
Fate: Transmigrated as Matou Shinji

Alternative Titles: Fate: I am Matou Shinji Trash Protagonist, I can doo it too Becoming a villain in Fate ________________ "Makoto Itou, not tactful enough." "Sakura Manji, Shu Ouma too middle-class "Shinji Matou, too ordinary." "Zeke, good for nothing." "From my brief time as an audience member, I've realized one thing: the more works I watch, the more I notice the incompetence of the protagonist!" "What on Earth do you want to say?!" "Trash protagonist, I can do it too!" "Alright, if you're so confident, take their place." "???" From that moment on, the world had one less keyboard warrior and one more traveler traveling through different worlds. "Fuck, let a seven-year-old kid participate in the Holy Grail War, you are such a fucking genius!" He was only six years old, with a harmless kelp head and black lines on his face. Before he finished complaining, his father led a timid little girl over and introduced: "Shinji, from today on, she is your sister. Her name is Sakura, Matou Sakura." ___________________ This is a translation, I repeat this is a translation. _______ Short Summary: A guys dies, and becomes a world traveller (The one who travels to different worlds). Before transmigrating to the Fate universe where the main plot starts. All in all, after travelling to many worlds he comes to Fate for his next mission, and transmigrates into the body of Matou Shinji, a five-year-old child, just before the fourth holy grail war. _________ To read Advanced chapters, join my Patreon. Patreon.com/nexfic ________ Original Author: Victoria Link: https://qbtr.cc/tongren/7503.html#google_vignette ______

Nexfic · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

The Door of Truth

At first, Matou Shinji was really desperate.

First of all, even though he came from a famous magician family, he never thought that he could become a magician without any external help.

After all the most important thing for a magician is inheritance.

Every magician has a so-called magic circuit in his body, which is similar to the human neural network.

By analogy, the so called magic circuit would be the meridians in martial arts novels and the qualifications in fantasy novels.

Magic circuits are organs people are born with.

Although there are methods of transplantation, very few or almost no one uses them because the success rate is so low.

But that's not to say there are no ways to artificially increase magic circuits.

It's not about transforming the person, but transforming the parents who gave birth to the person.

In this way, one can produce offspring with excellent magic circuits as much as possible.

Therefore, the longer the history of the magician family, the more likely their descendants will have superior magic circuits, both in terms of quality and quantity.

The quantity and quality of magic circuits tend to be superior.

Well..it was a pity that Matou Shinji could not enjoy the treatment of winning at the starting line.

Hundreds of years ago, the Matou family could have been said to be a famous magic family.

But after, the family moved to Japan and passed it on from generation to generation; each successive generation became weaker than the previous..and by the time it came to Matou Shinji's father, it had become a generation who had almost lost its qualifications to be a magician.

The main reason for the decline of the magic bloodline was the lack of adaptability to the local environment.

The Matou family, formerly known as "Zolgen", was a famous magic family in Russia, but after moving to Japan, they were unable to integrate into the Japanese magic base.

The so-called magic base is more complicated to explain.

It can be regarded as the magic network in the DND novel system.

Casting spells needs to be completed through the magic base.

If one compare the magic base to a car, the magic power is the gasoline, and the rituals necessary to perform magic are the keys to start the engine.

The West has its magical foundation, and Japan has its own.

It's worth noting that the Holy Grail is a ritual based on the Western magical foundation.

As a result, most of the Eastern characters, including Japanese Servants, cannot be summoned in the Holy Grail War.

Otherwise, summoning famous Japanese Servants, even if they aren't powerful, would benefit from the local popularity boost, elevating the Servant's overall capability.

That being said, whether he could summon them or not didn't matter to him, after all Shinji Matou had no magical circuits and had not inherited any magical seals, so becoming a magician was almost impossible for him.

But as the saying goes, when God closes a door, he will open a window for you.

Just when Shinji Matou was feeling disheartened, he discovered a surprising fact: he still had his "door."

[The Door of Truth] contains all the knowledge and understanding of an alchemist.

Without this door, alchemy is impossible.

This is the truth in the world of "Fullmetal Alchemist."

Matou Shinji, who had studied alchemy for more than ten years, knew very well what the door still represented, and it could be said to be his only life-saving straw.

In the room, he was eager to learn magic knowledge, and he was making inferences in his mind:

"Alchemy also exists in this world, and it is a faction that is as good as or even better than magic.

However, even though the foundational concepts of alchemy in both worlds are very similar, they can't be combined due to differing rituals."

"For example, the difference between bows and arrows and firearms is that they eject something.

Bows and arrows use the elasticity of materials, while firearms use the impact caused by the explosion of gunpowder."

"The nature of the existence of truth in the two worlds is completely different.

In the world of "Fullmetal Alchemist," people can touch the truth as long as they pay the price.

But the truth of the Type-Moon World is the root, the ultimate knowledge that all magicians dream of, and even for the legendary magicians, there is no way to contact this source."

"The setting of the two worlds is simply the difference between the Android system and the Apple operating system."

Shinji Matou closed the book, smiled bitterly and was speechless.

He often felt a strange and inexplicable sense of rejection in his body.

At first, he thought it was his inhibitions, so he investigated it, and in the end, it was more like the world rejecting him.

Although the Matou family's magic bloodline was weakening, the accumulation of knowledge about magic could be underestimated.

A large part of the reason why he studied magic day and night was to find the reasons and solutions for rejection.

Japan's magic foundation rejected the Matou family's magician bloodline, and the foundation that builds this world rejected the truth from another world.

"This is my only chance, success or failure depends on tonight!"

Matou Shinji picked up the pen and effortlessly drew a perfect flawless circle on the white paper in front of him.

People who didn't know would probably think it was drawn with a tool.

Drawing a circle is the basis of alchemy, so it is closely related to the success and failure of alchemy.

The more perfect the circle, the higher the success rate of initiating alchemy.

Back when he was still an alchemist, he practiced drawing circles for around three years..

On the time period, the number of circles he drew would estimated to be no less than millions.

Although in this world, most alchemy is ineffective, but some basic alchemy formations are still useful.

The key lies in simplicity.

The simpler, the more rituals required to activate alchemy are omitted.

After drawing the perfect transmutation circle, he placed his right hand over it, covering the entire circle, and closed his eyes as if falling into a deep sleep.

When he opened his eyes again, Shinji Matou's consciousness was in a pure white space.

He remained seated, and the real-world chair and table manifested in front of him.

"Only in this world can I feel at ease." Shinji shook his head and muttered to himself, then turned to look behind him.

There stood a huge stone door, which was closed tightly.

On it was carved the Tree of Life (Kabbalah).

To him, every character and image on it seemed alive, and he could directly understand its meaning.

This was the alchemical knowledge that, he, the immortal alchemist Schuler had learned throughout his life.

Matou Shinji turned to look in front of him again.

The Gate of Truth behind him corresponded to a magnificent and simple stone door, which was more than a hundred times the size of the Gate.

The door was also closed, but there were no words or pictures on it.

Simple and solemn, just standing there could make people feel breathless and oppressive.

"It's almost time to finish."

The little boy grinned, knowing clearly that behind the magnificent stone gate in front of him was the root of the world that all magicians were crazy about.

The vortex of origin, the cause of all things, and the effect of all things was the ultimate knowledge for magicians, which was similar to the truth pursued by Hall Monkeys, the villain in the bottle.

Arriving in front of the majestic stone gate, he stretched out his hand to touch it.

The familiar feeling of rejection instantly covered his consciousness.

This feeling was stronger than any physical pain, and if the average person were to be hit by this feeling of rejection, his consciousness would probably collapse directly, and he would become a fool.

Of course Matou Shinji was also affected by it, but he was just used to it.

"Sure enough, the world's rejection of me is much weaker than a year ago. My idea is undoubtedly correct." A confident and calm smile appeared on Matou Shinji's pale face.