanted to tell him I knew that he sleeps on the right side of the bed and eats on the left side of the table. I wanted to tell him that I knew his worries, dreams and fears. I wanted to tell them that I knew he loved me too. I wanted to see his laugh, and know that I was the reason. I wanted to make him smile, just to see those dimples that lay heavenly on his face. I wanted his eyes to light up in joy- I wanted to see him happy. I wanted to tell him that I prided myself in the fact that I had memorized all the freckles on his skin, how his freckles birthmarks created their own galaxies of planets and stars. I wanted to tell him I would be there for him, on the bad days too. I wanted to tell him he could call be at 3:46 in the morning and just complain, I'd completely understand. I wanted to tell him that he had completely beguiled me; that he was my entire world. I wanted to tell him that I love him more than anything I had ever known. I wanted to run to him, to hug him. I wanted him to wrap his arms around me and never let me go. I wanted to never leave him. I wanted to rule by his side, as his Luna. Instead, I just turned my back in order to not let anyone see my tears. I walked away from the love of my life, for what? For fate? For destiny? Or for some foolish trick that I was walking myself into? No matter the reason, I walked away from him with tears in my eyes and sorrow in my heart. I never wanted to walk away again. He was my mate and all I wanted was him.

Aida_Ambers · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Chapter 19

Kenzie Hope

I woke up in our room, still being cuddled by the teddy bear that is Kaden. We had fallen asleep on the couch while watching movies, but sometime in the night Kaden had carried me upstairs. Now, at about 8:30 in the morning, he was still snoozing away. I would love to stay here with him, but I had one problem; I had to pee.

I squirmed out of Kaden's grasp and to my fortune, he stayed asleep. I tiptoed over to the bathroom and quietly shut the door, really not wanting to wake him up. Once I got to the bathroom, I quickly did my business before washing my face and teeth. I pulled up my hair into a loose bun once I saw how much of a disaster it was.

The whole shebang probably took less that five minutes, but when I went outside of the room, a wave of nervousness hit me; although, it wasn't mine. Kaden's heart was beating irregularly fast and was pounding in his chest. I rushed out of the bathroom to stop him from leaving the room.

He had his pants half way up and he was shrugging them on as he hopped towards the door. His shirt was over his head, but his arms weren't in the sleeves. Those forest green eyes of his were black with specks of dirty moss in them. He was a distraught mess.

"Kaden, Kaden," I stopped him as I took his face in my hands, forcing him to look at me. His eyes faded into their usual spunky green as he wrapped his arms around me in a bone crushing hug. He lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around him.

"I thought you left me again," His voice cracked like a toddler not getting their juice box.

"Oh, baby," I consoled him as I ran my fingers through his hair soothingly. He leaned his head down to the crook of my neck and took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself. It took him a moment regain his composure, but when he did, he kissed the crook of my neck, where his mark would lay.

Shivers vibrated through my body as I felt myself loose a bit of control. He saw the effect he had on me and kissed me in the same place again. This time I couldn't stop the quiet noise that erupted from my throat. His chest vibrated as he laughed at me as I buried myself in the crook of his neck.

I thought he was done having his fun, but I was proved wrong as he grazed my skin with his teeth, taunting my wolf to come out and play. It took everything I had in me to stop Lexus from taking control and completing the mate bond. Kaden licked my neck with the tip of his tongue, earning another moan from me. He blew on the wet skin afterward, sending chills and goosebumps my way.

He brought his head out of my neck and grabbed my face, forcing me to go out of his. I looked at him, my face probably looking like a bright red tomato. He leaned forward and I thought he was going to kiss me. My heart beat at a deafening noise as he leaned forward. He got so close and I leaned forward to meet him. His lips made contact with my forehead and I couldn't help, but be a little disappointed.

"Breakfast will be served soon," He mumbled against my head. I nodded softly at his words before he spoke again, "You can shower in here, I'll use the guest room."

Kaden, with me still attached to him like a kola bear, walked to our bathroom. He placed me down on the counter and I reluctantly let him go. When he backed away from me, he smiled knowingly; he didn't want to let me go either. He grabbed his shampoo and things out of the shower before turning it on for me.

"I'll be back, Princess," He called to me as he left the room.

It didn't take me long to shower and get ready because I was eager to have breakfast with the rest of the pack. I felt like a kid on Christmas who had been deprived their whole lives. I blow dried my hair with my blow dryer that I found in one of the cabinets. In the same area, I found my makeup bag and quickly splashed some makeup on my face.

When I walked out of the bathroom, still in my towel, I caught Kaden laying on the bed. He caught my gaze, his eyes turning black. I sent him a cheeky smile and turned around, accidentally showing him the bottom of my butt. He growled lustfully and I ran into the closet.

For my outfit, I decided on a long sleeve dusty pink wrap crop top with a tie on the right hand side. The top went just above my belly button and I paired it with a black pair of distressed Capri pants that went right below my belly button. I found a pair of shoes that would go perfectly with my outfit, but as I didn't buy them, I wasn't sure if they were mine. They were black ankle boots that laced up and had about three inches of thick heels.

I placed them to next to the door and made a mental note to ask Kaden about them. I moved towards my mother's jewelry box, which was placed on a vanity in the back of the closet. I saw my sweetheart length necklace with a heart pendant and knew that it was the perfect necklace for my outfit. On the back, it was engraved with my parent's names and I had gotten it right after Dad died. I paired it with some simple gold hoop earrings and a ring with an opal stone.

When I walked out of the closet, Kaden was still on the bed. He checked me out and his eyes flickered between green and black. He growled lustfully, biting his lip.

I picked up the boots and a showed them to him as I said, "Who's are these?"

"They're yours. Anything in that closet it yours," He said and then added, "I had someone go buy anything they thought you would like. I take it you like them?"

"I do. Thank you." I smiled at him as I put the boot the boots on.

"Lets go, Wonderboy," I told him with a laugh. Kaden scrambled out of bed and tripped on his way towards me.

"Let's go back to bed," He pleaded with a smirk on his lips. From behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and replayed a bit of this morning. His lips made contact with my skin and I crumbled into his arms.

"K-Kaden," I whimpered. I could feel his smirk into my skin.

'Breakfast is ready in the dining hall' A foreign voice echoed in my head. I snapped out of my current circumstance at the thought of bacon and started walking towards the pack house. Kaden jogged up next to me and intertwined our hands together.

It was a short distance between the pack house and the Alpha Manor. There was a paved pathway with flower boxes lining the entire trail. It would have been beautiful if the flowers hadn't all wilted and dried up.

"Why are all the flowers dead?" I asked Kaden. He looked at me with a sad smile and I mentally cursed myself for even asking.

He stopped us and sighed before telling me that his mother loved to garden, but when his father got sick, she didn't have anytime to take care of them. Kaden tried to get someone to tend to them for her, but she simply wouldn't let them and since they have died up.

I rubbed circles with my thumb on the back of his hand. He smiled at me appreciatively before kissing my forehead.

"If it isn't the Alpha and Luna," A voice said with a chuckle. Kaden and I turned around to see Beta Morgan and the Beta Female, Lily, hand in hand while they walked to the dining hall.

"Shane." Kaden smiled appreciatively and bro hand shook him. I smiled at them before being wrapped into a bone crushing hug. I chuckled and hugged Lily back.

"Don't you ever leave me with these mutts again," She fumed like the feisty dynamite she is.

"Mutts?" Beta Morgan gasped offensively in the background. Kaden chuckled at the exchange as I promised to never leave her alone again. Once she let me go, Beta Morgan came over to me and kissed the back of my hand in a friendly manor.

"Luna McKenna Hope, right?" He asked.

"Please just call me Kenzie." I smiled at him, still getting use to when people call me Luna.

"You can call me Shane," He replied with a lazy smile before tucking Lily under his arm, "It's nice to finally meet you, Kenzie."

"You too, Shane."

After that, Kaden took a hold on my hand again and let us to the dining hall. When we got there, it was packed and bustling with excitement. Although, once we entered, it quickly became pin drop silent as they bowed their heads for their Alpha.

"Thank you," Kaden boomed loud enough so they all could hear, "Carry on." He led us to the left side of the first of three extremely large tables. He sat down at the head of it before sitting me down in the one to his right. Shane sat in front of me with Lily next him and I could assume that the Gamma and Faye, the Gamma Female, would sit next to me.

A small quirky woman came right up Kaden and stopped. She had a bright morning smile on her face as she asked Kaden what he would like to drink.

"Cappuccino with one sugar," He said simply before turning back to me, "Coffee, juice, water?"

"Could I just get a cup of black coffee and a water, please?" I asked.

"Of course, Luna!" She beamed at me before dashing off to the kitchen, almost knocking someone over in the process. Kaden grabbed my hand above the table before giving me a smile.

It was strange that things were so normal between us. I thought that my running away would backtrack the mate bond, but if anything it has only propelled us forward and I wasn't scared like I thought I would be. Then, with his dad dying, I thought that he would be more upset, but since the night of his breakdown, he hasn't had anything except for a genuine smile on his face.I was a little confused by it all, but I wasn't complaining; I loved where we were at.

The Gamma couple walked into the room and took their seats next to me. The food came not that much longer, but no one touched it as it was served to them. Then, Kaden, the Beta and Gamma couple stood up at the same time. I scrambled to get up, but I didn't realize what was going on.

"Wolves," Kaden addressed the pack, "Good morning!"

They all hummed a, "Good morning, Alpha," in reply before Kaden continued.

"Today is Thursday. That means we have the first session of wolf form training immediately after breakfast until ten. Following that will be the second session until noon. Then there will be a two break until the first session of hand to hand combat at 2, the second session starting at 4. Pups will have training after that until 6. Tonight, at seven, we will be having pack dinner," He announced.

"Anything else?" He asked, referring to the powers.

Gamma Harrison spoke up, "We also have a pack meeting this Saturday, two days away, please plan for that."

Shane, the Beta, then spoke up, "There will be a meeting of the warriors today at noon for a shift evaluation."

Faye was the next to speak, "I will begin yoga today at 4 for those of you who would like to join."

Lily was next as she said, "I will be open to consult all day, just mindlink me for appointments."

The group looked expectantly at me and I didn't know what to say. "Uh-um. Have a nice day?" I murmured, but they continued to stare for at least a minute before Kaden saved me.

"That's all for today. Enjoy the meal."

Everyone sat down and I just looked around, utterly lost.

"Have you never been to a pack meal before?" Faye asked.

"Uh," I started, "No, I haven't."

Gamma Harrison laughed before saying, "What do you mean?" Lily looked at me apologetically and gave me a small smile.

"I was never invited," I mumbled embarrassed.

"How does that even happen?" Faye continued to question. I looked at her, almost pleading her to stop. Everyone in the room, because of their werewolf hearing, could hear us and if they found out I was an Omega they would never accept me.

"Unless-" Gamma Harrison said.

"Yes, Gamma Harrison," I sighed, deciding it would come out sooner or later, "I was an Omega." There was a silence as everyone stopped eating to absorb my words.

Gamma Harrison didn't let it faze the conversation as he knew what it had meant, "Please call me Evan, Luna."

"Please call me Kenzie, Evan," I said as he put out his hand for me to shake.