
Fate/Undying [Dropped]

Eurystheus was a great warrior and a great king. He was feared across many battlefields, enemies would quake in their armor at the sight of Eurystheus the Undying. But even with all his accomplishments and achievements, it would never help him with dealing with what he is seeing. "MASHU, MASHU, MASHU. LOOK I FINALLY GOT HIM. IT ONLY TOOK 870 SQ." A little orange-haired chibi said while shaking an eggplant up and down. "Hai, Hai, senpai. But weren't you saving up that SQ for Caster Gilgamesh" "WHY WOULD I NEED A USELESS CASTER WHEN I HAVE A SERVANT THAT CAN'T DIE." This started a back and forth argument between the Demon chibi named Gudako and the adorable eggplant Mashu. All Eurystheus could do was be done with this bullsh#t. "You know what, I'm done with this. Between getting chased by a crazy loved stuck woman who had her finance killed to try to get with me, I would rather deal with that than you lot." Eurystheus was in mid-motion of stabbing his spear into his stomach when a set of hands gripped his arms. "What do you think you're doing, I still have to get max ascension with you and have a max affection stat." All of a sudden Eurytheus was dropped to the ground and started to be dragged away. "I f#cking hate my luck" "Welcome to the lancer club boyo." I do not own type-moon, those rights belong to Kinoko Nasu and Takashi Takeuchi. All I own is Eurytheus.

TeakaDa · Anime und Comics
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Update where I've been.

Hello there, Teaka here. Wow, it feels so weird to say that after a month of not uploading. And I'm here to apologize for it. I've been caught up with hospital visits and my end-of-year exams, which are essential for me since this is my last year of High School. With all that going on, I slowly forgot about this story. And when I did have free time, it was either spent with my family or enjoying my time playing games or watching stuff I like.

With that out of the way, I can officially say I'm going to get back to writing stories. This is where another issue has come forth. I am not finishing this story, and I'm pretty angry at myself for it. This story for me had so much promise of being something better. But me being me, I wasted it. So yeah I'm not completing this story.

But fret not I may have another story coming along, which I may be able to complete this time. Little hint, "if one becomes too much like a machine, they would lose their humanity". Some may get it, and some may not. Good luck figuring it out.

With many thanks, goodbye.

Teaka out.